I fell for the computer science meme
Currently a sophomore in college right now
Don't want pajeets to take my job in the future
I'm not obsessed with coding as some people advise to be.
Idk if I can do this the rest of my life
Should I continue or transfer?
What are some good alternative college majors?
Drop out and join the military?
Drop out and pursue a trade?
I just feel hopelessness and don't want to be fucked in the future
I fell for the computer science meme
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I'm a senior in college studying accounting. I dropped all of my classes this term and just drive to an empty parking lot to make people think I still go to class. I don't want to do it anymore. I'm thinking of getting into a blue collar line of work or an heroing. I suggest you pursue a trade job OP. We both fell for the college meme.
Go military and have them teach you a blue collar skil or be an xray tech or something. I was a mechanic in the military. I knew i was goig to have 0 desire to turn wrenches when I got out so I specialized in electronic troubleshooting. It transfered very well into civilian life.
If you don't feel like military, I can also tell you the 2 millionaires I've actually sat down and had lunch with are both skilled tradesmen that ran businesses, one an hvac and the other a plumber.
Don't anhero.
Stop pretending and start doing shit. Don't waste time,because you only have a finite amount of it. Time is irreplaceable.
I've always been interested in joining the military. Just been skeptical on the political correctness that infiltrated it.
What branch would you recommend joining?
I've also been really interested in trades just don't where to start and learn more
Good luck user hope life works out for you in the future.
I don't know that exact feel, but I know a very similar feel.
Join the French Foreign Legion.
The do a trade instead of college meme is just jewish tricks to make sure white people are not well represented in positions of power
You sound pretty much exactly like me, except you have the benefit of only being a sophomore. I'm a junior (I think, I didn't exactly do the traditional college routine). The thing I've found about Comp Sci so intimidating is the feeling that if you're not coding 10 hours a day, you're essentially worthless and will be unemployable after completing your degree. I understand everything I learn in class, but I just don't have the passion for it that a lot of other kids seem to have.
Right now my plan is simply to graduate, be flexible in terms of relocation, and use the degree to obtain a job where mobility is possible. I've never been good in academics, but at all my jobs I've been the best worker. It just sucks not having one thing that you're personally obsessed with and also is profitable.
Here's the thing, young 20 year old college dudes. College teaches you not how to be an OWNER but how to be the worker bee.
Real OWNER, RICH habits are about being lazy and doing everything as efficiently as possible. Some people like being the worker bee doing shit work for 10 hours a day, you should spend 5 hours planning how to do it the most efficient way and then work for 5. Always try to simplify and delegate, that's the business owner mentality.
That's what I've been afraid of as well that trade is just a meme.
wait so you're telling me my CS degree won't guarentee me a job? :(
STEM, or SKILLED CONSTRUCTION. Even a skinny little puke will bulk up working skilled labor. Get into an apprenticeship, and money will rain from heavens like mana.
Same here I was never an A student but for every job I've had I've always worked my ass off for it. I hope one day I'll find a career that I can obsess over
git gud noob faggot, you wont get replaced if your an autist and do nothing but code in your free time.
Literally everything will be automated eventually, and programming will likely be one of the last things to be automated.
Can you give me some examples of apprenticeship and how to get involved?
Go Network Engineer or Sysadmin. Making 6 fig with no degree and only certs. Just need to find what you like to do and hammer at it, if you don't have a passion for what you're doing then you're not going to excel at it.
Hi, also computer science major. You didn't fall for "the CS meme", you fell for the "elitist teenage coder" meme.
Don't be like the other cucks what eat breathe and sleep coding. If you're in that shitty "hackathon hackers" page on facebook, that will only make you feel like you're even more of a fuck up. Take that stuff there with a grain of salt. It is okay to have a life and not be a robot. They're wasting their time by circle jerking over bitcoin and startups. Do you genuinely like coding? Not obsessed with it, but enjoy it enough that you could see yourself doing it every day for work? Then you're good. CS is a hard major and I considered the exact same things you are. Just ride it out till graduation. The pay and ease of it will be worth it.
also post this shit in Sup Forums
How was it getting a job?
