Well, Sup Forums?

Well, Sup Forums?

The lives of pedophiles shouldn't be paid for in prison in the first place

because pedophiles aren't human any longer.
they're like commies.

Agree. Death row inmates get used first, then life, etc.

Communism will win, read hegel, American retard.

I agree, and no more lethal inject, lets use them for spare parts

I have to agree here. There are plenty of jobs they could do. Why not let them be in the army? If they die in combat, nothing of value was lost that day.

The Niggers are the largest racial group in USA Prisons.
Just Use those Niggers.

Then you're nothing better than an animal yourself.


Because according to many idiots, an 18 year old who has consensual sex with his 16 year old girlfriend or a person who looks at a racy picture of a pubescent teenager both count as pedophiles, in the same class as a 40 year old who kidnaps and rapes a kid.

The short awnser is because we test a fuck load of shit all the time, and even if we legalized using prisoners as test subjects we'd just run out of prisoners in a day or two.

They actually do test on prisoners, you ignorant fuckbiscuit. Many notable experiments over the years have used prisoner participants to test a hypothesis. Do some research.

Because it's cruel and unusual punishment you dumb commie nigger.

Niggers aren't people so we should just use them for tests, they won't be missed and there are so many there isn't a shortage.

Pedophilia is a social construct. It's impossible to alter those whom you're attracted to. We need to support those who have consenting sexual relationships with the "underage," not condemn.

>implying that underage ppl can sexually consent

Because all those who are falsely accused don't already have enough reasons to hunt and murder you?

*prisons full of niggers

Stop defending pedos, you sick fuck.

t. right-wing pedophile.

What the hell do you think happens in the army
Conscript criminals are the worst possible soldiers


Pedophiles should be issued as slaves to 45+ year old women who can't get a man.

There are plenty of prisoners with much worse records than those people. We could have people below a certain sentence be exempt from testing.

I'm not "defending pedos"

I want to hunt and murder scapegoaters. You need to die.

This is the face of a pedophile. Start your testing on him.

i mean the commie has a point

Pedophiles are only ppl who need to die, comrade.

Communism wins in the end like there is a Gold Metalist in the Special Olympics.
Nothing actually fucking changes and they are still massive fucking losers in the random game of life.

Because it's easier to snap a mouse neck to harvest the organs than kill a full grown adult negroid.

Fast trial, death penalty.

I mean, commies should die too, but I do agree with this post.

>shitting at Wallmart interference's

For once I agree with a commie

Not much worse than the fodder that we push through the US Army these days anyway. Also, the whole 'go to army or go to jail' thing still happens. In Afghanistan I was placed under the command of a criminal conscript.

>Conscript criminals are the worst possible soldiers

Needs citation.

Kill the pedos, inspect their brains. Find out what makes people pedos. Have humanity ourbreed pedophilia


I'll be praying for you user. Your life is valuable too you know. You may not value life but perhaps you'll find penance before you die.

Amen, brother.

Cruel and unusual and unethical.
On the other hand first degree rape should get capital punishment but it was declared excessive by the courts.
It's not society's job to match or surpass anyone's depravity but to eliminate it.

I think it would fall under "cruel and unusual punishment"

well, cant diagree with that at all

>somewhere off in the distance a russian laughs after defeating napoleon and hitler with conscripts

>Well, Sup Forums?

Well what? Sup Forums hates pedos.

(((pedophiles))) good idea! Lets sterilize (((them))) too!

I'm down

those pedophiles have families. they should have their cocks chopped though.

How we treat those we have imprisoned define us as a culture.

Fuck off if you want to treat those in prison as 'sub-human'.

Chemical castration might be better.

Depends, there are different kinds of pedos.
>This one is sexually attracted to single digit age children.
>This one met a 16 year old in a bar with a fake ID.
I have a couple of high school friends that are going to be red dots for the rest of there lives because of the second one.

A. people don't respond to meme flags here, last and only time

b. All you "death penalty people, torture le pedos" don't seem to realize that when you live in a ZOG, these punishments you expect to be use on niggers or mexicans who rape white girls won't be. They'll be used on anyone ZOG doesn't like. when you have a government full of Jews and activist judges who get worse by the day, you want them to have the least power possible. Look what ZOG did to arabs after 9/11. One attack on kikes here the Jews cold frame on "White racists," they'd be torturing white here.

Well, Sup Forums?

Serial Killers and anyone who has raped a girl under the age of 14, sure.

Pedos should be immediately walked to the gallows upon conviction.

What you think soldiers are free you retard? It costs tens of thousands of dollars to train a soldier into anything more than cannon fodder.

ahhh /leftypol/ its ok bud. Show me where AJ touched you.

Why not both and niggers while we're at it?

>eat a 13 year olds pussy
>while we were both in Spain, where it was perfectly legal
Get fucked amerikeks

Fucking commie jew

I see no problem with this.

More realistically, why can't we simply test on volunteers? There are lots of suicidal people who wouldn't mind putting themselves to good use even if it means death.

Gudaffi the prisons

Hi jew!

we dont want to be china

I always wonder about that too.

Pedophilia is a social construct, the word has binary implications in terms of your status as a subhuman, but really if a guy fucks a girl 1 day before her 16th birthday and another fucks her one day after and both guys are the same age, what’s the difference?

And meanwhile some guys are fucking 14 year olds in Eastern Europe where it’s totally legal.

I’m not saying it’s right but it’s not as dry cut and binary as people make it out to be.

Hey schlomo! Watch doing?

Communism will never win as long as humans are humans. Absolutely incompatible. When a communist country be comes corrupt, the power it wields is so immense that great atrocities will be committed. Every. Fucking. Time. The concept is good if used on a race that wasn't prone to these kinds of things but alas, humans are awful.

>t. jew

Virtue signaling
I'm the best because I hate pedophiles the most!
I hate them way more than any of you cucks do.
Nobody hates pesos more than me!

Hi Rabbi

that's a good point

Because literally every single criminal will go out in a "blaze of glory" if prison basically means torture.

Police are chasing you? Time to shoot at them until you die instead of surrendering and giving them all your information for a less harsh life in confinement.

Pesos! Yeh I said it

My question is why are the pedophiles still alive to even consider experimenting on?

Good thing we have a lot of communists to experiment on.

>400 million

Because some might be innocent.


I'm a correction officer in a county jail. That awkward moment when I'm working the protective custody unit and Teen Chef America or some kids show comes on the tv and all the diddlers sit around watching TV. I turn that shit off.

>t. jew
It doesn't work that way retard

It's pretty ridiculous people hate pedos this much but completely ignore child murderers.
You know, children hate the latter much more, right?

That kind of sounds like an exciting world to live in though

Sounds good

Build a wall around Detroit and have robot police and it could work.

>There are plenty of jobs they could do.
There is only one job pedophiles could do: die.

So Tonald Drump the pussygrabber, who is 90yo, molested 19yo girls, considering this pedophilia will be publicly tortured? Will they go full mayonaise on him?

Of course nigger kike puts a picture of a white man.

Agreed. All pedos will pay

>All pedos will pay

...for their weapons to murder pedohaters with bitcoin

>Get married
>Thot wife always planned to leave you after a few years to take half your shit
>Sets it up so that you look like a pedo abusing your kid
>Get sent to prison where they test lipstick on you
>Lipstick blows your lips up 5 times their regular size
>Other prisoners uses your mouth as a fuckhole

>Why not let them be in the army?
Because handing weapons of war to people like that always turns out so great, right?

Stop posting these retarded "le depressed XD" memes you ugly pizza faced virgin.


killed by jewish directors
discovered by (((SPIELBERG)))