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jesus christ is the only aryan to have ever lived.
hitler got it wrong and germany has suffered for it ever since.

this is the most retarded thing I have heard in a long time did you just make this up on the spot?

If you already know then why are you asking?

Aryan is a German creation myth for the Hitler's Germany.

Aryan is a group of Altic conquers

Aryan is a branch of Christianity

Aryan is a fetishist ideal for larpers who believe there own bullshit on Sup Forums

Aryan is one who climbs above all others and is truly a noble among plebiscites.

>If you already know then why are you asking?
pic related
why are you responding if you don't know? Nothing you said is correct


kek the Sabbatean is back

Europeans who aren't Slavs

Offspring of the Annunaki, duh.

pic related Well the Atlanteans at least as we can confirm 100% as fact

those digits bruh

>Europeans who aren't Slavs

So, like Portuguese, Spaniards, Greeks, and Cyprus? Ok cool, thanks.

Slavs can have Aryan genes, at least many do today perhaps they are rape babies? Even many Israelis do, why is that you think?

Anyone familiar with this?

You're an American, what does it matter what Nazis thought? Fuck them.

Because I am an ascended master and I am Black Sun, it is my duty to know and my job to teach others

I am aryan.
6'2, 165 IQ. Artistic and scientific. 100% German ancestry.
Putting other people down is like kicking a dog to feel superior. We just are superior and it is kind of saddening there aren't more actual peers.

Then enlighten us, what is an aryan?


An ancient Germanic people who exterminated the neanderthals and invented the caste system in India. Modern Germans and other Germanic groups are their only pure descendants. Jews are the eternal enemy of the Aryans.


Nazism is not inherently confined to Germany.
>hurr durr why do you care about anything outside of your own country???? Hurr durr
Fucking mouth breathing idiot.

They didn't actually believe that. It was a divide and conquer technique. Just like how they allied with coloreds because they were anti-British imperialist.

Still struggling with that opiate addiction?

>Aryan is a branch of Christianity
Its spelled Arian and has nothing to do with the Aryans

find all the answers here

Do you want them to punish you, because mockery is how you get punished.

here you go OP

Well this is true but it goes back much much farther then this what do you know of Thule and Hyperborea?

Yeah, I keep on going to my local hospital and but they won't give me Roxanol.

according to who you? Pretty sure we know what "they" believed since we are "they"

Thule is the esoteric name of the volcano under Antartica, the island that will raise above the water. Buckle up...

thank you brother
Who will punish me? We are "them"


Where is Orsic then black sun?

The term “Aryan” atleast to the extent that Hitler used it as a political standard is a blue eyed blonde haired white person. Hitler never used the idea of the Aryan to demonize whites who had brown hair or brown eyes for example. Most Germans are brown haired and or brown eyed due to their proximity to ancient latin cultures. I don’t know the exact historical context but from the way I understand Hitlers political standard of the Aryan race is that in terms of global population the Aryan is a *minority*meaning that in the event of the globalization/multiculturalism it is the defining white characteristic that will be wiped out first, based on race population in regards to global population when racial mixing occurs. The Aryan is rare to this planet and it the farthest you can really be in terms of “whiteness”. The /pol faggotry of saying who is more white then another in relation to the Aryan would have Hitler rolling in his grave. It was set as a standard that must be protected at all costs by all whites in it being our common ancestral lineage.

Okay lets assume this is true. What does that mean for anyone? People don't care, they only thing that they want is food, shelter, and distractions. This won't change people.

Maiden of the Vril? How would I know? Dead I imagine

aryan is a crap term... but
Aryans = europeans

Excellent post brother and everything is true, but you are just scratching the surface with the exoteric. Why are they so rare and why so important is the questions to find answers too

You're a fucking retard

According to who? Do you have a source for that, learn it through osmosis or just make it up on the spot?

Who said Thule was meant to change people? Thule is the bringer of floods and killer of seas, desalination will continue to kill off the oceans over the next few years.
You are not we then.

What the nazis meant as "Aryans" literally means the proto Indo-europeans

These guys originated in Ukraine/Central asia and spread all over eurasia. The people nowadays with the most yamanya genes however are the Scandis and the Balts

We are not simply trying to show people what an Aryan is we are trying to show you all the proper way to think and learn and escape the Jew Matrix. It starts with educating yourself and stopping trying to express your opinion about things you know nothing about, because I promise you, you know nothing about nothing and everything you think you know is bullshit.

And pic related

We are looking for wolves not sheep, the sheep will follow where the wolf leads

this is exoteric for plebs

Taytay and she is a goddess.

Aryan is not a biological race, it would be synonymous with "enlightened" if we're using the traditional sense.

Being redpilled makes you Aryan, if you will.


According to who?


They are (((They)))

Here is a God-fearing Aryan lady

Thoght that was you...

top kek

I am so confused one camp says only Yuros can be Aryan, then the spiritual camp says other wise.

Why are you confused? Stop to others for answers on how you should think and what you should believe and instead look for information come here

Then how am I to deeply understand what you preach if you are not willing to teach me. How am I to learn the fundamentals. it's if I tried to teach myself a martial art.

Are you looking for me to teach you my truth or for me to teach you to see truth? These are two very different things. Start here

>Aryan is a branch of Christianity
oh my goodness, are you referring to Arianism? LOL, arianism and aryan are two COMPLETELY different things that just happen to be pronounced the same.