12 year old child star was raped to death.

Crowds of men sat in the audience of the Jeopardy set (after hours) and jacked off to her (and others) parading around in a bikini

Spielberg discovered her

Other urls found in this thread:,-116.9238265,226m/data=!3m1!1e3

What the shit?!

Wait...We need evidence.

Unreadable pic


>be phonefag
>mobile site makes images shit
>try and remove the m from url

nm works now. learn to not be such a huge faggot, flaggot

a tldr;pic for phone posters attached to this post

Pizzagate is real

bump, poor kids


Get out your red hot gelding knives boys, we got us a regular ole pedohunt

this dumb roleplay is as embarrassing as that /r/nosleep subreddit

We need to get gook Moot to have mobile pages load the desktop image.

It didn’t work for me.

It gets worse than this. Fucking shit.

this guy was outing Weinstein Spacey and Singer when you were still suckling on your mommas teet boy

Most likely Heather O'Rourke

>"The universe,given enough time shall always bend toward justice"
Justice for Heather
Justice for Maddie
Justice for Eli
>pedos will burn in hell

pedowood needs to be nuked
they don't produce anything good any longer anyway

These stories are coming so fast from so many sources, it can't hold for long.

The victims are starting to talk. Pretty soon a handful of them will get together and cross reference their lists, and the names will come.

Then there will be day of the rope.


doesn't 'spiel' translate to 'play' from german?

Anyone remembers Playpen?

Pedos like this kind of nicknames, Spielberg is very, very pedo sounding, like a pedo-kingpin.

I'm not saying anything, it may be coincidence.

HOW can a room full of men see this happening and not ONE object?

At that point anyone with any boundaries anda concience says "FUCK MY CAREER -- IM NOT ALLOWING THIS TO HAPPEN"

Not ONE person spoke up to stop these animals? They are all rubbing themselves in front of her? These Hollywood scum are the lowest of the low. Lower than isis.

>remove m
>doesn't work
>notice image is a png
>replace .jpg with .png

For future reference

Don't be naive, these people are not SJWs, nor they are virtuous in any manner. They're psychopats, it's genetic in ashkenazi jews.

You likely only get invited if you are a known pedo and have done bad shit, and others have proof of you doing that shit.

And they might have mostly had hands down pants but not been pantsless - plausible deniability.

Also if you are the only guy in the room who says he saw something and 39 witnesses say they saw nothing, and also those people have proof you are a pedophile - guess who is going to jail

I have had a feeling Spielberg is who Feldman is talking about.

You dont have to be an SJW to object to this type of thing. This is sickening to anyone with a soul and to a large group and no one speaks up?

February 1 is a satanic holiday as well.

This is fucked if its real

>This is sickening to anyone with a soul and to a large group and no one speaks up?
Now imagine this kind of people is all around on high positions, includong governments of many countries. And we are all being fucked by them.

Ashkenazi jews have souls?

It's not.

takes faith in human beings away
hard to believe such terrible thing can happen

im from Lakeside, California ...
some of my friends lived in the same apartment complex as Heather at the time ...

this place, many moons ago..,-116.9238265,226m/data=!3m1!1e3

>Jews raped her to death

Gee I wish I could read this

Heather died in February 1988 and that Rocky Road show ended in the summer of 1987. The timelines don't add up.


It's perfectly readable, phonefag.

oh, and the only episode of the show she appeared on was "Moscow on the Boardwalk" broadcast on May 1, 1987 (and obviously filmed way before). The blind item is likely talking about a different person.

>reddit tier /r/conspiracy

Fuck off buddy

It's because that's what they were there for, and collective guilt binds them together in a conspiracy of silence.

Example.... someone sees a murder while they're inside of a crack house. Do they report it? Usually no, because then they have to admit they were in a crack house.

Good point.

She had been getting ill since Jan 1987. It might be a reach to connect it to her 1988 death. Any doctors in the house?

spielberg = spel berg = play mountain/game mountain. holly trees are poisonous, hollywood is a wood full of poisonous trees with red berries to rope in kids etc TLDR jew tripe to justify their goyim harvesting

that's not how you do chokehold, what's wrong with blondes, FFS they suppose to be smarter than niggers.

That's incredibly hot. Lucky guy.

The obstruction caused by the rape manifested itself as the girl was growing and her body was changing. I'm no doctor, but this seems realistic. People die due to complications from professional operations, much less a violent object rape.

kys pedoscum

Will she come forward?is he going down?

>the Universe will make it OK
Horseshit. If you want something to happen you have to go and do it.

Tiffany?? The singer?? There is a lot of sketchy stuff about her career nevertheless.

they will all pay

Mother fucker did you even read the image?

I wish I could see the video of that. Mmmm

>sitting at the breakfast table, she couldn't swallow her toast or Gatorade
Gatorade is not a breakfast food, America. She probably died from malnutrition.

It was a girl, not a boy.

