So I did it. I went and saw my recruiter and will be starting pt and scheduling my meps appointment on Saturday.
I'm 25
It's not too late
Do it for yourself
Do it for your country
Be a man
Stop whacking it
Also share experiences
So I did it. I went and saw my recruiter and will be starting pt and scheduling my meps appointment on Saturday.
I'm 25
It's not too late
Do it for yourself
Do it for your country
Be a man
Stop whacking it
Also share experiences
>dying for israel
Dude, you're going to be older than most of the DIs there.
>You're not even a person
have fun cleaning toilets
t. US Army super duper partatrooper
They mentioned that but I'm not worried, it's just a means to an end.
Stick with it. You WILL come out the other side.
Pro tip: when they ask you to dig a 30 foot hole to bury a flea, don’t ask why.
Been there due that.
Enjoy bootcamp, shit was fun as fuck.
Shut your mouth, move fast, scream loud and that's it.
I don’t know but I’ve been told...
Thanks man, I plan on sticking around for the long haul.
And don't make eye contact or your DI will get a boner and get mad at you for triggering his underlaying gayness.
Before you go, you should be running 6 minute miles, doing 20 dead hang pullups, and doing 80 full sit-ups in 2 minutes.
How close are you to doing that now?
My best friend said it was super fun, I'm really looking forward to it.
...eskimo pussy is myghty cold...
I joined at 25 too, wasn't a big deal in the slightest.
>Do it for your country
Protip: America isn't worth the sacrifice anymore, hasn't been for a long time (and my Dad fought in WWII and Korea so, believe you me, I know)
>Be a man
If you think joining the military is your way to become a man well, son, you're gonna learn hard and fast that it's not.
>Stop whacking it
And you're thinking joining the military is going to make you a man where you won't be jerking it? Son, you'll be jerking it twice as hard as you ever have, in the company of other "men," and many other things too.
But you have fun with that.
>Murdering innocent people for Israel.
What a faggot.
How many children do you think you're going to murder for your Jewish masters?
>implying anyone is actually cracking single digit PRTs
Dude maybe like 5 people on the whole base will even be doing what you just said. Let's be real, most are lazy fucks.
boot bitch go mop the grass
>Stop whacking it
you’re going to see plenty of whacking it in the marines
start hiking barefoot and toughen your feet.>
The crucible will wear your foot skin off.>
Mix the salt and sugar packets into your water bull, and make ghetto-Aid for the salt.>
be prepared for lots of angry haitans, puerto Ricans and POC trying to blow out your eardrums by yelling into your ear canal.
Get your wisdom teeth out now, dont wait for MCRD.
Start eating crayons now to develope a liking for them.
Good luck, go 0300, kill some Commies for mommy.
I can run a sub six min mile no problem and do about a dozen dead hangs, probably more if I push it to the limit. I'll be heading to camp in March so I should be good to go.
Good goy! Hey goy, I'm in the artificial leg business. Give me a call when you need it...
I'd sooner join the Chair Force than those overrated clowns.
When Korea finally sounds off your country will need you.
I'm putting it off, but I hear Sandhurst calling myself.
If that's so, we're going to be invaded soon. In my day, if you didn't do a 300 PFT, you were mocked.
The BWT kinda sucks, but grass and firing week are good. Get your cardio up, and pull ups. Prepare for lots of hikes with heavy pack. Only pussies drop out.
Really? Army DS's are old and seasoned NCOs
That's a good start, but what I said is a 300 PFT, and that's the goal. Learn what it means to do pull ups with a kip.
>becoming an übermensch makes someone a faggot
Literally only in leafland
Were you the oldest there? Just wondering how many old fags there will be.
too bad it isn't the ROYAL marines, lmao
Only retarded inbreeds, shitskins, and niggers join the military. Anyone with an IQ over 100 knows the military is for cuck faggots who aren't smart enough to do anything else.
>Do it for your country
My country has sold me and my family out long ago. Fuck the Jew S of A.
>Be a man
How does being a cuck for the MIC proclaim manhood?
>Stop whacking it
You're going to do nothing but jerk off and scrub floors for a few years.
I hope OP dies.
Unless you are going to be a part of the air crew, you are going to wish you joined the Air Force.
Marines barely making sergeant in 5 years, say enlisted at 18, 23 year old DIs, easy. Senior DI is probably a staff sergeant, so 25-26. If you have a gunny, he'll likely be 30ish.
You have to be the cream of the crop to be a DI. It will either make your career, or break you.
>>becoming an übermensch makes someone a faggot
Killing people because your Jewish master tell you to makes you a faggot.
>Get your wisdom teeth out now, dont wait for MCRD.
Excellent advice! You've definitely been to MCRD.
AF fag here
youre retarded join a branch you can make money on the outside
if you dont get into cyber or intel youre basically retarded
Maybe it was like that in the Marines, in the Navy I was one of maybe 3 that ran in the 9's and only a single person could go 8's.
