Opioids & Cannabis

What’s the deal Sup Forums? Is cannabis actually helping get people get off or not use opioids or is this just more propaganda like cannabis curing muh cancer?

ibogaine helps people get off of opiates

Kratom is helping people get off opioids.

Weed is helping people get higher on opioids.

>Weed is helping people get higher on opioids.


ayahuasca/DMT therapy also well noted for it's 100% success rate with ending opiate addiction

kratom is definitely helping people get off opioids but it is just as addictive in the long run. Have a buddy who used kratom to kick his opioid addiction 3 years ago and now he takes 70 grams of kratom a day and can't quit. He's tried quitting multiple times because its killing his social life but cannot do it at all.

Brest milk and cannabis both contain cannabinods that when digested perfectly fit in the cannabinoid receptors of our brain.

Opioids milk the hell out of your pineal gland and leave it empty, making the user seek more but can never get the initial high because they never wait long enough to recharge.

Opiods are the choice of Talmudic Jews because people are more susceptible to programming and possession.
The opposite is true for cannabis but it's not much of a stimulant either

>He's tried quitting multiple times because its killing his social life but cannot do it at all.


In the past I used weed and suboxone to get off pills. The weed helps with pain and anxiety you degree, but one needs to get to the root of their addiction to truly get off drugs

Weed/oil is good as a medication because it can be grown cheaply by almost anyone, but bad for pharmaceutical industry and carpet baggers. Note: Only degenerates use it without a sincere medical issue.

The only thing which is going to get people off smack is religion

Bud helps ease withdrawal imo.

sauce is he complains about it to me everyday

Sauce m8

>Praise Besus shadilay!!

I mean’t how is it killing his social life?


Not only can DMT cure addiction but it can also cure your fucking life

He probably looks like a cookie monster garbling capsules.

Taking kratom for short periods of time is key. If you're taking it everyday for a year it just becomes a problem. For me kratom gave me social anxiety after long term use and as soon as I saw it was doing that I quit. Its super easy to take a few scoops, chill out and just play video games for 12 hours a day. My buddy just stays in his bedroom all day doing that and doesn't feel like doing anything else because you just become numb and don't give a fuck.

Don't know if it actually works, but I wish my brother wouldve at least tried it to see before he died an addict to opioids

yea it kills the leftover shit in your system leftover making you crave some other stupid shit painkillers while killing your pain that the hangover from painkilelrs causes that causes you to take more.
its the pain and shit,mental nad physical they cause from their hangovers is what gets idiots with no willpower like you addicted
to say yuo need a drug war is saying you want jews haulign nigger cattle in boats in america, but no niggers thou

Fuck me he really does use a lot of nutmeg, doesn't he

Google "five teaspoons of nutmeg".

Look at the first link.