Can Sup Forums get a twitter campaign started to level some fake accusations at this piece of shit?
Can Sup Forums get a twitter campaign started to level some fake accusations at this piece of shit?
McCain should step aside and let the people of Arizona elect a senator they can be proud of.
Obvious deep-state hit job.
a war hero who risked everything in service to his country is a POS while a sleazy kiddy-fiddler is a-OK
sounds pretty DNC in here
>war hero
The story is bullshit. No witnesses, only hearsay. Lots of contradictions and doubtful elements to the drug addict's story accusing Moore.
I'm amazed pol hasn't been doing this the whole time. The iron is red hot. Pretend to be a woman and accuse everyone you can of sex fiendery. The (((media))) just might believe you if you get enough retweets.
Don't worry that's what the GBM is for.
Why pretend to be a female? Kevin Spacey his rotting corpse.
His dad made him a pilot and he crashed multiple planes. What a hero.
can we impeach a senator
This is stuff reasonable people sat on because it's decades old hersay. This is smears and payback because some leftist entertainment figures are going down. You probably supported a woman married to a serial rapist who helped cover it all up too.
>man of law
>hears of an otherwise upstanding person be accused of something decades ago
I knew this fucking storm of Hollywood pedos would leak out, fucking A they are attacking Trumps newest supporters first. This wont stop here, more accusations abound
yeah because dems are generally very fond of military veterans and GOP senators
fucking retards
Ok, Russian law system is completely fucked up with like 98% of verdicts being condemnatory but I still can't wrap my head around the fact that a mere ALLEGATION is considered - by both public and government officials - be equal to a verdict of Supreme Court. I mean, yeah, it's clear that they just want to fuck up the guy for their political gain but it's a fucking blatant lie, how can anybody don't see it?
Wat the fuck westerners what the fuck you debils.
>"if you get captured and tortured in a ear everything you say or do for the rest of your life can never be questioned"
For whatever reason, our politicians are the most neo of Neocons there are. And like 9/10 of them are from Tucson.
Doesn’t surprise me. Insider user said lot of senators are dirty and most of them are being blackmailed.
Roy Moore is clean one and deep state is attacking him in hope he will submit
start the rounds of him being a Soros NWO stooge or that the blood clot they removed was a device the Ruskies put in while he was a prisoner of the vietcong. He is the real Manchurian candidate.
Politics is a game sadly. Most on the right fully admit the left is better at staying on message and playing politics than us. John M gets his rocks off by being their favorite senator...A ' 'Maverick', and is retiring soon anyway. They fucking hated him when he ran against BO, but he was back in their good graces by generally being a problem to the right quite soon.
Why do you support pedophilia?
Marxist cultural war in action. the concept of innocent until proven guilty was a concept of western civilization and therefore had to be destroyed. By making an allegation be as powerful as actual guilt, The Party is now able to more effectively seize control and crush political opponents. Funny how calling some politician a skeezy pedo in a character smear move is more effective than having pictures showing how John "Traitor to the United States" McCain met with top al-qaeda and islamic state leadership in Syria when he was trying to jew the USA into fighting another neocon kike war for John "Osama Was a Real American Hero" McCain's kike masters. Oh well that's realpolitiks for you :^)
I fucking TOLD you faggots this Weinstein #metoo shit shouldn't be pushed because they were just allegations and all of the interactions were consensual and you wouldn't fucking listen to me. Now all it's going to take are allegations and your career is FUCKED. hope you're happy Sup Forums, you fell into an obvious trap.
Wow. You are dumb as shit.
>implying that wasnt already the case
if a woman accuses you of rape it will destroy your life and that is nothing new
The dude killed 130 Aemricans and he is war hero? Why do you hate Amerika Asshole?
kys, russian scum!
They know that this will never go anywhere. That’s not the point. No litigation will ever come of this. This is simply a political attack to change an election the Dems have no chance of winning. It will be never spoken of again the day after the election.
This, it’s so fucking blatantly obvious because of the way everybody just immediately jumped on him. For fucks sake, America is lost.
Member when the fake news made up a fake story during his campaign that McCain was cheating on his wife?
You'd think this fucking retard would understand how the fuck this shit works! And maybe he does, it's just that this nasty old rotten cancerous traitor is working for the enemy. Some things never change.
he knows he's just on (((their))) side. they probably have a fuck load of blackmail on that faggot
>The allegations against John McCain are deeply disturbing and disqualifying. He should immediately step aside and allow the people of Arizona to elect a candidate they can be proud.
What's worse, traitors or enemies?
The fucked up part is the only way to vote for a republican now is to write it in if he drops out.
looking like mccain doesnt actually have brain cancer.
they're both faggots m8
McCain needs to step down so the people of Arizona can elect a senator they can be proud of.
Obviously, but are the allegations true? I haven't seen the story yet.
you mean the guy who trained the NVA SAM operators? oh wait, that accusation isn't fake.
to be fair, he would've dated the kid's mom but she was a roastie with a kid.
>nasty old rotten cancerous traitor
When this story is declared fake news can we finally sue the crap out of the WaPo as citizens so that they have to close their doors forever or at least opens under new management when Bezos is kicked out and their journos get some real journalistic skills (read unbiased)
The media is literally trying to control the gov't and subverting the people and their elected officials. pretty damned tired of it