I do

did you just assume their gender?


But Gatorade has electrolytes. It's what the body craves.

I just assumed your cultural preference for boys.

What the hell!? Give me a fucking break, where is the evidence of this fuckery?

oh, dont get discouraged then, you'll make a funny joke soon.

Why would you not think they did it on multiple occasions not just once? They probably kept fuckin her

this. Ive started to had a fucking bad feeling about spielberg. its lucas and spielburg isnt it. south park wasnt lying.

>be little white girl
>have high hopes of becoming a cute actress in a cute movie
>mommy takes me to the nice bearded uncle producer
>beardy fat men touch me in places and it feels not nice at all
>someone sticks something cold into my poopyhole
>few months later
>my tummy is hurting i feel so numb
>mommy feeds me fried bread and purple drink
>my hands are blue, my tummy feels horrible
>i just want to go to school mommy
>i feel so sleepy, i want to wake up in my bed with mummy...

Thanks, Jews.

Why are you guys assuming it was an isolated incident and that they didnt keep puttin things in her until it eventually killed her

I'm not here to make jokes.


Fuck off and die filthy sand nigger

I don't understand how people can have theological issues with the Lake of Fire.

Our minds are still too pure. Hard to imagine the full breadth of Jewish subhumanity. But we must take the full journey up the proverbial Nung river, into the Heart of Darkness...

Seth McFarlane, who outed Kevin spacey as a child rapist in Family Guy, outed Spielberg in American Dad

Kebab, remove yourself

this is why the vegans have to kill all if you

Seriously, someone tell me why these Jews are attracted to literal children. What do they see? Because I get repulsed even thinking about a 12 year old child like that.

Seriously, what do (((THEY))) see?

they see (((getting back at the goy)))
same reason why niggers rape and murder underage white girls

You're making the mistake of thinking Jews are humans like you are.
Chimps will bite your fucking face off. Dolphins rape the shit out of other sea life.
Human empathy is an optimal strategy for building a technologicly advanced society that aquires more and more resources by tool use.
Jews are parasites.
Nogs are ape-men.
Chinks are bug-people.
They aren't like you and never will be.

They see goyim as animals who aspire to be as good as them so they do anything in their power to break us and make us the animals we should be. What better way to turn people into animals than releasing and promoting rampant hyper-sexuality? The kiddy rape thing is a power play and way to demean us, "we rape your kids and you pay us for the pleasure" which is true considering the number of parents willing to pt their kids through anything to make them "famous".

Remove m and change to .png faggot

A lot of weirdness around FG and SMcF. The whole 9/11 thing. The predictions of suicides like Robin Williams. Might have to come thru that trash and pay attention for shit like this.

Berg can also mean bear (according to urbandictionary)

Jews don't care about Goyim, the word means cattle for a reason. You are as a slave for them, for eternity, because they believe god said so.

Seth is a smug arsehole and obviously knows everything that's going on. He chooses to play it for laughs which is why he must hang.

didn't you read the post? they said "filming wrapped up in the next few months." If she died in feb, a few months would put it into "summer."

It’s not surprising that a degenerate rapist is also libral

Along with the fags and trans it truly is the party of mental illness

Biologically, it's because Jews have gone through millenia of inbreeding, so their desires are just as twisted and degenerate as their genetics.

>bowl blockage
isn't crons like extreme irritation/scarring of the lower intestine?
>mfw they raped her so much the scar tissue build up killed her?
day of the rope must come.


Another unrelated thing:

Things you need to read if you haven't already:
"Sadly, this looks like Holder and his cronies may actually have sent these poor bastards into a meat grinder with the hopes that after they were killed, with the very US guns Holder had funneled to Mexico himself, it would produce an overwhelming support for banning gun sales in the US. Then, after one of them miraculously survived, he ended up shunned out of his job because his survival, and his asking questions on behalf of his ex-partner, was inconvenient. Just awful."

I Got ya covered senpai.

this, we goyim still have limits. even the niggers have some limits (somewhere). But Jews...Jews believe they are gods among ants. Theirs is a depravity no "mortal" can grasp by mere thought alone.

Show me one piece of holocaust evidence first, schlomo

>predictions of suicides like Robin Williams

can you elaborate on this bit?

Also yes the 9/11 coincidences are bizarre. Also consider James Woods reporting the terrorists after seeing them attempt a trial run. And then James Woods and Seth end up doing lots of Family Guy together.

>tfw you have to go through every episode of every McFarlane program because he has probably named everything and all the clues are there.

There was a "petergeist" episode where the portal came from megs ass. Could this be some kind of nod?

The whole planet is on eggshells
Mothers are abusive
Fathers are nowhere to be found
Role models turn out to be sexual offenders
Nobody has a fucking clue what happens next
Groups of people being mislabeled and acting out of character

And I paid attention when he had opened the sixth seal, and, surprise, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.

They have no hope.
No hope whatsoever.

also pic related from today