>be me
>Peruvian Immigrant, Now citizen
>Embraces Americana culture, rejects old shit culture
>Rejects Peruvian Citizenship
>rejects Cultural Marxism
>Love Constitution, Hates illegals/liberal cucks
>Dislikes leftist policies (cuz they are commies)
>Living the Life.
B M3
Other urls found in this thread:
America is the definition of cultural marxism.
Go back to Peru INDIO
good luck trying to survive, america is more polarized than peru could ever dream to be
Why? If he assimilates who cares?
T. Civic cuck
i want to enslave then murder you and any peruvian.
It doesn't really affect you unless you're white though
t. Divide And Conquer bot
Only Northwestern Europeans are American. You are a Mestizo mongrel LARPing as one.
In general I agree. I really appreciate foreigners who come here and want to be American - for all that it means. Independent and self reliance being major factors in this. The only question I ever have in relation to cases like this are - what about their kids? Second gen immigrants of non-white birth tend to be little malcontents and gravitate towards socialism at a high rate, even with good parenting from a person who wants to be assimilated. Am not certain where the phenomena comes from, and it's probably due to indoctrination in schools - but it may come partly from a sense of social isolation. People unconsciously prefer to be around others who are genetically similar. So, maybe it's not the best for the kids, and society as a whole.
You're whiter then the average american. Don't let the shitposts keep you down.
Fucking based
Not on my watch user!!!
says the fucking Rusky, what not enough vodka in your penis hole??
That's fine idc, I'm American.
Can you translate? my main language is English.
Hello there user
Yeah, ok. Keep dreaming faggot.
Eh. I live here faggot.
You are not an American, stupid mestizo. Stop LARPing.
Fresh off the bot WASP landing in JFK is ten times more American than any kind of your offspring will ever be
If you are the frog from chrono trigger you can stay.
You have to go back.
Funny how all the negative posts are flying meme flags.
unrionically true and historically accurate
You'll never be American, no matter what the document that Liberal laws let you have says. Never forget it indio
If you come to Louisiana, lets gets drunk shoot guns bitch about liberals user
Keep hating. You sound like a Lib. What's next? telling me to vote for a Democrat?
Do you understand the English language?
>American AF
HAHAHA, The constitution is a modern liberal law?? Nah. idk what an indio is, can you translate that for me?
Haters gonna keep hating.
is this (you)?
whos that faggot??
this is now le 56% face thread
Victor pls