America needs to change it's food culture if it wants to make it another 100 years

America needs to change it's food culture if it wants to make it another 100 years.

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>(White)-America(ns) needs to change it's food culture if it wants to make it another 100 years.

It's good as long as only the nignogs and kikes die bc of obesity.

I would tell you the same, Muslim cock is a pretty destructive delicacy.

what's wrong with that? looks fine to me.

Fucking Eurocuck. Most of that meal is vegetables.

i blame shitskins. white american obesity rate isn't that different from other countries.

Yeah nah... Superior genetics brah. I can eat w/e the fuck I want and not gain a lb. Doc says I'm healthy as fuck. Lazy bitches with untermensch genetics need to change not the food.

I would eat that all by myself, for sure

god bless america and god bless burguers

uh, that image is canadian

>greasy af
>whuts wrung

Just help me out here, trying to save your dignity and struff

Are you kidding? That's an A-Class fucking meal right there. You europoors just need a taste of real authentic americana

shut the fuck up
fast food is godly

Of course you would know. We have yet to see anything like this in Scandinavia.

Bro you must be a low test beta if you're afraid of a little grease. Just go to the gym after eating that or a jog or some shit.

>using meme flag
>attacking someone else's dignity
Sorry you're so much of a pathetic europoor to show what 3rd world Ahmed fucked country you are from. I'm going to guess U.K.

Way to not say Norway because our citizens are way fucking richer than yours.

>Scandinavian cuisine

Oh sweaty

Mmm what's this? Did your country take cooking lessons from Ahmed Mohammed?

They don't know what is good

I have yet to see anyone eat that, ever.

You can't even spell right. Oh my god, you guys are so stupid.

America never had a chance to develop a proper food culture because it's been under constant attack ever since it was founded. Leave us the fuck alone and we will develop a better food culture than you can even imagine faggot.
Go fuck yourself.

>Leave us the fuck alone
You're the one wasting money in the middle east and latin america.

I approve
Not to different from Belgium's, just change the soda for a beer

thats not all bad. the norwegian guy has boiled heads and whey cheese as national foods

Kay Abdullah.

Yeah jog or "some shit", it'll help ya, promise

Oh sweaty. Do you believe in this.Jewish fairy tale too?

You can eat whatever fast food occasionally so long as you actually work out and stay in shape. It's just that people remain completely sedentary in combination with a poor diet. That's on the individual and not the food culture to be honest.

>America never had a chance to develop a proper food culture

Our food culture is taking others food culture and making it a million times better

The only wrong with that picture is the soda.

Yeah, and Qataris are richer per capita than us too. Really induces one to ponder.

always a pleasure

We are richer than them if we include the welfare state. Way richer.

>implying im white

You're a peon. You have no culture and no history.

This post inspired me to buy a double-double at In-n-Out

The burgers and fries on that tray aren't the issue. The cola is.

how can amer*ka compete?

>Norwegian education

maybe we could join you as 51st state then at least we have that in common.

we do not eat burgers and fries for majority of our meals
the average American meal is some grilled chicken, some sort of steamed vegetables usually mixed frozen vegetables and mashed/fried potatoes

it's pretty boring and bland but it's healthy

and do what, heat smoked herring 3 squares a day?

Americans, who can afford it, are already changing their diet. The problem is most of us are too fucking poor and the USDA's hold on the food supply, funneling trillions into Big Ag
Calm down guise here is a list of cucks for you. Norway isn't in it. And surprisingly lite latvia are, i always knew they were nigger tier cunts

ahh god you fat fucks

don't. you will be just like germany.

Im not a peon though. You're a peon.

its 00:15 and im fucking starving on an empty fridge, honestly kill yourself.


yeah right. lmao

Why is muh country 2nd?