Also what was your gpa and portfolio like once you graduated.
I'm only a Junior, and my GPA is actual shit. like 2.3. I've gotten internship interviews though and I know plenty of others with shit GPAs with great opportunities lined up for the summer. "C's get degrees" and all that jazz
i'm a freshman, CS major, feel the exact same way. thinking of learning a trade, maybe becoming an electrician or perhaps going into construction. good luck, user
Hey youngins what you did college means fuck all in the real world. It gets you in a job interview and everything else is personality driven.
Just curious OP, what school are you at right now? If you don't wanna give the name, is it at least a large school?
(((you))) need to go to
where your gay allegations will be heard
Graduate and join the airforce. There are all kinds of niches in computer science, systems analysis might suit you more for example.
are you female?
but I have no personality im autismo :(
Should have done Comp Eng like me, breh
Any job that a CS or EE major can get I can get, it's literally the best tech degree out there. Also that other guy is right about sysadmin or netengineer. Shit helps.
TTU yeah it's a pretty large school. My gpa's a 2.8 currently Cal 2 fucked me but I somehow passed. Been real worried that my gpa is too low. Good to know its not uncommon and theres still hope
>tfw fell for the computer science meme as well
>still no job
>it's okay though because my tuition was fully paid by the state just for getting above 3.0 gpa bongs
Feels good.
TFW making $300k/yr at goolag, but bored out of my fucking mind
retirement soon though I guess
Everyone has this moment in college. You need to sort yourself out no one else is going to do it for you.
There are straight A students that suicide over the pressure of a failing grade. They judge their lives on their test scores.
man up and make a decision. if you fail learn from it and make another one. dont be a fucking soyboy about it.
Software Engineer here so kinda close?
Getting a job is pretty easy if you're not autistic or act like a faggot in the interview.
You didn't fall for any meme, CS is a good major. Did you have any internships during your time in school?
I finished my MSc in data science a year ago and got hired on full-time where I've interned, but had plenty of other job offers.
Keep at it OP, you're in a far better place in terms of employability than all those sociology/humanitarian majors.
Where do I start with this? What kind of certs should I be looking at? There’s a shitload of them out there and I don’t know which ones are worth the effort/money
how do I into work at goolag
going to a big school already helps. calc fucks everyone over, don't worry. just gotta bring the gpa back up.
Can't go wrong with Cisco and Microsoft certs, just start with one or two of each to get your foot in the door and see what you really like to do. Cisco CCENT or full CCNA, and the lower level Microsoft certs should be enough to start, if you have any exp with *nix the get the entry RHEL cert would help a lot.
I haven't had any internships yet I'm only a sophomore I probably need to get one this upcoming summer but first I have to do some projects to build my portfolio to land me an internship
Switch to information systems OP at my uni it was part of their college of business so you take a fair amount of coding/tech classes and also a bunch of businesses classes so you could get a marketing/finance job if tech doesn’t work out for you. I didnt do any internships and my gpa was below a 3 and i still landed a comfy IT/data job a few months after graduating making like 1-2k less than the code monkey jobs i interviewed for and didn’t get, my current job is 10x easier.
Try a trade, electrician, or something along those lines.
Thanks user, I’ll look into it
How did you prepare for these exams?
I got two words for you: Database Administrator. Seriously it's the best computer related job, well paid, usually you have your own office where no one bothers you, just keep databases running and organized, can be automated with weekly maintenance tasks.
Study "cracking the coding interview" and apply every six months
thanks goolag user
Also having a reference on the inside drastically improved your chances
you realize goolag and kikebook programmers make 6 figs and live out of their car, right?
you can make good money and actually live well if you don't work in silicon valley
do not fall for that shit and do not become part of that evil machine - you might be the next one in the news getting fired for using the wrong pronoun