Notice anything?
Meanwhile in Poland
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A lot of polefags
the kid has a boner?
I seriously hope this shit is photoshoped
Nope. Everything checks out. Santa, Santa's armband, Nun, Virgin Mary statute, Christmas tree stand.
You're good OP.
here is a little tip
Slaves to Semitic religion
It ain’t.
Christianity. Nice.
I really like how nationalistic is the Polish church
Santa likes it when you sit on his lap.
Can you explain to an uninformed burger? I take it that ONR (which evidently Santa belongs to) is a far-right party?
Is the staff top emblem a pedo symbol?
Fascist Santa makes it a white Christmas.
That is one skinny Santa
HOLY FUCK ITS REAL, I thought it was just shopped.
no niggers or shitskins
Not any diversity.
Merkel will hear of this.
>meanwhile in germoney
It's a far-far-right political movement created in the 30's, nothing wrong with that per say, but I just wish they wouldn't push their radical believes onto children and just let Santa be Santa.
How radical are they ?
Polish Santa isn't as fat as American Santa.
they are literally hitler
they are fascist in theory. but they fail the practice test, a lot of drunken football degenerates within the movement... maybe someday someone will take it over and fix it.
Pic related
Our right wing movements are similar, good fighters but usually football fans who just love a good scrap.
ONR - Obóz Narodowo Radykalna
National Radical Camp
it is a far-right organization, in 1930s they were beating jews on the streets and in their current political manifesto they want to oppose the international jewry
Korwin is funny as fuck, some time ago he said in interview that „I slept with 200 women, but I couldn’t do it with a negress”. Top kek
Soon the shitshow will start again over here in the netherlands.
Can't wait.
They’ve already fixed this, they got rid of fucking neonazi larpers and skinheads and made this movement socially acceptable. Lots of QTs out there
I've caught parts of interviews with him in but bloody hell I cant imagine a politician in the UK saying anything like that. Atleast we know he has good banter.
Any lasses seen in our right wing demonstrations all look like bimbo's. I am sure that there might be some nice one's out there but at this moment its looked down open. Because as you know we are all a bunch of wrong thinkers.
A religious figure is photographing small children.
It's definitely a catholic country
You thought Korwin is fake? No... KorWIN is lyf!
I notice a lot of sub humans
That looks comfy.
Yeah. That costume is, like, ultra shitty.
What the fuck do you do with all our gibs?
Dat Armband
Merry Christmas Sup Forumses
>Make him proud!
The best thing about him is that he does give 0 fucks about being PC. And he is the most popular politician among the youth. A few things that he said:
>men always rape women a bit
>I would order to shoot at pride parades
>having a few wives is nothing immoral for a man
>why should a state accept refugees from Africa? Everyone should do it by himself, hence everyone would have his own flunkey
>[about Paralympic Games] it is like watching retards playing chess
>Hitler didn’t know about the holocaust
>Germans didn’t murdered anyone but Jews
>[about 15% of gypsy toddlers dying] a very good thing
>[about the transgender] his place is in circus, between a woman with a beard and a negro with 20 inch dick
and there is much more of that
Something about polish women just sets me off. Who is the Dianna abbott look alike half way through the video ?
Nice pics.
How do I find a Fascist qt3.14?
>green-nazi shephard christian santa
nope nothing out of the ordinary
What's wrong with ONR?
>Who is the Dianna abbott look alike half way through the video ?
A Polish politician praying on leftist SJW votes.
The first transgender politician that made it to the parliament in the world
It's a man.
Holy fuck, sign me up for his fan club. Whats his official position in politics and could he be anything big like polish PM ?
So IT is a exact Polish replica of diane abbott
t. knacker
>>Hitler didn’t know about the holocaust
He didn't say that, he only that there isn't any proof of him knowing about it and only does that to trigger people who don't get what he says.
>>Germans didn’t murdered anyone but Jews
No way he said that.
She is way more redpilled
>also related to Korwin Mikke's party
poland is based af as history shows.. people only give poland shit because they gloss over the fact they were double fucked in ww2 by germany and russia..
fuck the 6 million jew guilt
feel bad for the poles
atleast the jews that survived didnt have to live under commie shit for years and years after
Who are those qts?
literally hitlers?
Something we need but dont deserve
Korwins Pyrkon photos always make me kek.
