Has Sup Forums ever been a battleground for foreign agents and cyber warfare? Any tangible occurrences

Has Sup Forums ever been a battleground for foreign agents and cyber warfare? Any tangible occurrences

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I've seen screenshots of shill discords and a campaign of shilling that was an assignment by a college professor. There's probably some evidence of Jewish/Soros shilling but I can't remember anything specific.

Pretty faces, nice bodies, hideous shoes.
Do russian girls have horrible taste or what?

That's in college, that's odd

>Has Sup Forums ever been a battleground for foreign agents and cyber warfare?

We have only gorilla warfare here.


>hideous shoes
Okay faggot. I'll entertain the ladies, you go pick out new shoes for them.

i'm CIA ask me anything

Nonstop psyops. I try to psyops them back, but to little avail...

why can i look at this pic and just know it was taken in russia?

seat no 73 reporting in. This board has a lot of int on it.

am i on any watch lists?

Sup Forums is a reflection of society. The idea that is some sort of arbitrator of events is absurd. It is used by some Russian operatives to leak stuff, but so is twitter. Its like a stagnant pond that can host some viruses ("memes") that filter out into the population at large.

yes. you're on a couple lists desu.

which ones?

Do some of you really glow in the dark? How did that meme start?

>Has Sup Forums ever been a battleground for foreign agents and cyber warfare? Any tangible occurrences
No, there's no secret messages injected in pictures. It's not even possible without anyone noticing.

>domestic right wing terrorism
>suspected of liking young girls (hebephilia)
>persons who think traps aren't gay

Sup Forums is actually the jerusalem of the internet
the most active boards are immensely powerful and can affect the entirety of the internet
the influence of Sup Forums even bleeds into reality
everyone wants control of this place because of it
Sup Forums is the real third temple prophesied in the Revelation of Brother Paul

Most of you blind boarders are tracked. The rest are affiliated with some psyop effort, ones you agree with, others you dont.
The problem were nearing is the fact that all memes converge into self-reflection once thier flare has run its course, memes have a good hayflick but all things meet thier end.
Memes will expose society to all the sociopaths and manipulative faggots across the globe, this wont end well. Even when things are all said and done, everyone will feel disgusted. Everyones acting like jews, they'll be exposed like jews, your best bet is to ignore all of this and focus on the real world, but most of you are too far gone, this site is apart of you.

i knew you were a larper

Thats the most heretical shit I've ever heard, I think this place is where gentiles try to "manufacture" thier own spirit of god, thier own blessing. Carnal minds, most will die.

Why does he wear the mask?

Any shilling is hopelessly washed away in the piss.

>How did that meme start?
Terry Davis

Sup Forums is not some special internet website. Calm down.



>leftypol raids
>numerous lefty university group project raids
We've had our share


That is the most delusional crap I've heard all year. Look at this site. You really think it's a super great world influencer? Why are we not goostepping through main street look around you mate .

Why would you shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane?

at least FBI is on a fast line with mods because of things like mass shooting and swating, if the treath feel serious, they have to give a call

Sup Forums is used by the russian trollnets to push chaos propaganda ( always creating threads and screenshoting them to spread on the Twitters / FB) they push hard right idea because they are easier to make look evil / control.

now big intelligence agencies are checking Sup Forums and other "actuality boards" like /po/ to see how the data evolve and to map the userbase

they find the vocal extremist groups and map them in case they need to do a big swap / stop a threat to their respective nation

TL; DR, yes, but far more for data gathering than actual cyber warfare ( personally i'm sure that the russian trollnets are more from the mafia / russian alt rights but "tolerated" by the russian gov because it's free labor


The alphabet soup got you tards to get Tangerine Dream into office

Rich Hueite Gorillionaire in Chief


And I am Doctor Pavel

AMA about Bane

i-is he a big guy?

4 chin is culture war central

>now big intelligence agencies are checking Sup Forums and other "actuality boards" like /po/


für dich

>russian trollnets
>totally obviously russian
>no, really goy, the russians

NRO and NGA do monitor but it’s all automated where flagged user (including VPNs) are to be reviewed by a low level contractor.

In terms of cyber-meme warfare shilling, yes they do occur, but it’s mostly low level Interpol millennial officers larping and trolling each other.

Every larp thread is literally just that... low level larpers larping above their paygrade for the giggles.

However since sensitive posters do occur, the Anerican servers are FISA’d and analyzed again by contractors before heading up the bureaucratic chain of command and into sharing with international agencies (like pedos with bad opsec are somewhat easily tracked with multinational agencies that share their database)

Sometimes agencies do crowdsource intelligence gathering on here, but again, it’s done by low level employees creating their threat matrices to explain what this or that meme means to their computer-illiterate 60 year old superior officers.

You get a lot of multi-national military on here just literally shitposting on their off time. For the most part, those with appropriate clearances should know how to protect their sensitive work information - so they just mainly shit post on here or share work stories.

4,2,3,5,1 is the correct order

anything else is wrong

Do you mean like CTR? Well I think Obamaleaf is a paid shill, he has to be. Or he is a complete autist then, he's spamming Sup Forums like a madman. And look at the amount of posts on twitter and reddit.


Also, almost daily shareblue spam under Ukrainian flag, which must be a proxy. And last year it was Serbian flag. Both don't know a word of Ukrainian or Serbian.