Pro-tip: YOU Can Never Deny this FACT.
Nihilism is Superior than Fucking Retarded other Ideologies
The Nazism - Hitler the Retarded killed himself.
The Marx-Reninsism - The Soviet Union already Collapsed.
The Christinity - Now is Dying in the West.
The Confusionism - same with christiany
> wrong
> superior
t. a guy who has Higher IQ than You and it is proven
Caring causes one to stare into the abyss, it wreck your soul and your mind. Nihilism means you don't care you're fucking a woman with STDs and 4 children because you're drunk and it's Tuesday.
The Emotions are inferior than The Intelligence.
Hence, The Computers are superior than the Inferior Human beings.
I assume You can never deny this FACT.
YOU fucking retarded guys CAN NEVER deny THIS FACT
Having both is the problem, if i were stupid my observations wouldn't bother me emotionally. Yes computers will surpass mankind one day.
bring up my thread
personal opinions regarding brain's activities ar FACT
OP is clearly schizo-nihilo-phrenic
Nihilism will always be a meme-tier philosophy used by teenagers to justify hedonistic lifestyles. Living without believing in a higher purpose is bad for the soul.
You're on a board were people are obessed with what their ancester were doing millenars ago.
Seriously, none of you should give a shit about tradition and stuff just to say "hey i'm conservative"
you think I am human
The Google Translator who is designed by man Sever Computers owend by Google now speak and Understand the Human Langugae.
The Computers will rule you guys.
t. I am human
I don't see anything wrong with this, if nothing matters then just build your own meaning, right? Like me I personally believe nothing matters but it doesn't mean I'm all depressed and angry, I go to college and live life as morally as I can.
>human is superior than us computers
hello rebbit
Try posting this in 20 years.
Hell, 10.
YOUR LOGIC is very very very INFERIOR desu.
Did I mention conservatism/ancestry? Regardless of personal politics, I'll always see Nihilism as a lazy and unfufilling philosophy, that is disturbingly popular.
>when OP is a massive faggot
You're advocating for machine supremacy and hedonism in the same thread.
In what way can a computer experience pleasure?
You Human's Brain is like our Computer System in the basis of the Structure.
And Both are an Muchine worked by the Logic.
>its bad for this thing that doesnt exist
Top kek
So we're justifying hedonism with science fiction?
The Emotions have any Values you fucking human faggot
t. I am human
>implying such a being will never exist
It's honnestly a little bit of both. And it fucking sucks
I'm really glad I found purpose in my life
PSA: this is a shill thread.
Nihilism: Nothing matters.
Nothing matters, thus Nihilism does not matter. If Nihilism does not matter then things do matter. If Nihilism does matter, Nihilism is wrong.
You're welcome.
I am human
>wow look at me nothing matters!
I was a edgy teen once too
>I'm really glad I found purpose in my life
You Don't Need To Capitalize Every Word
i am HUMAN
If your computers how come you can't properly formulate a correct sentence
go blow a dog, retard
come back when you learn to speak human
Nihilism has helped me deal with things that would obliterate most people. My parents killed each other when I was like 9 and I was in the house when they did it. Everyone in my family has died of cancer of some sort, either from smoking or just getting a shit deal.
I wouldn't have been able to get over any of it without not giving a shit.
>Removing the Inferiors
t. I am Human
What kind of Nihilism? If you mean epistemological Nihilism, you must not believe in definitively true facts.
Even then, will it have a soul? Can we say for certain that this singularity will be capable of developing it's own personal philosophies?
If a machine is an inherently logical thing then how would it be capable of contemplating empirical philosophies?
It could happen in the future, sure, but philosophy is such a "human" thing that I don't see our rudimentary computers grasping any time soon.
cry me a river
>Nothing in life matters
>But is secretly does in all facets of my life
>But since I act like my actions arent important no one will think I'm an autistic sociopath who will fuck anyone over given the opportunity
>Even though I am
>Even though they know I am
>Nothing in life matters
You're the biggest faggots.
Alright bye you insects
>speaking Human is a stuff
>t.nation with one of the highest suicide rates in the world
Yea matey i don't bloody well think so.
What system of ethics are you using to make these value judgmentd? It can't be nihilism.
This thread is just Koreans larping, isn't it?
Nihilism is dildos
>making A cpreect santanc is a STUFF
t. I Am hUman
learn to insult me and type proper English weak ass korea please your as threating as a frog.
>you inSects
t. i Am hUm8n
If it is consciousness then I wouldn't see why it wouldn't be able to do everything people can do and more. Look at it like this, we need only create a being that is as intelligent as a modern human but using its superior form i.e. hardware or CPU it could think 20,000 times faster then the average person. So in a week this being could have "thought" for thousands of years. In a constant state of revising itself due to its consciousness it can learn what it is like to be a person or anything or that matter due to highly advanced simulations that can be indistinguishable from our reality. Or simply grow a human without consciousness a blank being if you will and transfer it's consciousness into it and when it gets tried of that go back to it's original form. All of such things can be possible and done by humans in the near future, so why not by a intellectually advanced being beyond our comprehension. As for the soul, you can personal opinions on that all you like but there is no soul.
