The key to the entire mystery. Look closer Sup Forums.
Prince Alwaleed is the third Podesta brother
We got him boys.
Comped sushi is more than a meme. The memes are converging.
podesta isn't arrested, though. he was at some clinton 25 year thing on a panel recently. i like the theory, but i don't think it's true.
Bump for justice
Obama turned himself in yesterday. They can not reveal to the public that they have already been indicted as to ensure a 100% fair trial, which they are entitled to.
holy shit! bump!
We already know Israel did Vegas you fool. We also know that no matter your shitty propaganda memes the truth is going to come out. Israel is doomed.
Wheres the proofs
Who runs Saudi? Who is the Saudi royal family?
This is some odd disinfo
Saged and ignored
Fuck off LARP
Don’t be retarded. He was randomly called for jury duty. He was dismissed.
Trump was also called up during the campaign remember?
so wait, you're all of the people are going to be tried in private? to ensure a fair trial? this will take years. remember OJ?
how do you know obama turned himself in yesterday?
have another bump
im not retarded.
I'm sacrificing myself in this shill of a thread.
>"sting operation" run by the Feds/DNI
>60 dead people
These pics are fake shilling, right? It's like they didn't even know what earlobes are.
that's so cute that you think Dems are capable of keeping anything secret
>literally using "p@ssword" for email accounts
Correct. They might even be the perps themselves with CGI rendering layered, as yet another level of troll mastery.
Remember this pic? That’s Podesta eating people. So they see this pic on TV and freak.
most of us know and are ready to reveal once Saudi war kicks off, if it kicks off.
Stephen Paddock is such an obvious fake name. A paddock is where you lead sheep.
Also means frog.