So, Trumps tax plan cuts corporate tax from 35 to 20 percent. How the fuck is that going to help America?

So, Trumps tax plan cuts corporate tax from 35 to 20 percent. How the fuck is that going to help America?

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Donald "Swamp the drain" Trump

So, Bernie tax plan raises corporate tax from 35 to 50 percent. How the fuck is that going to help America?

By giving more welfare to niggers, duh!

I'm more worried about capital gains. I only make 72 a year but am gonna sell my business soon 250k

its even worse.
since it is temporary, they have to borrow money to pay for the loss of revenue while still running a budget deficit.
so much for fiscal responsibility eh?

This. They should be 5%

It will make America more attractive to companies looking for a home. Are you seriously this fucking retarded?

y b8, m8?

It also gave some cuts to every other tax bracket. Tell me, how many tax cuts was Hydrogen Hillary going to make?

more money for corporations means more money for innovation means more jobs means less welfare.

note to all" THIS is the best meme the left has to the point they try using it 5x a day.

Shill thread sage report hide move on

Well when you put it like that...

By taking money out of the money generating institutions and using it to PAY DOWN THE FEDERAL DEBT

They should be 90%

We should be driving out corporations, corporations are PARASITES, are you this dumb? Enjoy your BAN

Stop trolling or you'll get banned.

reduces tax fraud and offshoring, prevents corporations from leaving.

this is unironically a good thing and even progressive modern economists would agree with it.

How is it not going to help America?
Didn't think of that one huh shleppy

Agreed it should be 0%. The actual amount of revenue collected from corporate taxes is actually very small. I'd rather companies bring their capital investment and jobs here and increase revenue by having more people paying individual income ta

>. How the fuck is that going to help America?
Explain how it is not?!?

You are the one making the extraordinary claim the burden of proof is on you.

More money to feed into the stock algos. DOW 50,000 by April 1st.

Agreed it should be 0%. The actual amount of revenue collected from corporate taxes is actually very small. I'd rather companies bring their capital investment and jobs here and increase revenue by having more people paying individual income tax


It closes loopholes that corporations have used for decades now so that no matter what the tax rate was, they never paid taxes to begin with. 35% was the highest corporate tax rate in the world, and yet big US corporations paid little to nothing because of loopholes.

KYS newfag

> Corporate profits at all time high
> Workers see no increase in wages
> Let’s throw more money at corporations so maybe they might finally pay workers more

Conservashits are really this fucking stupid.

1. It will stop American companies from relocating to offshore tax havens.
2. When companies have a lower tax rate and less interest deductibility, they have less incentive to load their balance sheets up with debt. That means that when the next recession hits, they won't all be saying they need a bailout to survive.

I know idiot liberals like you don't understand economics well. Trump is doing the right thing for America and American workers. MAGA

They should be 0%. This right now is double taxation.

government budget is a meme. the government is nit supposed to run at a profit. unless you have a yuge trade surplus, either the government is running deficit or the private sector.

>less government revenue
>less government created jobs
>More people have to go on weflare

>cutting taxes to EVERYONE
Yeeeeaaaahh that's a good idea

I'm a Conservative economist and i disagree, i think corps should pay 95% tax most 90% min

Because now America will go more ind ebt

>wanting more corporate jobs/capital investment
They are parasites


>taxes lower
>less revenue
>Ameirca falls more in debt

That's how

That's bad

I know you are.

Corporations do not pay corporate taxes. Not ever.

The cost is simply passed down to the consumers.

Corporate taxes hurt the poor.

Hey OP

Put your thinking cap on.

It encourages corporations (big bidnez) to not only stay here, but to come back here.

Learn to global bidnez.

Have you even read any Jewish economists? Giving our overlords as much money and freedom of action and power as possible is the only way forward for the middle and working classes. What are you, a Bolshevist?

Is OP a fag AND retarded? Serious question.

>Cut taxes
>Companies from other countries decide to move to America because the taxes are comfier
>Higher GDP happens

Who said he's closing loopholes?

