Communism will win!

Communism will win!

at what


Yes but only after everyone's starved to death.
Then there will be no one left to compete with.

The world.
Chinese market socialism RIGHT NOW controls 90% of your rare earth element supply.

Sucking dick

China is barely communist. At this point it's just government regulated capitalism.


t. literal fash

Haista vittu luokkapetturi.
Kommunismin tulevaisuutta ei voi kieltää vain kun työttömät perussuomalaisia äänestävät juntit.

Communism is a heavily flawed system

Much like Trump, or should I say a turd?



le le le epiccccc XDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!1 le le le le le le le le lololololololol hahahahahaha le praise le kek XDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You better hope it doesn't. Who's gonna pay for your old age care?

The state.

Oh boy. I wonder how the commies will fuck up this time? Will it be from corruption? Pollution? Manic government officials?

All of those things can be blamed on capitalism and revisionism within the CCP

Too expensive! You not allowed to live past 60! Don't get too old goy!

Being Jewish has nothing to do with retirement funds, anti-semite scum!

The state doesn't exist, there is only people.

>communism fails
>blame capitalism
You're retarded.

>I don`t know how social contract works

Ok, buddy.
Let me quess, you`re an american?

Nice non sequitur you have there

>When your jewish overlord decides it's time for your ideology to collapse so you blame the other ideology also funded by the same jews that funded you

When will judeo-commies ever learn

Getting tricked by Jews into adopting their ultimate control philosophy, and lowering your own standard of living to match everybody else's standard of living except the card carrying members of the CP is has everything to do with Jews. Communism is a Jewish invention.


>too low IQ to understand Hegel

I feel sorry for u


I've never heard of the man.

Hold on, I'm getting something on the radar.