Are nordics self-destructive because of protestantism or do they really like being like that?
Are nordics self-destructive because of protestantism or do they really like being like that?
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shooting your kid up with steroids is not something most slaves would do to their child.
And you're saying a swedish cuck had a child. Huh.
Both are broad brush fallacies.
Learn to be a member of western civilization, OP
What do you mean?
>not black
This. These poor kids will be 5'6" tall, and 5'10" wide at 13. Then heart failure at 19. Shameful.
It isn't protestantism. Nordics are cuckolds genetically. The reason for this is that in order to survive the harsh northern winter they had to share food. The nord who didn't share was expelled from the group and died in a snowstorm. Therefor people inclined to share their goods were naturally selected. The ultimate form of sharing is sharing one's spouse. They were inclined to go to swinger parties etc. When they meet meds, arabs or blacks who were selected by competitiveness they get a handicap where a black bull fucks their wife and they won't get revenge. But since they get happy by sharing they go down the road of extinction with little to no resistance.
The term "Dumb Blonde" isn't just a stereotype for nothing..
Compare the two today shitskin
don't children who work out and gain muscles like that have their growth stunted or have other development issues later because of it?
Damn that lil nigga on the left lookin like kid trunks from dbz lmao fse
>settlers arrive at greece and italy around 60 thousand years ago
>settlers arrive at scandinavia around 10 thousand years ago
Yes they do.
>settlers areived in Greece 60 thousand years ago
Yes, only white trash allows thier kids to do this
Subersive social Marxist brainwashing
>earth was created 5000 years ago
People arrived multiple thousands of years earlier in the mediterranean area than scandinavia
these buildings where common in northern europe during the neolithic around 5000bc.
at the time they where the most advanced buildings in the world.
holy fuck, that roid gut in pic no.1
this house was a typical neolithic Italian house from the same time if not alot
this is a typical Greek
house from the same era.
civilizations proper and decline.
at one point the meds where niggers and vice versa.
wh*Te hate thread
Meds had a climate advantage allowing larger tribal groups (and thus cities). Once technology allowed climate to matter less, the Germs and Anglos dominated because they had more struggle to evolve. Where's Med superiority now?
you are a wh*Te subhuman, you have no history or culture
this is a roman building from 800bc.
Italians where niggers before the Greeks civilized them even though they lived in a very forgiving climate
>Roman Civilization 2000 years ago
>Mesopotamian Civilization 4000 years ago
Once upon a time Latins were niggers too
Nords have lower t levels.
blacks didnt make shit, egypt was the same race as mesopotamia, maybe a bit darker.
then why are you living in a white mans country if you have a superior culture you fitlhy leach?
Whoops 3000* years ago
Go back from whence ye came
Everything goes in cycles user.
Every group thinks it's unique when it's on top.
The time of Germanic people (almost entirely Norman/Anglo-saxon) at the top is ending. Nobody can deny this.
That doesn't mean extinction, just like Romans didn't actually go extinct - they just became degenerate and disappeared through mixing.
Andrew Taylor in "The Rise and Fall of the Great Empires" has similar line of thought.
Any future civilization in Europe is either going to be Slavic or not exist at all (apocalyptic future in which hundreds of millions black migrants successfully arrive from Africa destroying everything).
wh*Tes are subhumans
>black people
nice try roach
>shooting your kid up with steroids
Where do you see effects of steroids? That's normal look due to training.
Steroids result in ridiculous over-muscular look.
why do Spaniards like to appropriate Italian culture.
your ancestors where barbarians just like the Germans.
I mean those kids are only that buff because they sexually peak at 8. Middle age and sterility for a Slav is 20 and they're all dead by 35. Those kids on the right will raise a hundred and one invasions each.
Kids don't have enough testosterone to build muscle like that.
Only if there is damage to the growth plates, which is a risk for children doing weight training.
Then why the fuck do you live in a country built by whites?
Stupid ass nigger, go back and build yourself some civilization before you can come here and talk shit
Latinoamericans are the true heirs of Rome.
Somos romanos y esa mierda!
call me a nigger one more time irl and see what happens you wh*Te subhuman
Nice bait, but in order to survive the harsh winters you had to develop the skills to get the food, and keep you warm.
Average southeners didn't need to develop much skills, except fighting skills, a couple of really smart or wealthy people built up the nice looking things.
working out is fine, lifting super heavy is very dangerous and can stunt their growth.
i think what you're seeing in those pics is probably the result of steroids and not lifting heavy. most people know this. but jacking with their hormones that early is probably worse than them turning out to be a midget.
Calisthenics is all anyone ever needs anyway. weight training is overkill imo, unless you want to get really strong for some reason.
Not so tough when alone are you
Always needing to outnumber your opponent
Imagine having an inferior mind
It's not roids. It's a myostatin deficiency or something IIRC.
do you anything other than fake flags nigger
Oh look it's this turkroach again. That proxy won't save you roach, the mortein is coming.
>swastika flag
>complains about med privilege
You are truly a cuck
Blondes are the Africans of the white race. But instead of "muh dick" it's "muh hair"
Most of art, science, music and civilization of the white race was built by whites with dark hair. Blondes are just there looking in the mirror, just talking about how they are the master race. With nothing to back it up.
Look at me wh*Te subhuman, if you ever dare to call me a nigger IRL i'll break your necks hang you from a bridge and burn you alive like the wh*Te subhuman you are.
nope. meds are master race
haha lol, I bet you are a 5'6 turbo manlet with glasses
wh*Tes are sissy dogs
Regardless of the thread topic I think these are cool.
Just a reminder, that if it wasn't for whites you would be living in a mudshed putting dirt under your skin to reacemble a crocodile
yes they do those boys are built like adult women that dedicated their lives to lifting drug free, you must be a fat or skinny weak as fuck loser if you think the muscle mass those kids have is unattainable, also they are very well done pictures trying to show the most muscle possible if you saw those kids not flexing in person you would barely be able to tell
why are you in the netherlands
the fuck are you even doing in close proximity to white people you subhuman nigger, worse than fucking serbians
I did elite sports when I was 12, I know what a male child body is capable of in terms of muscle development. And I won't put it past subhuman slavs to share some roids with their kids, they usually give it to their dogs too. But no wonder an american fatty can't tell the difference.
wh*Toid subhumans have never created anything significant of culture
yea right nigger
What a terrible post why the fuck do you guys always have to ruin threads like this. Heres your you, do something better with your life
I believe christniggery has indeed effectively castrated Nords, a race otherwise very bellicose and fierce. They call it "civilization". Sad!
I like it
slavs inject their kids with steroids... literal nigger tier... why are slavs such subhumans lel
whats happening here?
except every modern luxury you get to use and even the country you leech off of, you sexually frustrated closeted homosexual ape.
>not white
here's your (You) cunt
Except Nordcucks don't have anything to do with Neolithic Europeans. They are closest to Sardinians in genetics.
These houses existed in Italy too:
>Long houses are present across numerous regions (like Cascina a corte of northern Italy) and time periods in the archaeological record.
>hol up
>their houses can fly?
>White hate
>Glorifies meds
meds are white nigga... meds is a subrace of the aryan race that is also present in central and northern europe. ie ireland sw england, south germany,france, etc.