Why do conservatives enjoy fucking children?
Why do conservatives enjoy fucking children?
Old white men love young pussy.
>implying we give a shit about neocons
>implying nbc has so much as a shred of credibility
Dont you understand.
Fake News, Fake Allegations. Roy Moore has been a high profile figure in Alabama for literally decades, and these (((allegations))) haven't arisen for all these years until now? B S .
Roy Moore isn't a neocon. Bannon was basically sucking his dick
This is how you know the libshits are panicking over all the raping they do. And this is why courts exist
>I'm going to wait until after the primary and he is the candidate everyone's stuck with, then I'll accuse him of rape :^)
Really makes one wonder.
>It's only fake when a republican is involved.
Do you have proof that it's fake?
>Trump has allegations come up a month before his election
>Moore has allegations come up a month before his election
Like pottery
that is not how it works, leftypol
you have anecdotes from some female who comes out just before the election, which is fucking shady to everyone.
then you have the fact that you must have skipped over, which is Roy Moore has been in the headlines in Alabama for decades. It's not like this guy crawled out of the woodwork recently, unlike these allegations.
If you thought this was pizza gate, you'd be jumping on this bandwagon and calling for castrations. But instead
>NBC once put model rocket motors in the fuel tank of a Chevy pickup truck to prove that they we prone to explode
>somehow NBC is still considered a credible news source
NBC's not the only one reporting this.
Your BS is pathetic. When Roy wins kill yourself
prove it actually happened libcuck
Young girls are the best girls!
James Woods also has tons of allegations.
Ailes goes down,
Gavin McGuinness has settled sexual harassment cases.
Sam Hyde has had some questionable shit If I remember correctly.
I'll make this blunt: the (((media))) planted an unverified story to distract the country from Hollywood's evolving scandals that are spiring out of control. Soon, they will ratchet up more claims because the Jews simply can't be held to the same standards of Christians. This degree of desperation shows they are trying to capitilize on their big victory, via lies and slander, before Hollywood tanks itself. They are reliant on movies like Star Wars and MCU to turn profits. Everything else is either a shitshow or a painflick. Nationalism and white identity sells; look at La La Land and American Sniper. Look how desperate Americam Gods producers are in denegrating Christianity, in both the show and the commentaries.
Virginia gave them a little makeshift safe space to breathe. Shame if someone from the inside rains on their parade...
kevin spacey a conservative?
Why do leftist do an obvious series of slide threads after multiple leftist in entertainment have become outted as pedos? All on some hersay about Moore. Hmmmm. You guys know Sup Forums is anti-pedo as it gets. Your 'cuting edge public figures' will be calling for its legalization in 6 months again. You just don't like the pizzagate spotlight coming true...
Why do rape victims so often wait decades to tell their story and finally break the news when it's politically beneficial to others?
Well I wouldn't put it past Alabama to elect a sex offender.
>Why do conservatives enjoy fucking children?
Judaism, Christianity and Islam all endorse pedophilia.
Mary mother of Jesus was a teenager when Joseph married her.
>You guys know Sup Forums is anti-pedo as it gets
Unless it's one of your guys, then its dindu.
>You guys know Sup Forums is anti-pedo as it gets.
minus all the CP threads of course.
Yay. Another nigger bites the dust.
Sounds fabricated to keep a "trouble maker" out of Washington DC. They tried the same shit with Clarence Thomas.
See below, sunshine.
So drop out and admit you fuck 14 year olds? What a dumbass ultimatum to give. Of course he wouldn't drop out.
>being this retarded
kys faggot
We’ve been asking that about liberals for years.
link plz
this. it's not going to work. who the fuck is going to believe this a month before the election?
it looks staged, it looks like NBC scum went looking for a story. it's unfortunate if it is true, although the allegations aren't nearly as bad as the big bombshell JewYorkSlime story about Loius C.K.
>You guys know Sup Forums is anti-pedo as it gets.
Sup Forums was founded by someone who got kicked out of the SA forum for being a pedo.
Why do shills enjoy rumours with no evidence?
>nobody cares with your post
>need to keep quoting people to call attention to it
Your theory is retarded and ((((((((((unverified)))))))))
He's Republican, Bannon wing. Bigger. Believe us, goy. Don't let the white man get away with it!
Mad, little one?
Not saying he did it, but he has great taste if he did.
NBC isn’t the only news source with an anti-Trump/anti-conservative bias.
This is a legitimate tactic. Watch "This Video Will Make You Angry".
