Are you a fascist?
Are you a fascist?
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But the media told me fascist are bad.
sad but true
I said fascist as a joke 10 years ago, look at me now! Haha.
A lot of nice words that ultimately mean nothing at present, and can't be applied to economics or politics.
But if everyone WAS a person like described here, the world would certainly be a better place.
I just really liked Prussian Culture bam, now I want an Army with a state.
Do any of you guys actually what fascism is?
Because i swear that majority of Sup Forums just got in love with the myth of fascism but they sure as hell dont understand how it actually worked in practice.
PROTIP: Its another autoritarian and collectivistic state not that diferent of comunism.
The difference is that fascism trys to embolden the individual so the collective is stronger.
While Communism trys to control and every aspect of the individual.
Fascism in a nut shell
If the cell is healthy then so will the body.
Fascism presupposes Communism. Every Fascistic movement was born out of an opposition to Communism. I don't think Fascism can work in a modern context but there are definitely legitimate reasons that it came to be in the first place. I'm certainly not a Fascist but I'm also not going to pretend that Fascism happened because the ones who started it were evil
sort of. Ultimately Fascism is still collectivist, which is why Libertarians decry it
Same user using different device.
Libertarianism to me synonymous with Libertine culture. Freedom for the sake of freedom.
another thing about Fascism is it didn't die a natural death. It didn't even last 30 years in Europe. The Iron Guard, BUF, NSDAP, and the Italian Fascists were all violently uprooted. Because of this we don't actually know what would have happened if Fascism came to dominate Europe instead of Communism. The only real examples we have are pre war Germany and Fascist Italy and maybe even Franco's Spain
you are correct about Fascism championing the well being of the individual. Hitler's Germany wanted to get rid of smoking because German scientists knew how horrible smoking was for your health. But in America people were allowed to smoke themselves to death so big tobacco could line their pockets. And today people are allowed to stuff their faces and be gluttonous pigs. Smoking is taboo now but what difference does it make if we still have a ton of unhealthy degenerates waddling around?
Pretty much this. It was designed by the globalists as a bugfix for the obvious failures of Soviet communism.
TLDR: it backfired horribly.
Germany and Italy withdrew from the League of Nations, closed the central banks and expelled the freemasons
people are afraid of fascism because it makes them responsible for themselves. Fascism is like a treatment for your drug addiction and that drug is irresponsibility; irresponsibility, politically, physically, and spiritually
elaborate. How is a contemporary Fascist responsible for himself in a way that someone else isn't?
As I see a fascist learns from past mistakes and improves himself, bare with me while liberal,Conservatives,Communists etc shift the blame on a nonexistent enemies, so they don't have to improve themselves and thus they are always stagnant this is why you have the right vs left political battle. That is my personal understanding.
fascism is the ideal of victory. Victory not over man but man vs himself.
if you beat people up to further your politics you are a fascist (look it up).
t. Boomer
I agree that none of those three accomplish anything. That is how I became disaffected with Conservatism, nothing was getting done. You are also correct that Fascism means being responsible for yourself. If I wasn't so far right I would probably make dumb excuses about "body positivity" instead of actually improving myself. This is also why I completely abstain from drugs and alcohol. Both are impediments to my goals. Everyone else is content with mediocrity. We are not, which is why we strive higher and higher no matter how much flak we get for it
>tfw codreanu never became romania's leader
no, Antonescu did, and he was killed after the war for treason
You read his comment wrong
what do you think would've happened to Corneliu if he seized power? He would've met the same fate as Quisling, Antonescu, and the Nuremberg defendants
yeah but I just find it sad that he never got to rule his beloved country
Sometimes those who start a revolution never see what it has accomplished.
he was too idealistic
the thing that I find most outrageous is that he was killed by a fucking kike
No, I am not. Fascists are better than commies though.
doesn't that just prove his point though?
I guess, also how did he knew so much shit about the JQ and politics? how can I achieve this level of leadership?
have you read his book? He talks about how Jews were trying to conquer academia and entertainment in Romania and displace Romanians in their own country. Imagine you're a farmer in some East Euro backwater and one day a Jew shows up and says he's in charge. That's essentially what happened in Romania
Just so you know that's horia sima in that picture
What I hate more than communist are Nazi fetishists.
and it's still happening, and they're trying to make us into one ugly blob of a race and dominate us
I didnt make the image
that's what bothers me the most about the Catholic Church. They've fully endorsed race mixing. And even suggesting that race mixing might not be the best (especially if you're European) then you're literally a Nazi. I want my children to have blue eyes, so I guess that makes me Hitler
it's obvious that they got hijacked by those yids, just like the protestant church, since they denounce luther's opinions about the jews
Isn't the Unitarian church the most cucked