Maybe we'd have enough money to bail them out if we actually taxed them more. You liberals are so fucking stupid and don't understand jack shit about economics.

Corporate tax cuts are not tax cuts for billionaires. They're tax cuts for corporations. Corporations aren't people. Any money not taken from corporations eventually goes to people. It doesn't all go to billionaires. I would be surprised if it even mostly went to billionaires.

That's an MMT meme. Governments should run surpluses

By that logic does no worker ever pay income tax, it's simply passed on to the one that pays them?

Learn economics bud, learn business. Low taxes means more corporations aka more parasites

You clearly are

>more parasites

Companies go to Ireland from USA for tax reasons... incentive to bring businesses back.. still get mad at Trump... fucking retards go eat alphaghetti

A corporation is a company or group of people authorized to act as a single entity (legally a person)

Finally, some truth in this retarded thread.

And why stop there? Conscript our daughters into harems for the global judeo-plutocrat elite.

No Kekistan, you are the idiot and obviously a paid shill.

All corporations are owned by shareholders. That is where the tax ultimately comes from. Those shareholders are American citizens (overwhelmingly). 401k, IRA, your life savings.

Get a real job, shill. Saged.

>Bitch about Obama running up the deficit during a huge recession
>Economy recovers, lets run up the deficit nearly twice as much!

Trump wants to be a shitty version of Reagan

its not a meme. thw government can only run a surplus at the expense of the private sector


Looks like the left is projecting again and astroturfing this forum with bullshit - which they then point to as a justification for their histrionics.

It won't.

Conservative cucks will talk out of their ass about trickle down wealth as if that economic outlook hasn't failed since Reagan.

It's about the GOP securing the future of campaign funding. They'll take their chances passing tax cuts for the wealthy in the hope that they'll be able to out-fund the Dems forever.

It's about Citizens United and making sure a few old white dudes continue to get obscenely rich.

Didn't Broadcom move back to Burgerland?

The CEO said it was because tax rates became favourable again.
And because he ultimately would like to favor the country that gave him his education.

More jobs.

Lol No. 90 and the lower class taxes would be as high as 30% also.

That makes NO sense. Government running surpluses and paying off the debt doesn't cause the private sector to run a deficit. I don't even understand where this logic comes from.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the majority of companies spend more on advertising than R&D. Though pharmaceuticals are a major American export, this is especially true of those companies as well.

Don't get me wrong, marketing is a job. But let's stop with the "innovation" meme. Businesses learned long ago that it's easier to change the perceived quality of a product than it is to improve the objective quality (like a placebo effect).

The only exception is Silicon Valley. Give them tax cuts. Everyone else is just going to spend the extra revenue on another shitty commercial.

The better reason for tax cuts is that the gov. is beyond bloated and doesn't need the money.

Shut up you left wing parasite

Most shareholders are in the top 10%. Get a real job you lazy parasitical 1% scum

>Because now America will go more ind ebt
Are you retarded? Naturally you have to conform with the rest of Supply-Side or else the government fails. Republicans in Washington are also calling for spending to be cut.

Yet when we want to put tariffs on corporations going to China we are mocked.
Also how is raising corporate tax going to help the American blue collar class? They don't qualify for all the goodies you want

Corporations don't pay taxes, it is all passed on to the consumers via the price of the product. Lowers their "tax" will make products cheaper and incentive other companies to produce their products in the US because it'll be overall cheaper.

What does logic have to do this. The incredible, amazing, Divine market will solve all problems, and make us all flush with Chinese manufactures! Statistics of the last 30 years be damned!

Every news organization that is shitting their pants crying about him leaving one open for golf courses which probably amount to 0.000000001% of the total corporate tax revenue in the country. They're so blinded with hatred of him & refusal to acknowledge anything positive that he does and only focus on negative, that they will only passively mention in 1 sentence that he closed dozens of loopholes that Obama & Bush never did. Ones that Obama actually said in a 2015 speech that we should but somehow he didn't manage to do in two terms.

