Delete this thread you CIA Nigger mods!
Consistently deleting Nazi UFO, Antarctica, and Pizzagate threads, come on, any answers?
Come here faggot mods
Other urls found in this thread:
Ben Fischben is on vacation it seems
>deleting larp cancer shit
Including this shit
What are you talking about? I only saw some stupid leaf shitposter thread deleted recently.
>he doesnt know that nazis created UFOs
Ben Fischbein*
the Haunebu could into space
Is that Benjamin Fischbein?
>Kushner meme
Let's stop LARPing kike. Everyone knows Kushner isn't a zionist.
Hey Jacko!
Hey faggot lurker!
good job deleting this shit then so far mods
we get the point now
Take it to /x/, you fucking autist.
The ramifications of these topics are all political, not paranormal, so how do they belong in /x/ and not Sup Forums?
Because the Jews don't want people to see this GOY!
Ayys aren't real dorkus. That's just some shit they cooked up in a lab.
Is this your first week here? All talk specifically about antartica and nazi UFOs always get moved to bant or deleted and sometimes with a ban for some bloody reason even if it is in fact politic related. This has been going on for months now if not longer.
You need to understand that /x/ was the first board on Sup Forums that was subverted. Good detailed threads got slid hard and shit like flat-earth and meaningless ghost stories were pushed like a motherfucker.
When Sup Forums came about, /x/ got brave again and the /pol-x/ cross threads were fucking off the hook.
/x/ is the original anti-jew. And fuck you for being such a newfag.
Your doing it wrong
Doesn't justify it
Always great to hear from white trash idiots who can’t articulate, and think they know what’s going on in the world.
Act like you know what the fuck is going on with our planet nigger. Act like you fucking know.
>/x/ subverted
Interesting, explains everything
Cant read any of that shit too mest up
The first. Before Sup Forums (which was more of the huge influx of highschool students bandwagoning some good lads), before Sup Forums (which was more of a huge influx of highschool students bandwagoning some good gals).
/x/ was FUCKED with man.
Argueably the easiest to fuck with, you can just dismiss it as wack-jobs and conspiracy theorists.
What's this
Antarctica is interesting to explore through jewgle errf. McMurdo is a much larger base than I thought, and there are plenty of random unlabeled buildings and airstrips you can find by following the treadmarks in the snow. Lot of development for studying ice cores.
Why is your satellite image from 1999?
They are deleting so many good threads, what the fuck is going on? It's not like deleting threads is going to improve the quality of content here.
Never seen this before.
I don't know the pic is from google earth. Check out bungen hills in antartica
Sup Forums is controlled opposition. They let shill threads reach bump limit when I have been banned for on topic shitpoasts
Yes but today they seem to be absent?