/IOTBW/ Leaf on Leaf Thought Crime Edition

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It's Okay To Be White. 5 words. Simple, elegant, effective. The plan is working. Stick to the plan. There is no phase 2.
If you take part remember; print the original flyers in the pic, post them in legal areas, be aware of cameras, and get home safely.

Do Not Alter The Message
Do Not Alter The Flyers
Anyone Who Tries To Change Things Is A Shill
There Is No Phase 2
Do not trespass.
Do not Vandalize.
Do not post over other signs or flyers.
Do not say anything racist or provocative in the comments of news stories.
We are giving the left all the rope they want and they are racing to hang themselves. The goal is to expose the media's anti-white bias through their reaction to a harmless flyer. It is working. Stick to the plan. There is no phase 2. Anyone who suggests change is a shill.

We know the Alt-Right is trying to co-opt the campaign, the best thing we can do is post as many of the original flyers as possible so theirs look illegitimate by comparison. Same goes for the Left's inflammatory false flag versions.

To see our results so far check these links


Other urls found in this thread:



Please remember to follow the chart.


ATTENTION: IF you feel you can make something better. Dont. You are too late and will just be called a shill


Inb4 dicky spencer comes in and ruins the whole thing.

oh wait...

Faggot alert

Hello faggot.



Low IQ spencies are cancer

SA bro, are you still alive?

You and your dumb acronyms for everything, too lazy to write the whole thing ?


There's nothing wrong with being white

He was still alive and well as of yesterday, just busy with school. Be sure to send that brave man any digits you can spare, kek bless the madman.


Have you guys seen this clip from die hard?

(((Alt-RIGHT))) CIA PROJECTS NEED TO BE BANNED FROM Sup Forums! Or you end up with this endless bullshit and Spencer getting BTFO by Charles Barkley as your representitive for the white race.

It is a pretty good edit.

There's nothing crooked about Hillary Clinton

we should print these two sided on one side its ok to be white and on the other a fake dollar bill. fold them where people see the dollar bill. the drop them everywhere. that way all the poor broke ass liberals will pick up "money" and get triggered when they loose their free shit and have to see that its alright to be white

As opposed to divide and conquer shills who fail to provide valid criticisms when they relentlessly attack all figures in the alt right. Hey challenge for the kike faggot, tell me of any well known white Nationalists who you have something nice to say about

please refer to

Jared Taylor. He's smart, tactful, and doesn't ruin everything he touches.


Oh, so you're a kike. You need to be gassed for real this time

lmao who the fuck did this


Low IQ spencies always respond predictably. Who's dividing now?

The very thing you dislike about taylor is what makes him lightyears better than spencer as a speaker.

I dont like him though
He can say whatever though
They all can because bitching about them goes nowhere.

Their is no leader
Just people talking

Whoever put these up at university of Alaska good job! Chancellor released an email about our 'shared values' afterwards.

Version 3 of Up to 294 pictures


>Chancellor released an email
post it post it post it

Yeah that sort of confirms that you're a kike. So let's reiterate for anyone who missed it, u hate Spencer because he is an antisemite, you think that the only good alt right types are the ones who avoid talking truths about your cunt tribe. Most of the hate laid on Spencer, Enoch and Duke are from such kikes, anons do not fall for their divide and conquer kike bs


But no leader right? Spencer should do whatever he wants. As long as we just dont call him our leader. Or even our spokesperson.
Hes just a guy


Spencer isn't even an anti-semite

They need a figurehead to attack, so even though Sup Forums constantly tries to tell them that we don't like that conehead faggot, that we don't like ANY leadership, they just plug their ears and yell LA LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU.

They can't really conceive of a truly leaderless resistance.

Their is no leader
Alt right is not Sup Forums
Hard to tell if alt-right even exists

Sup Forums exists and
To be

So this is a thing now? What could possibly go wrong?

Its hard to tell

I like Spencer and he is a leading figure, though not the leading figure much less the leader of the alt right

it's so you can find the thread more easily in the catalog you fucking retard.

>tfw i put up a dozen posters on day 2 and nothing happened

>a thing
kill yourself

Doesn't change the fact little kids in here post about being the hero of the nation after taping some flyers nobody cares about. It's great to be white (i have to say this you cultists won't attack me on sight) but god damn chill out you look like autismoes.

No u

What is the font you guys use?

Okay i walked into that one.


Most Sup Forums movements are trash, but this one is actually getting a reaction. It's tolerable. Newfags on the other hand, such as (You) aren't. Lurk moar before you post something retarded, retard.

You seem upset. Have you tried being okay with people, no matter their genes? Could really relax you/

Hey fellow goyim in phase 2 we should put up flyers saying "Its ok to gas the kikes". Praise Kek!

No need to state the obvious

I'm really impressed with you all. Stick to the plan. Normal signs, everywhere. Let their hate flow past you.

>tfw live in cucked state

Why are you responding to your own post?

well you are really doing this
Still, I like mine better

Alt right simply means politically right wing but not a neocon. Which always means racial nationalist and likely antisemite, cannot see why one would not want to be alt right


political discord server portal
/drZs24 join and post your discord!

1its alright to be white
its alight to be conservative
its not okay to circumcise babies
transgenderism is a psychological disorder


So you'd post this cute old man.



Bumperetti mio spaghetti

Why would the original alt right party stab the modern alt right logo? Surely u can do a better job at divide and conquer than that


Somewhat interesting plebbit thread. Leftists falling for the trap,

I can't believe you fucking jew bastards are still polluting this board...

