This thread is for information sharing and discussion regarding the Purple Revolution planned by Soros, Deepstate, leftists, terrorists, and similar ilk.
Previous Threads:
Days after the election, the Clintons met with Soros to discuss new their new plans going forward in a Trump Presidency. As we all know, Soros' goal is to create instability in the Unites States. He's known to finance color revolutions across the globe, such as the recent revolutions of the Arab Spring and Ukraine. This will happen next in the USA. It's the plan. THE PURPLE REVOLUTION. The PR friendly Clinton explanation is that it symbolizes red America uniting with blue America. But we should be aware it's just another color banner operation for Soros.
>Clintons are pictured at her concession speech wearing purple, a color-coded message that this revolution was just beginning.
Enter the #MeToo & Hollywood sexual harassment scandals. Elite pedophilia rings and other trafficking networks related to Hollywood could have been more exposed, but the story was unfortunately hijacked by other groups. Instead, women's rights groups took control of the narrative when they created #MeToo, taking the intense focus off of Hollywood and placing a broad focus on everyone.
>What the fuck does this have to do with the Purple Revolution?
We should know by now that many women's groups are fronts for Soros style infiltration. Now that they have control of the narrative, Soros is injecting his Purple Revolution into the idea of preventing sexual assault.