Psychiatrist BTFOs racist right wingers yet again.
Just turn your guns in, there's no hope for them now.
Psychiatrist BTFOs racist right wingers yet again.
Just turn your guns in, there's no hope for them now.
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Implying anyone gives a shit about a psychiatrist's opinion.
>i do fake science and get paid as much as a real medical doctor
psychiatrists are self-centered people with daddy issues stuck in a state of arrested development with a heightened sense of grandeur.
>The way to lower gun violence is by starting a civil war.
The stupidity of these people...
and true
most psychiatrists, and even most neurologists, generally are narcissistic perverts (ie sociopaths playing make believe about actually being empathetic)
they're just into it to play with people, and most are incompetent as fuck
>psychiatrist talking about empirical evidence
I will consider it, if they start to get some shred of evidence behind their theories.
Daily reminder that mental illness is a humanist scam
>(((Jonathan M. Metzl)))
sage this homo shill, sage in all fields fuck you shariablue mongo shill kike, kys
>Vanderbilt University
nothin' to see goy
Poor underpinning for an argument. Knows nothing of the reality that cartels will capitalize in the situation to bring more guns in and do whatever is in their interest to further population replacement.
Every fucking time.
Psychiatry is a jewish invention.It's pure bullshit.
i will literally die before i turn over my firearms to anyone
>The shoulder thing that goes up
I'm gonna go buy an AK-15 with a flamethrower accessory just to spite this lefty fag.
>racist right wingers
Mental health is a race issue now?
>and most are incompetent as fuck
Neurologists get paid a FUCKTON of jack though.
>jut like libtard media
>don't fix the problem that pays my bills
>Implying psychiatrists are anything but glorified dope dealers
>politicians who refuse to do their job
At least they have a job worth a damn on paper. Fucking glorified pill pushers. EVERY mass shooter I've seen I'd bet was on their shit.
fpbp. sage
Many states have illegitimate gun laws that amount to treason and they use mental illness as the excuse.
>Refuse to do their jobs
This really burns my ass. Wtf, they act like they have a monopoly on shit. Uh sorry but there are millions and millions of people who don't want guns banned.
So every representative that votes against a ban is doing their job.
Like they can deal with problems without drugging you up