He's the chairman of his party that didn't get into the parliament.
They are not Nazis you moron... -.-
Shame, I have a thing for polish girls. Please polish bros, post qt blonde polish girls
a few more:
>women can’t be intelligent - the mechanism of evolution makes sure of that
>I would take away the right to vote not only from women, but also from meny more people
>a woman soaks in with views of a man that she sleeps with
>” of course that I did beat my children. It is the right thing to do”
>pedophile-like behavior is much healthier than the sex education
>I want to change europarliament building into a brothel
And Korwin’s joke:
>Why is America great?
>Because they kept their reds in reserves, while we have them in parliament
>Holy fuck, sign me up for his fan club. Whats his official position in politics and could he be anything big like polish PM ?
He is the leader of Freedom party, last parliament election it got 4,76% (5% threshold), so in 2019 he will get ~6-7% I suppose. He might become vice PM, if his party forms a coalition with PiS (but Kukiz’s party, which is even more nationalistic will be PiS’ first choice)
Ironically, Jews are trying to impose commie shit on the rest of the free world!
Good trigger discepline.
Subhuman slavshits
What else to see ?
Thanks for the hope Poland.
Polish propaganda poster during the Polish-Soviet War in 1920.
>implying he won't activate protocol 1% and fuck up hilariously
Am I the only one who notices the pedo sign on santas pole (pun totally inteded)?
The problem with ONR is that 90% of them are LARPing as partisans or some shit like that and they act like they're super Catholic, when in reality the basically go against 90% of Catholic teachings and would stay at home if Poland suddenly got invaded. It's all swell dressing up like you've been in the Warsaw uprising and talking shit how you'd defend your fatherland, but they're pussies who are known to have fraternised with Neo-Nazis, the same ideology the people they praise so much fought.
Fuck ONR, they're a bunch of government lackeys and imbeciles. They make true nationalists look bad.
>No way he said that.
Yes he did. He just added, that the rest died from hunger
she is perfect, even though her mother is syrian-burner
>atleast the jews that survived didnt have to live under commie shit for years and years after
the jews that survived imposed communism here
no idea, just some random girls that joined ONR
watch Erica Fontes or shit, you have nice qt blonde girls as well
Polish girls are some how just perfect, On channel 4 (super lefty bias channel in the UK) a Polish school girl called a Syrian refugee child a bomber and terrorist, to his face. So based, so beautiful.
Best of luck to him, we need more people like him.
>Yes he did. He just added, that the rest died from hunger
BS, give me source or didn't happen.
You mean non-denominational non-binary winter solstice holiday ZE?
Ja ci dam kurwa!
Keep it coming
>tfw no polish gf
>Posting actual Polish heroes in the same thread as larping Neo Nazis
Fuck off
>Neo Nazis
No, YOU should fuck off idiot
> act like they're super Catholic, when in reality the basically go against 90% of Catholic teachings
But thats good. If they were truly catholic thed drown in christian african immigrants.
Widzimy sie na marszu.
Reminder to disregard memeflags...
>literally hitlers?
So whats wrong with ONR?
Modern day ONR literally larp as Nazis though, they have nothing to do with the Original ONR. Dmowski would have spat on them.
P-please, I'm tired of Erica Fontes
This isn't okay! No extremist viewpoints! You need to get drag queens in there to be inclusive!
>Niemcy nikogo (poza Żydami, ale ich już w 1944 prawie nie było) nie mordowali - o ile, oczywiście, ktoś nie prowadził działalności dywersyjnej! Przecież nawet gen."Garda", schwytany, nie został zamordowany, tylko skierowany do Mauthausen, gdzie zmarł, jak wielu innych, z głodu - bo po prostu nie było co jeść. Krawczuk, historyk, wspomina okupację (ze wsi podkrakowskiej): "To było straszne: potworna nuda
Oh that's absolutely BS. Korwin says wrong things sometimes.
Santa is pretty based
Search for Rikki Six, bro
kek, Dmowski was against the ONR back in 1930s. He said that beating people on the streets is the symptom of the lesser civilization and that they were too radical
fuck off kike.. Santa leads a RWDS and there's no nigs or muzzrats in that class of children..
What are you trying to prove with that pic?
>ONR in 1934
be tall and good-looking. the same way you find a gf of any type
You missed the era pal.