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There is only a higher urgency for quality service when there's profit to be made from it
If a person just fixed the pothole themselves, they wouldn't have to put up with the pothole for six months to a year before the government fixed it for them.
Why? Is that pothole in a libertarian/ancap country or one run by (((big govt)))?
Let’s imagine a world where roads were fixed by robots.
Let’s imagine these robots were so cheap it didn’t natter if the government owned them or private citizens owned them.
What would that do to the roads argument?
potholes are good, so the police coming to shut me down will die in a car accident
same for the refugees
>he doesn't drive his ATV around town.
No, they'd get fined by the government, and the road would be repotholed.
I'm pretty sure some old retired old fart would just fix it if it were bad in a libertarian Utopia but with current municipalities and litigy you have to worry about being fined or sued for repairing an easy little backyard project a 67 year old man could accomplish on a Tuesday morning
posting an unfilled pothole to make fun of libertarians because in a libertarian society, potholes will never be fixed?
In Ancapistan you'd be payed for finding potholes the same way Google pays you for finding bugs.
There are more than 2,200 PRIVATELY owned highway bridges in the United States.
Ignorant FAG
>mfw anarcho-primitivism is the one true path
You didn’t pay your monthly $100 road fee to drive on the Goldstein Apple MySpace Snapchat highway this month goyim
Oops you need to pay a $50 toll to exit onto the Facebook Zuckerburgerstein coca Coca Cola expressway got
Is libertarianism a Jewish trick?
One in a Democratic controlled suburb most likely
My glorious socialist-lite government never fixes fucking potholes where I live.
The whole "le ebin what about roads? xDD" argument is fucking retarded. Whoever came up with this needs to be fucking shot.
Can the wolf not see the bubble or something? Why didn’t it react?
why aren't libertarians incapable of fixing roads?
this is the dumbest meme ever
Communism wins again
A pencil kills the commie.
>shoot the retards
We would have so few people left though.
led's imagine a world where me starve to deaf you starve to deaf ebryone starve to deaf XDDD
Monarchies with state churches also had dirt roads, it was the norm during the 1800s and previously.
Ask a foolish yellow-flag poster what he thinks about a State which is heavily influenced by the Chruch, however, O.P.; find out the differences.
No, that kills the Motor Cyclist.
How about instead, you kill yourself?
Are you fucking Syrian?
This, you don't have a permit for road work, on top of that, you are liable for anyone who gets injured before the government has a chance to inspect the road. Hope you like being sued.
Yeah, nah...
>moronic posts
"Just because my posts are moronic, doesn't mean I am XD, derp! derp, derp!"
Friendly reminder Sup Forums is a monarchist board
sage the commie
They'd look the other way, at least in America. I've seen it happen.
Damn that's some sexy BTFO
Well the Mormons of all people had a fully-functioning society with money and roads and whatnot and it might as well have been a clerical fascist state so...
By the way those Mormons are the second-highest contributor to humanitarian efforts worldwide, beat out only by the Catholics. Pagans BTFO :DDD
Does anyone really think if this road was paid for by a business to reach a shopping center that they'd leave it like that for months?
> fills in the pothole personally
> breaks the universe
no but a competitor would.
Generational family ownership really is the only timeline long enough to ensure that people don't lie their way into elections, take advantage, and then flee the scene of the disaster they've created.
Fucking Sicilians.
Kill yourself
Novel fucking idea: don't have elections or monarchs. The people that are incapable of living in such a society will die off and Whites will rule once again :DDD
>a book kills the commie
Silly arrangement, clearly a bad ceo. Need to get better at your job.
>stop giving me too much information. my reptilian brain can't help but lash out when i see people planning things!
fucking thank you
“I, Pencil.” Read it, commie.
>getting injured by a filled in pot hole
I really don't understand this meme
Without road there is no distribution. Corporations will pay for road to expand markets alone. Let alone the opportunity to privately license highways, pay per use claims and marketing generation.
Roads are vastly over looked as generators of income and expansion of markets, they are highly profitable and necessity of economic growth
Autistic comprehension.
Libertardians are allergic to properly functioning theories of authority so you get grief because you're both worthless and easily trolled, user.
> Read it
Why wouldn't you just watch the youtube video? I legit cried at the end to be honest, truly beautiful.
Shouldn't you be giving O.P. that (You), user.?
After all, it was he who started the giving of grief to you libertardians...
Human nature kills the libertarian. The idea of libertarianism and communism is the thought that everyone is aboard the same ideology bandwagon. They're fun to think about but human nature ensures that any application of these ideas would turn to shit within a generation or two. Capitalism is the only way, it wouldn't hurt to modify a few things but its always evolving, as it should.
Libertarianism eventually evolves into capitalism as they figure it out. Libertarianism is an ancient shtyle that people think are good ideas now because they don't understand capitalism and modern forms of government and why we evolved away from that kind of system. If you implemented the system today you'd run into problems and then figure out how to fix them. This would continue until you have either communism or capitalism.
