What's the problem with prostitution? If it's done safely it can be a lucrative career for women who can enjoy it...

What's the problem with prostitution? If it's done safely it can be a lucrative career for women who can enjoy it. Current anti laws make things worse.

Every law is made for moral reasons
Prostitution kills the family, the foundational structure of society

>Prostitution kills the family, the foundational structure of society


Theres one that gets posted around here about the results of the sexual revolution and no-fault divorce, free prostitution is the ultimate form of (hetero) sexual revolution

Think about it logically, does prostitution encourage families?

>What's the problem with prostitution?
why should you be allowed to fuck if you have to pay for it?

that's just silly.

if she won't do it out of love or lust then you go without.

too late, they wrecked the family, it will take time to rebuild it.

in the mean time, dorks need pussy, and the 5/10's they should be marrying are tumblerfucks

so, yeah, in the short term, loosening prostitution might ease some of the societal

Why should only women be allowed to fuck their way to a comfy living by lying on their back and doing nothing?
Since this is the age of equality shouldn't male prostitutes be paid the same as their female colleagues?

There is no problem.

>Women: Hello, you will give me 200$ for 1h of sex.
>Man: Sounds good, deal.

It's legitimate business.

>What is supply and demand?

When feminists mean equality, they don't mean equality, they want to get better jobs and more money than men without working hard for it. The whole feminism shit is just so they can get someone who represents them to a higher authority so in the end they can bring down patriarchy and enslave men. Mostly likely let the beta males quietly off themselves, while the feminists tumbler bitches will finally be able get to get fucked by an alpha male. What's our best defense against this? To be red pilled as fuck.

It's a legit, consensual business transaction. Man agrees to pay woman for sex she is willing to give up. There is not issue with it.

Counter-arguments are literally "because muh feelings," which is a bit ironic considering Sup Forums makes fun of the left with that type of stuff.

I'll bet you support gay pedo incest marriage too huh

She's missing one thing that men want. Men don't want a family. Men (at least real men) want to have an the aggressive sexual encounter with a woman that leads to the family and the eternal bond between the man and woman.

"every law is made for a reason"

Do you not know how many retarded laws there are?

Fucking retard

No problem with it, and its legal in NZ.

Spend money on hooker for an hour or 2 or waste money on some tinder whore.

At least im getting laid and dont have to listen to whinging or some SJW shit about Trump killing Muslims.

Hookers iv found are kind of red pilled from having to deal with shit skins.

False, men want a traditional wife that will obey them unconditionally

I don't care what anyone else does in the bedroom as long as it's with two consenting adults.

Maybe you should get a hobby instead of caring about others personal lives so much.

And how exactly do you get a woman to obey you undconditionally if you don't have the aggressive sexual encounter which you gain dominance over them through?

Anti-Prostitution is a meme made by women.
>Prostitution takes away the socialized aspect of women, it's literally the free market.
>Any woman that wants to compete with prostitutes literally has to make themselves better and not literally act like a hooker.
>Women act like hookers now because competition for higher quality women has essentially been outlawed.
>Prostitution either becomes legal again, or men will move on to sexbots that will be indistinguishable from the real thing.

Know a hooker and she doesn't enjoy most encounters. She only likes when she gets to piss or shit on guys who are as fucked in the head as her

You don't fornicate but you should definitely have hard sex often with your spouse


One of my best friends is an escort, she charges like 450 an hour.
Tricks are so fucking dumb, like nothing will make you hate men more than seeing how these thirsty fucks treat whores.
They're like over the fucking top needy and clingy. They never want to leave after their time is up. Like 25% ask for bareback full service.

Guys act like complete faggots.
Then I realized that this is how the majority of dudes are like with all women.

Women are fucked but so are men, like we need test shots or something to counter whatever the fuck is turning us into faggots.

Sex should be sacred.
However I'm inclined to agree that outlawing prostitution causes more trouble than allowing it.

Okay, start training your daughter to be a whore right now then OP.

One of my best friends is an escort, she charges like 450 an hour.
Soyboy online spammers are so fucking dumb, like nothing will make you hate men more than soy how these thirsty fucks treat whores.
They're like over the fucking top needy and spamming the same shit everywhere. They never want to leave after their time is up.

Guys act like complete soyboys.
Then I realized that this is how the majority of some dudes are like with all women.

Women are fucked but so are men, like we need some shots or more soy to counter whatever the fuck is turning us into faggots.