>frankly I think a lot more people are gonna die before we're done here
Will peaceful libertarian activist Christopher Cantwell be released from Charlottesville jail today?
>frankly I think a lot more people are gonna die before we're done here
Will peaceful libertarian activist Christopher Cantwell be released from Charlottesville jail today?
He's controlled opposition,
Just like Spencer
Just like Enoch
Just like the Alt-Right.
And who is the real opposition? Ben Shapiro?
They're all fucking controlled opposition.
So what do you recommend?
Spencer and Enoch are controlled opposition, that's why they're not in jail.
Cantwell's just a Rothbardian who got emasculated by the state, turned to so the national socialist movement to regain his pride, and ended up emasculated yet again.
He's too clueless and haphazard to be controlled opposition. He just doesn't know what he's doing.
They're all controlled opposition.
The only non-controlled opposition are Richard Spencer, Mike Enoch and Lauren Rose (check out her youtube videos and subscribe)
> everyone who speaks out on your behalf is controlled opposition
> or an e-celeb shill
> reject anyone who speaks out on your behalf
> hide your power level
> never enact change
> succumb
> go to sleep
looked quick and thought op pic related was lil jimmy norton but theres too much jawline/chin
That sounds like the sort of retarded nonsense that genuine controlled opposition would come up with
It is the kind of retarded nonsense genuine controlled opposition came up with.
There were full .pdfs pushed by Shareblue on how to combat "muh alt-right" online and the repeated phrase has always been to call anyone on the Right a shill or controlled opposition.
They are trying to weaponize our paranoia to dovode and conquer.
>peaceful libertarian activist
lol at Sup Forumsacks
He's right though. Form your own thoughts on an issue and support the candidate who best embodies your position. These political celebrities are nothing but a target for the left to draw aim on. Then when one of them says something retarded every idea they have ever had falls under the retard label. Maybe they aren't controlled opposition, but at the very best they are useful idiots.
Name a single time Christopher initiated the use of force against any individual. You can't do it.
> everyone is controled opposition
> you should not get involved in white identity politics goy
> sit at home and masturbate to little chinese cartoon girls
> mfw
>They are trying to weaponize our paranoia to divide and conquer.
This. The only thing people need to be concerned with is breaking laws or associating with others planning to do so. Avoid obvious trouble like that and we're fine.
It's true. He's certainly not a "Nazi" and isn't known for initiating violence.
looks like a mischling SPED
He acted like a fucking cartoon portrayal of the Hollywood skinhead.
He obeyed the law and merely acted with righteous passion for his country.
lol at Sup Forumsacks
you don't think anybody really believes your shit, do you? you should feel bad
If he had self control and was professional in his approach, NORMIES would side with him. He made you guys look like jackasses in that Vice video. Him crying was also the most pathetic shit I'v ever seen. Low Testosterone.
If what we say is unbelievable, why can't you name a time Christopher initiated the use of force against someone?
The left will draw aim on anyone that isn't on the left.
e-celebs don't exist to enact policy or to help an already redpilled person grow. They exist to push the envelope of (((unacceptable))) thought into the mainstream.
Whether you support or agree with these people is irrelevent, they are there for normie outreach.
The only common argument I hear is "fuck the normies". All that line of thinking does is push us back into the niche.
If it's so unbelievable why do you have to shut it down? You're just upset your commrade pergered themselves in court today.
>wanting normies on your side
what part of vanguard don't you stupid niggers understand
he's just sorta autistic
Didn't he pepper spray the faggots that linked arms around the statue the night before at the tiki torch march?
You don't understand human nature. No one will sympathize and completely disregard his ideas quick for how he behaves. Whether he initiated violence or not is not important. Nathan Damigo punched a fucking girl for fuck's sake, and he gained more sympathy from normies because he's well spoken.
>Goes armed to a protest
He didn't initiate it you fucking moron.
>hurr durr lets remain a minority guys
You're a fucking idiot. Politics is about making the masses join your side. How the fuck will public opinion ever change if you want the normies to remain liberal? 2/10 if leftypol shill
Hopefully. He's a political idealist, not a murderer.
But.... He wasn't armed at the protest. Beyond that he wasn't attending a protest he was attending a rally.
You do not understand what a vanguard is. Do you think the Bolsheviks were overly concerned with what "normies" thought?
He pepper sprayed a man in self defence. He did not initiate anything.
lol, what did the little faggy people do to deserve the pepper spray then?
Looks like he initiated it to me.
Is this the same guy from Anicent Aliens?
He's gunna get the book thrown at him. Life in prison. He shoudln't have tried to defend himself in a pepperspray free zone.
Meanwhile Eric Bike Lock Basher Clanton will get off with 3 months community service.
Commies WIN
How about assault faggot.
Your vanguard is crying due to his bad optics. Identity Europa is more fit to be a vanguard than he will ever be. He showed childish behavior and WEAKNESS.
Cantwell should do a rap album from jail.
Cantwell is a radio guy who was sucked into the far-right neo-nazi scene. He thought it was exciting and felt he had to be a bit over the top to prove that he belonged. Unfortunatly he got picked as the fall guy and had to be made an example of to appease an angry public after the media backlash from charlottsville. I hope he was ok in prison and when he gets out he can go back to radio.
I enjoyed his podcasts and liked the crazy callers he would debate with.
Ok Varg
You realise I will only just make threads like this to fucking spite you, right? I hope you fucking die from lack of sleep, you fucking faggot.