Navy was full of flabby pieces of shit that disgusted me, I should have went infantry and done a tour I probably would have felt better about myself.
Oldest in my platoon was 27, and he was a short little fucker who kept his mouth shut about it.
Nobody asked you, faggot.
Army is for low rent faggots desu
Navy back in the day had a six week boot camp where they barely broke a sweat, never had real rifles or ammo issued to them, and were generally considered fuckups.
>Protip: America isn't worth the sacrifice anymore, hasn't been for a long time (and my Dad fought in WWII and Korea so, believe you me, I know)
What's your reasoning?
Why break you?
Also all my drill sgts were great but in their 30s. There was two guys in their late 20s
>who aren't smart enough to do anything else.
Are you fucking serious?
Are you really telling me you don't get bored of a civillian life where the stakes are so low and everything you do is fucking pointless?
Even though joining the military isn't always smart, I can absolutely see why people do it, it's cathartic to see that what you do has a direct effect on the outcome of something.
This what my Navy vet grandfathersaid almost verbatim lol
If you smoke or use tobacco quit now. Dont wait til basic to start jonesing out. The biggest issue are moody fuckers in full nicotine withdraws.
I had a 29 year old in my plt. Tall skinny guy. They made him the scribe.
Good luck, user...
but you ain't done shit, yet
> 25
> just now getting around to enlistment
You'll probably wash out for the same reason it took you 7 years to figure out you needed the Armed Forces to survive in adult life
I'm 27 thinking about joining the Navy. I wanna go to BUD/S.
>, it's cathartic to see that what you do has a direct effect on the outcome of something.
you mean like ordering an air strike on a school because the Jews want children dead?
Yeah...must feel real good.
>my Dad fought in WWII and Korea so, believe you me, I know
Someone else did something, so I know.
>If you think joining the military is your way to become a man well, son, you're gonna learn hard and fast that it's not.
Sure doesn't hurt.
> Son, you'll be jerking it twice as hard as you ever have, in the company of other "men," and many other things too
Due to the new stresses of training, dude won't even get morning wood until close to the end of training. Hell, I know a dude who didn't even shit for a the first week of basic.
ex-navyfag here.
tip for boot camp, if you slack, you're only cheating, lying to, giving up on yourself. go all in no matter what it is you're doing.
tip for service, 75% of the time, you're a wageslave in a uniform. 20% you're standing watch. 5%, and that's being generous, are happenings.
as a marine, expect a lot of old, worn out jokes to your intelligence from every other branch.
> when a woman says, "no"
> she means, "NO"
Damn right.
There's something amorally gratifying about cause-effect.
It doesn't make it right, but it makes it understandable.
I just tore my shoulder's labrum....looks like i'll never get to join now
Yeah that guys a fag, it honestly just sounds fun as fuck and will at least have some purpose. I'm mostly joining for selfish reasons but serving country isn't a bad byproduct
t. Bitter old neverserved
>It doesn't make it right, but it makes it understandable.
"I killed innocent children for my Jewish masters and damn it felt good."
Fucking sociopaths I swear.
I seen a 36 year old Straya fool pass Basic, and a 34 year old utah rock climber spanked all the kids in PT, and pull ups. 25 is just right.
My ex girlfriend is joining them.
I no longer see marines as men.
There hasn't been a war that the US has fought since the war against Mexico that was worth signing up for as a patriot.
The only exception is WW2, where we should have helped Hitler and purged our media of Jewish control.
Don't come crying when the Green Weenie strikes. Getting fucked by a non-skid cock is no joke OP.
Only stupid idiots join the military. I would never do that gay shit.
You lose pretty much all your rights when you do that. You become government property. You can no longer refuse a search, you no longer have freedom of speech/association, etc.
Yeah, no thanks. I like having my constitutional rights.
Plus, just talking with a recruiter isn't going to allow you to make an informed decision. Maybe you should talk to someone who joined the military and didn't like it? Get a balanced perspective.
We had a DI that went off on a recruit, slammed his weapon into his chest when the recruit had dropped it, and was demoted to combat instructor.
DI to combat instructor is a huge demotion, and he likely never recovered.
How many shekels are the Jews giving you to keep strong intelligent men out the armed forces? Asking for a friend.
You can only pick one.
While I agree US is Israel's puppet, it's still good work.
You going for that free tranny surgery, to get your fellow countrymen hooked on smack, to kill innocent women and children for Jew banker profits or all of the above?
I went through in 08, was 8 weeks and we had live fire once. Difficulty depended entirely on your RDC's (DI's for Navy) and how they treated you. Mine were some tough assholes that made us exercise wayyyy more than the others because they wanted us to win the competition they did at the end against all the other divisions. Referred to us as a bunch of lazy dumbass failures that weren't worth a fuck and that if I didn't train harder I was going to die in a real combat situation. Told me that there was a guy out there my age that had trained his entire life just to kill me and everyone like me and that I should be embarrassed if I couldn't do enough to win a measely physical competition.