It's the same confirmation bias every time, only a false flag when it's something you don't like and a huge happening otherwise. It's not hard to hold consistent standards
Thats a bold claim, you dont know what it looks like below the neck
>white knight faggots that never fucked young girls think this is evil
its time to murder cuntland + all of its gatekeepers
If the victim really gave a fuck she should have come put a lot sooner. More children were likely raped, and could have been prevented if she had come out with it. Fucking cunt just wants some of the bandwagon attention.
Noticed a pattern of these /Threads...
Link dude to Bannon, call Bannon a Pedo, this is leading to Bannon + Trump, Trump is a Pedo...
Look at Trump, he likes women
Look at Jeff, hes like "Too Old"
>Michael Cera
Told you retards when this first started, it will be used against you just as easily. But you were retarded with MUH JEEEEWSS
All these jew/masonic elites fuck children. Occasionally one steps out of line so they get thrown under the bus, or the whole event is staged for some other purpose, in this case maybe to demoralize republicans.
Looks fine to me.
Hope her friends are willing to pay for defamation.
Make your argument, then, instead if handwaving Hollywood's decline and Bezos', and the left by extension, desperation to claim a scalp. Without proof, the Left will eat an enormous drop of loyalists. You really want to risk it all on unproven allegations?
She's got that "I sneak out the house at night while daddy's sleeping to suck off middle-aged men, I love cock" look all over her face.
I only care about non whites raping women
Where do you go to get your reputation back after the court case?
Its complete slander thus far and why now?
no ancap flag?
sorry buddy I know how to spot a narc
What a (((coincidental))) time for these allegations to come out.
This. Bet she was payied off
Why are we always right then?
If you can't see how the left uses "allegations" to take down opposition, then you are obviously leftypol and need to fucking kill yourself. How many "allegations" are we at now where the person just resigns and suddenly it all goes away and no one cares anymore? That's what the left does. They lie cheat and steal to get what they want rather than having and base to their arguments.
Except the leftists are actually guilty of what they're accused of whilst these accusations are false and will fall apart in days.
Today in Sup Forums; "EVERYONE IS A PEDO DAY!"
plz shills control yourself.
it fake to get ride of politicians. Allegations do not equal guilt.
Come one buddy I'm your friend anomalous, pools closed haha
All gingers have that look...
Innocent until proven guilty
Wow guys, we should really listen to McCain and the Washington Post and force Moore to step down.
Oh, looks like if that happens then Alabama will automatically go blue in 2018. WHAT A (((COINCIDENCE)))
Unless you're a republican speaker of the house, then you like boi pussy.
Man that's really creepy.
Desperate is the only way to describe the Democrats right now.
No, it's fake because these accusations of something that allegedly occurred decades ago (((conveniently))) did not occur until after it was too late to put a different Republican candidate on the ballot. This is 100% Jewish/DNC tricks.
1: You're believing what fucking WashPo tells you? I thought commies hated them as much as we do, kek.
2: It's almost like you haven't noticed high profile leftists being exposed raping people in recent weeks.
Cuz that's how the justice system works for commie scum. Guilty until proven guilty.
Attack failed. Bugmen in retreat.
They think if they can flood the internet and mass media with these allegations so that when people search for Roy Moore and all of this fake news pops up it will have an effect like memes do. Except the people who want to vote for Roy already had their mind made up and never got their news from media outlets.
No it's like poetry so they rhyme.
Yeah definitely pal, everyone who is leftist is guilty and everyone who is right isn't. What a retardation. You can hate lefites and still realize how irrational that is. Its men in general who are being attacked.
>Sam Hyde has had some questionable shit If I remember correctly.
Not to mention the slew of shootings he's responsible for per CNN.
THat bot in the picture is being sexually assaulted by two women!
Entire liberal hollywood complicit in numerous non-consensual sexual acts I SLEEP
One forgettable conservative molested a child REAL SHIT
My question is why wait 40 years to suddenly come out and say “He raped me.” Yet not a word of this throughout the years. I mean it’s one thing with Bill Cosby who had an MO, and there’s recent women who came out against him. Yet there’s this woman who just conveniently appeared out of thin air.
I don't know why do liberals like Dan Schneider and Kevin Spacey enjoy fucking children?
Yeah, we're being raided and the shills in question use the same script. What else is new?
Oh but when Kevin Spacey does it he's a pedo? Talk about double standards!
No, he's a kike, and kikes deserve whatever misfortune comes their way, deserved or not.
spacey admitted it you faggot, and many more people have come forward
Religious conservatives always end up being the most repressed
all these years, and even with him on the supreme court, and why is she coming out with these allegations now? why hasn't she come forward before now?
how many decades ago was this?
>urged Roy Moore... to drop out of the race if the... report... is true
Well he's not gonna fucking do it now, is he?