>the intent of the message is inherently racist

Reminding people it's okay to be white is inherently racist?

You have to hate white people to an extraordinary extent to be this racist.

they're different
I don't consider myself alt right, I'm not even sure what it means but I know that (((Spencer))) claims to be a part of it

That guy is a low IQ spencie. He believes anyone who insults his favorite guy is a jew

The newer threads on reddit have been noticeably more unfavorable towards IOTBW. The narrative being shaped there is that "it's okay to be white" is not a racist statement but that the motive of the person putting it up is what matters. And therefore the people putting it up are all white supremacists and none of them have any valid concerns therefore their outrage is legitimate.

Milo and his tshirt marketing flunkies still pushing this garbage..
>lol pathetic faggots

>motive of the person putting it up is what matters

The motives could be one of :

- Remind people that it's okay to be white or
- Expose racists

I'm wondering which of these motives they are objecting to.

>And therefore the people putting it up are all white supremacists and none of them have any valid concerns therefore their outrage is legitimate.

This is exactly what we intend them to think though.
White supremacist = not anti-white

i know that, but the left is trying to shape the narrative that it's only about recruiting for the alt-right and white supremacist causes.

They are knowingly lying about our intent because they don't care what it is. It's only about propaganda.

oh I see
lol we admittedly only want them to sperg out and what do they do?
fucking morons

Yes yes. Attack the messenger if you cant attack the message. We are about to see if it works or not.
I bet you that Saul Alynsky guy wrote about it.

you need to go back

That is okay. From their perspective, that is the best response they can give. But it's still inadequate.

As these flyers are posted across hundreds and hundreds of universities and towns, more people are realizing it can't be just a bunch of "scary white supremacists" posting these. It's regular white people who legitimately feel discriminated against, and the message inherently isn't about 'supremacy' (the poster says "okay," not "better"). There's also plenty of normies out there who recognize ad hominem for what it is, and will not care who put the posters up -- they'll only care about the responses to them.

It's working well, and we need to keep it going

The activity of antifa and other far-left subs on the subject is also growing. I think we can expect quite alot more false-flags in the near future.

this whole thing hasn't been going on for very long, so maybe one day it will come to posting completely blank paper.
that's what would be the funniest to me, watching people get upset over a paper with nothing on it at all. the current project is still a pretty good one for getting a laugh from liberals

Yes. The more that go up the better.
Affirmation theory is real.

Well that kind of sucks but the news agencies have done a good job spreading the rules. People can now spot a fake

desu we do have people trying to co-opt the poster for their own popularity

Enoch should be exiled for signing off on putting trs links on the poster

So by your logic I could go and say some things that u disagree with while callimg myself a Nazi, then u would say nazis are bad. Spencer does not represent the alt right, he is simply a figure who is alt right who speaks about alt right issues, you can disagree with him on several issues and still be alt right. For the record the guy who you're agreeing with about me and this topic is a literal jew who openly stated on this thread that he dislikes Spencer simply because Spencer mentions Jews. So maybe in future when trying to convince people that Spencer is a kike shill, do so without the help of obvious kike shills

I agree that it's possible we'll see more false flags in the future. That's partly why its good to have this , and memes like .

A false flag will be less successful you can point out that hundreds (or thousands) of people have put up signs that conformed exactly to a set of agreed-upon instructions. It's harder to make a big deal about a few signs that stray from the message when you can point out that the overwhelming majority of them have been consistent.

To the outside world, Alt-Right=Nazis=Spencer and his followers. You have to be pretty deep in the right side of politics to start making distinctions like you are, even tho you may very well be correct.

No moron, it is a phrase used by the alt right to drive home one of our main points. If u wish to attach a link to further propaganda so people receptive to the 5 words can actually read some more then I say go for it. Most people disagreeing with that are hypocritical as they are simply trying to hijack the message for their own website, in this case pol. I get that it was from pol but it was designed to help white survival, not boost pol awareness. Not saying not to connect it to pol, just saying that the more right-wingers using this to promote their own propaganda the better

I said I never listened to him but anyone supporting Israel is either a moron,a traitor or someone misguided trying to appeal to normies
since he's ethno nationalist, the normie appeal is out the window
it leaves only 2 options...

Not alot of false flags will happen in Canada. They would have to put something on the poster that could end up getting them in serious shit.

Keep in mind that our opposition are not bound by any code of honor or ethics. These are commie scum that have no qualm about using the same deceptive tactics they accuse the "fascists" of doing. Why do you think that they love Shareblue but hate Russian trolls? They're fucking hypocrites and sociopaths who pretend to love equality because they see it as a means to pushing their shit ideology.

Toronto had the razor blade false rumour and the 3 dumbasses getting easily caught on and identified by a suspiciously well timed photographer.

>who openly stated on this thread that he dislikes Spencer simply because Spencer mentions Jews.

Quote me on that, you lying shill faggot. Are you changing your story from "spencer is an anti-semite"? He's not, right?

Your stupid brain just makes it up as you go.

Thats a terrible thing to endorse.
Also The open space is good for lefties to write mean things on it.

Nothing more then a rumor will ever happen. And if it does they will be so few it wont matter.


Big if true

>it's okay to be white as long as it doesn't hurt others
Doesn't realize or doesn't care that leftists see white people as harmful to non-whites already. Therefore it's not okay to be white if you follow them logically.