how does this make you feel?
How does this make you feel?
It doesn't because I don't give a shit about American politics
i feel virgin'd
Great, the Left is already starting to be viewed as nut jobs towards the end of the Obongo era and this is only reinforcing it.
The pendulum of politics gains momentum every party shift but Trump slowed his side down in his own way and the Democrats kept pushing. Eventually Dems will push it too far and as we are already are starting to see there will be considerable damage to their party.
niggers will vote for any degenerate social mutant as long as their gibs are secured, once whites are a voting minority the US will become venezuela
Former trump voter here.
Glad to see other zlumpfgh voters changed their minds on him.
After all of his pathetic attempts to enact racist, sexist and bigoted policies I'm glad to see the general populous coming to their senses. I can't believe we helped elect the, factually, worst president of all time. The best we can do now is to en masse elect democrats to undo this fuckery and hope they'll have mercy on us when they win the election from now on.
Let's face it, a republican will never win the presidency ever again after drumpfghie. They've shown their true colors and America won't have any of it.
Sorry for Virginia.
hey, man- it's their state not mine
i hope they're happy with their choices
That Virginia is really fucked up.
Hahaha GLORMPFGH totally btfo
If you look at this chart, you can see that only 7 districts lean Democrat, and only 16 are tossups. Every other district leans Republican.
>watching a retard punch themselves
feels uncomfortable i guess
Lmao feels bad man
Like the left has doubled down on rigging smaller elections in a desperate attempt to change the status quo
Like the battle lines are being drawn. Our parties are effectively the white party and the nonwhite party at this point
It makes me realize that I love America.
Saved this image so when shit starts going bad in Virginia I can post it
The Democrats have been seeing a reduction in the number of counties since 1996. They want to get rid of the electoral college because they can't win enough seats to control any of the three branches of government.
That we fought on the wrong side in WW2.
It makes me feel happy my life isn't so pathetic that I follow news cycles of other countries.
Makes me feel like the Democrats are fucked, because they're still playing the "repackage the same old bullshit in identity politics" game.
It didn't play in the midwest in 2016 and it won't in 2020. Blue-collar whites aren't voting for tranny bathrooms and socialism.
Listen shill, there are other colors than transparent.
you're a disgrace. kys
We have nudes on the lesbian yet? Also it great seeing that trump inspired more people to run for stuff.
Like America is a falling empire. Their culture of popularity is finally bringing them down.
Amazed that they care so much about what kind of degenerate checkboxes a person ticks off as opposed to their character, policies, experience. Definitely not a long term winning strategy.
My own country has nothing happening most of the time while USA has a happening once or twice a week. It's pretty good reality TV
They picked up one mayor (fucking lol), at the expense of allowing 200,000 felons to vote in Virginia elections.
Meanwhile, republicans are 5 for 5 on house seats in special elections since Trump took office.
One of those things is not like the others
And I hope you keep your country that way, my Finnish friend. Happenings suck 90% of the time.
I think this is called accellerationism
I told you there was going to be a big swing in the opposite direction after Trump's election. It was too much of a shock to the system.
This is only the beginning
So a faggoty blue state with a Dem governor and 2 Dem Senators that voted for Hillary elected some faggoty Demwits. This is significant how?
>1 year after Trump is elected and black and trans people are winning representative positions.
Gee. It's almost like Trump isn't a fascist dictator bent on the destruction of faggots and niggers, and that everyone was massively overreacting.
>No, you're just loosing Nazi :^)
That's what I'll always hate about these people. No matter what happens, win or fucking lose they never stop being smug.
Simply brainwashed ...LOL...Liberals created the race war... you are BLIND if you cannot see that. So sad what Obama and the Democrats have done to this country. Once intelligent people have fallen for the LIES and PROPOGANDA of the MSM. So very very disappointed in the liberal ignorance.
I didn't realize anybody actually talked the way trump tweets
probably because both sides radicalize. which is a good as it will mean that it will be more okey to be further on the right also.