I had a friend that went 6 months later and his RDC's would put movies on the projector for them before they went to sleep...
It's never too late to start eating crayons.
t. squid
>service takes away your rights
>no step on snek flag
for the love of god kill yourself. and take your imaginary rights with you.
I was 21 when I went to Parris Island, and I wasn't the oldest in my platoon. It wasn't easy -- One of the other older guys told me that I should give up, i.e. "refuse to train". He eventually broke his body somehow and was separated after being "recycled" to some prior part of training. Meanwhile, I graduated on time. You've made a good decision; Good luck!
I was our scribe. Loved it. Hooked up the LT by organizing all his shit manuals, got phone privileges and mail privileges out the ass. Also knew the schedule way ahead of time.
What's the purpose of marines?
Army fights on land.
Navy fight at sea.
Air force fights on air.
Where marines fight?
Are you insane? Have you watched any BUDS training?
Fucking kids in the shape of their lives wash out of that shit. You have to be nuts. Like nuts at every level.
Did that a few times. Had full Labrum rebuild, SLAP tears and Bankhart lesions.>
get surgery.>
Go to the caribbean and swim for two months. Trust me, swimming is the only thing to get a shoulder back.
It will start dislocating, learn to put it back in with breathing exercises, and roll it back in. Dont try to Mel Gibson bump it in. Slow roll in.
Under a Trump Presidency, yes. Under a globalist FUCKHEAD, then no, NEVER! Thank you for your service brother!
To be fair, I'd put some rounds through your brain housing group with just as much delight.
>Do it for yourself
i don't need a group of other people in my entourage to "do something for myself".
>Do it for your country
nationalism = faggotry.
i stand alone, op.
welcome to being a man.
>Be a man
already addressed that.
>Stop whacking it
you're 25 and you were still cranking it instead of fucking chicks?
man your generation is so fucking out of whack it's atrocious.
you got meme'd, op.
with any luck you'll be able to at least learn how to do a push-up properly.
If you were strong and intelligent you wouldn't be duped into joining the military to do ZOG's bidding.
>You can only pick one.
I bet you think Jews are human beings though, don't you?
>While I agree US is Israel's puppet, it's still good work.
You're a fucking idiot...don't you understand that the only reason the mudslimes have such a problem with us is because of the jews and israel?
Don't you faggots also understand that its the Jews opening the borders and flooding white countries with mudslimes?
You cuckservatives are all the same.
Everywhere, but we go in first.
>First to Fight
Marines were founded in 1775 to fight the Barbary Pirates.
In the front
I'm just trying to explain to you why a psychologically normal, intelligent man might want to joint the military.
It's the same reason you might want to play chess, at least in the case of the officers. It's gratifying to do something and to have its intended consequence come to fruition.
I assume there's also a similar satisfaction for the enlisted, where action a has intended consequence b and so on.
In the civillian world people don't do action a for intended consequence b, people do action a for unknown and largely pointless consequence b for byproduct c (Money)
The military injects you into a simpler microchosm of the world, where your decisions have immediate consequences.
>"service takes away your rights"
It does, idiot. Joining the military is similar to indentured servitude. It's not a normal job, you can't quit if you decide that it's a job you no longer wish to do. That right there should be a red flag.
Jobs rent a person. Military service owns a person. I would never do that gay shit.
so did they not let you join or did mommy say you were already man enough?
You just sold yourself to a bunch of corrupt pieces of shit that do all of Israel's fighting. Not a wise choice. Prey.
Cut off age is 29, better get in serious shape and go soon.
Hey, hey, Army! Where are you going? Turn around your tanks and follow me, I'm Marine Corps infantry. I'm the best you ever will be, follow me and you will see!
Hey hey, Navy? Where are you going? Turn around your ships and follow me, I'm Marine Corps infantry. I'm the best there ever will be, follow me and you will see!
Hey hey, Air Force? Where are you going? Turn around your planes and follow me, I'm Marine Corps infantry. I'm the best there ever will be, follow me and you will see!
The mission is an 18 year old marine and his rifle.
Everything else is support.
Fucking this, sure you might be killing muslims for Israel, but you're still killing muslims
Saying "Fuck the wider implications of my actions" is half of the point of this willing simplifcation of the world.
Its all mental. I've watched BUD/S training. I have a buddy who is a SEAL and I know what they go through is way tougher than the shit they let people know about. But I want to serve my country under Trump and I want to be the best. My girlfriend thinks I'm insane.
I do...or did jiujitsu. injured it doing incline bench. I could take a month off...what do you think that would cost?
Congrats bro. I joined at 25 too. Best decision I ever made to turn my life around. Did 10 years and Got out but I am a man now and no longer fear the fears of my 20s. Godspeed.
if you commit to something, see it through. there should be no option of quitting.
they can't take rights you never had in the first place.
if you think you're too good for indentured servitude, you'd better pray the us never loses a relevant war.
basically only reason I won't enlist.