Maybe theres some flat earthers they could convince to join their cause but anyone with an understanding of the power structures and methods used today for most infrastructure and governance know why they're there.
Isn't it more a local council issue? They're even more useless
>capitalism exists
My word! You're as bad as they are, lad.
Well, it was fun.
Good job, O.P.
this picture
> thinking you can trust humans with power
> thinking you can trust humans with a monopoly of justified violence and coercion
Human nature kills the authoritarian and the statist.
welcome pajeets on one day temp visas
pot hole
poo hole
no hole
ICE pajeets with extreme prejudice
Libertarians are the least of our problems atm faget
>gee i wonder, picrelated
>mayor of my rural town of 90 who has a bone to pick with me decided to not retrofit road leading to my home, arguing it was private and not public
>see a pothole
>fill it up
>this is kinda fun
>fix the whole quarter mile because i enjoy it
>tfw petty mayor of socialist francistan let me become a libertarian
>1 post by this ID
I'm gonna say it again. There is no excuse for more than 10 replies on this kind of thread.
Human nature kills everything it WANTS. We have free will for a reason.
When I was in Honduras last year, I saw some homeless guys filling potholes with asphalt and collecting handouts from people driving by.
Did you get shot? Did you see someone else get shot?
I saw someone get hit by a car on their moped, and their brains splatter all over the pavement.
Gun crime on the island of Roatan isn't very much.
we have guys like these in mexico for public roads, private roads are in way better shape
Does Honduras have stoplights if any?
this kills the nigger
Why do your people keep crossing over the border?
>C O M P E T I T I O N L O W E R S P R I C E S
you have sanctuary cities, you have welfare, you give them public schools and universities
they want to wages in dollars since your minimum wage laws are retarded and they can benefit by just asking for lower wages since they´re already illegal (lower wages are not a bad thing for americans)
so, the reason is cause you´re pretty much retarded
Filling the pothole would violate the NAP
>be ancaps
>no roads
>build vehicles with off road capability
>dirt roads develop out of commonly used paths
>roads belong to everyone and no one
>communism achieved
Why can't you Mexicans do something about your corrupt government? It's like a hellhole down there. People get killed over grams of cocaine and pieces of paper. You call Americans retarded, but at least we have the sense to not be as greedy as a dirty mexicunt.
> worst case scenario your taxes are reduced 90% but you have to buy offroad tires or an offroad vehicle
I'm okay with this....
Monopoly of justified violence and coercion is natural monopoly. Its very simple. 10 people beat one. So people skilled in beatings blob into blob then into bigger blob and force everyone to pay them taxes. And eventuality only one largest blob survives withing natural limits of geography, nation and technological level of of violence.
The difference being culturaly, people justify the state. We want them to wakeup and see the state for what it is, and support some alternatives and beating people up for defensive purposes.
polticians don't pave roads.
>Pay private company to pave road
>Pay private company to maintain road
>Pay private company to fix road
Gee, is that so fucking hard?
> we already pay private company to pave, maintain and fix roads
> just want to get rid of the bureaucracy lumped on top unnecessarily
We are reasonable people.
I was there as part of a cruise once and didn't see any, but it was a coastal area so...
Oh no theres a small depression in the road. Guess we need violent and inefficient government after all.
Why haven't taxes fixed that road? I've been living on a private road for the last 7 years and my neighbors and I maintain it better than that shit. Explain yourself, tax-cuck?
That pothole occurred on a state-owned road and appears to have been allowed to grow unchecked for months if not years.
toll road > public road.
You're "point" (i.e. a picture of a pothole) is precisely why private roads would be better... I cant tell if people honestly are getting more retarded or if its just for the luls. I think the former! if its the latter, perhaps work harder on your presentation.
>The difference being culturaly, people justify the state.
This culture is extension of monopoly of justified violence and coercion. As final judge fro social actions this monopoly can run any propaganda campaign and inevitably they stumble on the idea of justifying their existence and that this justifying state for PR reason better be positive (you need us ) than negative (we will kill you if you refuse). So you see propaganda of ideas ranging from "muh roads" to the "God made us kangs and shit".
>We want them to wakeup and see the state for what it is, and support some alternatives and beating people up for defensive purposes.
Thing is there is no alternative. You can't escape violence. You can only try to reduce damage from it.
>implying there'd be a street for the hole to be in
Yeah fuck the system myan lol
Haha fuck boot lickers lol
There is an alternative, you can't escape violence but you can structure it in ways different to the state in which:
> it is a voluntarily engaged provider
> it has real recourse & consumer feedback
> doesn't claim to be above people & their property rights
> is subject to competition within a geographical area
Who needs roads when you live in a utopia that has hovercars and teleporter pods