I bet your aging horribly from this you fucking cunt.
you're a scared weak pussy and i have zero respect for you
>British flag
>Form your own thoughts
You're shouting at a bricked wall.
>Everyone is controlled opposition xD
wtf you're right. I guess i'll just stick to posting pepes on twitter
>scared weak pussy
>punched a girl and get praise
>act like a manchild get thrown in jail and laughed at
I miss his regular show.
>whenever a white supremacist acts like a retard it's controlled opposition
I guess all white supremacists are controlled opposition.
Literally not an argument
this conversation is over, you simply must be liquidated when the counter revolution comes, that's all there is to it
sure thing pal. he looks real assaulted in this picture.
I know you're joking, leftypol
Yes. Yes they are. White Supremacy is a controlled opposition movement.
Cantwell terrifies leftists that's why they're lying to have him put in jail
Now that's a good joke
You know it's true kricket
prove it, I enjoyed his podcast, but what he did out there was a joke
> everyone who speaks out on your behalf is controlled opposition
Spencer's a commie.
>loling out loud at pol
Telling lies again?
See you weren't laughing out loud. If you were you need 50mg of chlorpromazine administered rectally because you'd be laughing at wallpaper too, nothing funny happened.
If we are beneath you as you're trying to project then why would you be here?
No. I think the truth is you're a butt sore little weirdo that nobody likes who can only gain full release through virtue signalling. You can't live with anyone who calls bullshit and presents the truth because youre in a flimsy 24/7 world of mental contortions and delusion that's threatened by pol.
Lolbergtardian mongrels get the rope too
*double loud.
I'm not saying cantwells my hero, but he's just some guy that leftists like to try to tackle because they think they might stand a chance of looking better than him.
Guess what. They don't because they're shit.
Mixing your symbols a bit there m8.
Are you a democrat or is that just supposed to be Eyore or something?
I am an oldfag that uses a meme flag because I value my anonymity.
no your a world government faggot
we could care less your political opinion
you fucking faggot
No, that guy never pressed charges. He's getting charged for pepper spraying a mentally ill tranny in a recorded confrontation that proves Cantwell is innocent.
How does that make you any more anonymous ? It's rarely seen, (unlike say the Stars and Stripes) so marks your posts more individually.
Anyway I'm not that interested. You needn't answer, I'm not in charge of flags.
nah i think we're done with that
He looks good in that pic.
See younglings, you're at your best when you're posed heroically defending your people.
This is cantwells master plan
>be ancap
>claim nazis are "socialist"
>dress up like nazi and act like a stereotypical skinhead subhuman to discredit not only national socialism but far right views in general
>do second interview with vice claiming he had seen the light and now wants to fight nazism
>democratic meme flag
>posts natsoc meme
Bullshit. If you valued your anonymity youd use a common meme flag. The democratic flag is the least used one of the lot except for maybe the hippie shit.
You are just a false flagging little kike, arent you?
>>dress up like nazi and act like a stereotypical skinhead subhuman
when did he do this
t-shirts and male pattern baldness are signs of white supremacy you fucking racist
Vice documentary. Not to mention his jailhouse interviews where he keeps brining up mein kampf and talking about genociding people. Either hes a shill or a seriously deranged attention whore with no regards for his personal wellbeing and without any regards for good optics. Im no optics cuck, but cantwell takes his rhetoric way to far. A few years ago he was talking about killing cops and how hed raise an army to take over the state if he just had 1000 men at his side.
It's obvious by the fact the commies tried getting him locked up days before the rally and, that he barely took 5 steps before he was pepper sprayed. Since the rally it's been a non stop attacks on him. If he wasn't a threat in their eyes why are they trying so hard to shut him down?
he's a shockjock this is what he does for a living you fag
he did literally nothing wrong in the vice doc
>being to virtuous for a universal garment
The virtue signal is strong in this one
Egg sac lee
Wtf I love miscegenation
>implying anybody would die beside a crackhead
>shock jock
If it was all just an act then he'd stop doing that shit in jail. Yet still we get 20-40 minute audio recordings from him in jail about how much he hates kikes and niggers and how he wants "the day of the rope" and how the dodge challenger incident was justified because the fat chick was a commie(it was, but still not a smart thing to say in his situation). If hes even to be belives, his own lawyer has told him to shut up. All these things will be brought up in court to prove he is unstable, along with his now deleted audio diary where he explained how he used to snort rug fuzz if he dropped meth on his rug.
Charlottsville is against the far right and will want to make an example out of him. If he walks, ill be even more suspicious of him.
it's real, he just also happens to do it for a living
i'm so sick of you faggots going pale and trying to disavow cantwell, he's a real nigga
The final front ear
Our five year mission to control and subvert, to find new thought and crush it, to dishonestly go where no Jew has gone before...!
Hes working with the commies. All of them are. Spencer is a commie that set up his own punching beforehand. Mike enoch is a fat asthmatic commie kike with a jew wife that befouls the far right with his mere involvement.
Cantwell is an obvious federal agent or alternativly a meth head retard that cries on camera.
They are all fakes.
>all controlled opposition
Mike Cernovich isn't. He's the only fucking journalist with any integrity left. That's why the Fake News media won't stop lying about his solid reporting.
Conspiracy addict
so did he get his fucking bail approved or not? I assume at this point that his ass in still in jail. yes or no? plzkthx.
>the anti-white e-book merchant
>6 Gorillion Mindset
Court is still in session, nothing dropped yet as far as I know
thank you for the update. I appreciate it, user.