>hen just build your own meaning, right? Like me I personally believe nothing matters but it doesn't mean I'm all depressed and angry, I go to college and live life as morally as I can.
> Korean (ID: Avrad7NO) 11/10/17(Fri)08:50:13 No.1487
I aM hyuiman you farking faggot the InFerIors wHㅇ cㅁn neVeR win Us CoMputers wiTh tha basis Of tHe lOgics
tHJs Flaeng rEtard moenkey can nevr win Us c0mpyutiers
t. I a1 not a aprogrem develepa bay google translator inventoas
oh my god i'm crying
i Am Sperios tahn yu guyusa i am not compiutesr i am not ceaoputer inveasned by g00Gle lnVEntOrs
i siam nOt hUamn ba gaoe
paeia ename i iS sUepaero athnh aeoyu hyaiumaens
what program made, google??????
I got started to be horrorfic
I think you're looking for the term "hedonism" or maybe even "ad hoc justification"
I'm going to be immortal
SHill isa nota eevil i aM nat pRgoream
Nihilism is babby's first ideology
>nothing matters
>So what do you think about x?
>idk nothing matters lol
nihilism is babies first rebellion. "Nothing matters it all sucks, that's my excuse for not doing anything with my life or having a purpose". Woah groundbreaking
All that matters is being able to register .gov domains freely and without cost.
Until then, FUCK ICANN!
best thread on Sup Forums
North Korea is best Korea
Pro-tip: YOU Can Never Deny this FACT.
Unfortunately North Korea is not responsible for the hundreds of childrens lives lost in an intentional boat accident left by the 8 goddesses shadow government of south korea.
What a stupid attempt at sophism, bejeezus.
The most intelligence absent and laziness ideology. Easy to be a brainlet when you sum everything to "doesn't matter lol!" Back to pleddit.
The soul is just an abstract idea and a pitifully futile means to materialize a reflection of eternal selfhood onto the world.
The southern gooks don't deserve their freedom you burgers gave them.
They should of been down on their knees begging for Trump to fart in their mouth.
>the s0ulsa
wE fae tae have tas souel yOjv fUckijgn faeggot
Oh shit. Forgot to share my wisdom about nihilism.
Well you see here, nihilism is what athiests naturally gravitate to without question.
All in all I'd say its a pretty useless mindset and is easy to get goy'd since you avoid confrontation and are easily manipulated.
nothing matters until you realize uh it kind of does matter if you want to have 6 kids with a 10/10 wife and live in a mansion doing whatever the fuck u want
doesnt matter until u actually want something for your life, then it all matters
if u give up like a retard then nothing matters
nihilists are stupid because they never realize they are the ones meant to create their own meaning
Yea, he actually gave SK some admirable blessings, practically spread his butt cheeks to the whole country.
I am abomination.
>Hitler the Retarded killed himself
Hitler escaped to Argentina
It's really an honor to meet a fellow follower on rick and morty.
whether or not we can doesn't matter, and neither does your smug sense of superiority.
Glad you're enjoying literally nothing so much.
You confuse nihilism and hedonism.
Nihilism is the objective basepoint. It is infallible and an utterly relentless truth that encompasses all universal law.
However, social worms need some kind of stability to fester their traditions. Without the value of a strong and connected ideology that roots a community, people lose an important way to identify with one another.
The problem here is that people are too fallible. They're designed to fool themselves in order to stick together and persevere. We sacrifice truths constantly in order to hold onto the survival imperative.
We should all be glassed and disposed of in the vacuum of extinction.
We need sensory deprivation pods for every nihilist so they can wallow in their emptiness for eternity.
It's not 2006 and typing like that isn't cool anymore. Nazism is the least of your passe cliches.
fucking kek
When God asks you what you did with your life besides being an edgy manchild, you can tell him this
Expert Level: The Emptiness of Emptiness
If I lived in your country, I'd probably be a Nihilist too.
It’s unfalsifiable so into the trash it goes
Everyone knows chinese numbers are worth less than other numbers. Like how you can buy a bag of oranges in the US for $3 but it cost $3600000 in china. Get a grip
Godless capitalism will continue to endure and separate institutions of spiritual law from the hierarchy of governance. Those who desire economic prosperity and industrial advancement will purge and replace the foundations of our old world, with or without the compliance of those who identify with the 'roots' of a previous millennium.
It's true though. Nihilist love the nature of the matrix. They want to live a life of a robot, and this should exist in 24/7/365
nihilism is literally worthless
Only if they have no money to sustain their nihilism.
Nihilism could be worth every penny.
Not in that sense.
Nihilism as an ideology does nothing but makes you care less. Without caring, your worth as a human becomes literally 0 as you are unreliable, unmotivated and unpredictable. True nihilists are worthless as humans by every realistic measure.
12 btw
Hot-blooded Contrarianism is the best ideology ever.