I said if we include the welfare stat. God you guys are so stupid, what is reading comprehension

>Eating french fries
>Eating GMO animal torture meat
It's like you want to be fat or have nasty shits

Try to cut back on meat or at least eat free range organic beef/chicken/wild caught fish etc

Unplug that shit

Norway needs to change it's cuck culture if it wants to make it another 100 years.

god that looks fucking delicious

im about to fucking explode from this post, knowingn i can't have anything like this for another 13-14 hours.

fuck...thats Norway..? *sigh*

Don't tell us how to kill our niggers you faggot.

10/10 would eat. Norfag, you do know the average American doesn't eat that for every meal right? Niggers and spics do because they have zero impulse control and blame others for their lack of will power. When I was growing up my average meal included 1 starch (either baked potato or rice), some veg and a meat (either chicken/fish for me, or chick/steak for my bro). Every once in a while my dad would get lazy and ask where my brother or I would like to go eat at.

Using a cherrypicked picture of one (1) school catering to immigrants. Desperate.

Why no food? Is it Ramadan already?

Not sure about the cheese sauce on the fries there but the rest looks good. Fuck eurofags. I fucking hate you fuckers. I hate your face, I hate your way of life and I hate you.

empty fridge and its 0:15 so everything is closed

Fuck you guys for calling Norway, Euro.

>Hard Rock Cafe

Nigger you can't spend more per capita on social welfare than exists in GDP/capita. Government spending is already included in GDP calculations. Again,
>Norwegian education

>not having a 24 hour open shartmart down the street from you
Wew, wonder how life is in a 3rd world muzzy shithole


No you're country is fully cucked.

just fucking send me some instant teleportation food you CIA shill


It's not you idiot.

Found the soyboy

mmm, laaaaamb

>Processed meat
>Processed cheese
>GM tomatoes
>GM lettuce
>Stale bun


>Deep fried potato slices with extra salt
>High fat and sodium mayonnaise


>Carbonated water with sugar, artificial flavors, coloring's and preservatives.

No wonder Americans are so fucking fat.

Fuck off, we're full.
Kind of like our 24 hour grocery stores.

Ahh you fucking low-test beta-cucks. I'll show you.

I'm leaving now.

I just ate a big fucking plate of pasta then I got really tired went to bed and passed out and now I'm here.

That...looks like it need an abortion about 30 years ago..


You would know.

Power of the Suomi!

This.... had a discussion with my friend on vacation in Italy today. Said the italian food is way better in America. I experienced the same.

Ohh fuck, the mass reply wasn't meant to include you. Hope you're okey.

I barely ever eat this shit, there isn't a "fat food" joint in 60 miles of my town, the closest we have is a hot dog stand that's been there since the 1920's. This isn't the average American diet, just because it's exported all over the world and glorified on television; it's called advertising you fuckwit. My fiancé cooks for me and our child every night, fresh cod from our 8ft deep 10ft long pond, local elk/bison/venison, fresh vegetables because they're dirt cheap here, fruit salads, etc. I bought work out equipment and we exercise together every morning. I've seen more foreigners obsessed over shitty food than Americans. When I was hiking the Appalachian Trail, we called this German guy "refill" as his trail name because he was so mind blown you got free refills on soda and would drink that shit religiously.
The majority of the obesity problem is within minorities here, or people with depressive disorders that resort to food that triggers a feeling of bliss.

When trump removes the diversity quota i finna steal your women

du med ;0

Have you never taken an economics class?

Yep, that's all of them.
We keep them in that cage so we can throw shit at them. It's fun.

Oh my fucking god, gibs

>burger education
How the fuck did your ancestors land on the moon.

I'm leaving now.

Enjoy your tapeworm

Sounds great.

Why would you want to change that? Looks fucking glorious. Just in moderation.

bahahahaa good to know im visiting oslo in august

holy fuck dude take yourself into the gun store you need to get that hair trigger looked at

>bitching about Shake Shack

utter faggotry

Too late, my wife's a Swede.

I heard that 5 guys and In-N-Out are better.

>>GM tomatoes
>>GM lettuce
>he fell for the GMOs are bad meme
I bet you're one of the people that think bananas were always the way they are now too.