I don't even care about them criticizing Trump over valid reasons, but they lie by omission when they fail to tell people important stuff like that and reach so hard to find anything they can to criticize him on. Then people like you are like "WHAT I DIDN'T KNOW THAT ALL THEY SAID WAS HE LOWERED THE CORPROATE TAX RATE" because they magically forgot to tell you important details or put it at the very end of the article where you wouldn't notice it.

>republicans in washington are calling spending cuts
ARe you retarded

>NASA increase - check
>Military increase - check
>Social security increase - check
>Medicaid increase - check
>Medicare increase - check

How are we suppose to fund the expensive welfare you want if you don't tax the corporations?

take remedial economics.

>How are we suppose to fund the expensive welfare you want
umm sweetie when did I ever say I want that, I don't think anyone here does sweetheart

By that logic income tax is passed onto the employer in the form of a higher wage

You are brainwashed

Beacuse if you lower taxes the big corporations are more likely to take the hit, and not move to a tax haven so to speak.

>all the goodies
That's a quote

Learn BASIC economics you retarded capitalists

Fuck off faggot. You know nothing

because rich people get higher taxes, and poor people lower. trump does the opposite. The House Republican tax overhaul will further reduce taxes for millionaires, and stiff the middle class with the bill. enjoy.

That is better handled by the individual tax system, which is Trump is also fixing: no more state income tax deduction for the rich in New York and California, no more interest deduction for millionaire homeowners.

Learn how to shill. You are a disgrace.

Presumably more companies will build factories and shit in America and create more jobs since lower tax rate will attract companies. But in reality it won't make a difference because some other country will just cut their tax rate to 19.95 percent or some bullshit and take all the factories. And regardless at this point it isn't even about just increasing profit margins, a lot of organizations out there these days just want America to fail, because when it fail there will be a lot of money to be made splitting up whatever remains. They're just desperately trying to take everyone's guns before that happens though so it won't be so costly to pacify the remaining population after the collapse.

It isn't. All the talk about the deficit, tax revenue in decline, the welfare state, it was all bull shit to get white people upset with people of color whole the conservative politicians enact class warfare against their constituents for the sake of their large corporate donors. For all the railing against neoliberalism republicans have fully embraced and expanded neoliberal policies further than any democrat could ever dream. Good job Sup Forums, you've finally reached the last red pill. Politicians don't run for office to represent anyone but their own pockets and those that line them with money. Well more money than what they take from the tax payers who already pay their salaries.

Take econ 101 idiot.
It will create more jobs. More corporations will stay/move back to America.

Because that way, corporate CEO's can use profit surplus for charity purposes, like creating extra useless job positions.


Then put a cap on profit margins. Or tax executive pay and bonuses.

Too much profit is given to investors and executives rather than being put back into the business to hire or pay more.

Hence the massive wealth disparity that has been growing since the 1970s and rotting out the middle class.

>Completely BTFO'd with truth and facts
>Unable to make valid counter-argument refuting points

Nice troll nigger.

business owners will opt to keep more money in the business rather than drawing it out and then paying tax on it. that extra money then becomes available for hiring new employees. more employee demand = rising wages

no it doesn't.

>trump admin's tax plan will add 1.5 trillion to deficit
>suddenly the right isn't concerned about that anymore

Learn grammar

>it will create more jobs
No it won't. Take basic economics, you're so ignorant.

US corporations paid no tax not because of "loopholes" but because they just sold all the ip patents and shit to shell corps based in Ireland that have to pay no tax because they are Irish companies. Even if you lower US tax to 10% that is still higher than 0%, so there's no reason for companies to shut down their pirate island shell companies to pay American tax.
Just confiscate the fucking money, arrest the culprits, and martial law any judges who try to interfere. Or continue printing trillions of dollars at the fed, either or.

They're not interested in making America great, they're interested in making the plutocrats great again. They are capitalist cocksuckers after all. Have to put those lips to good use.

>It also charts a path that would cut spending by $5.1 trillion over a decade

>By taking money out of the money generating institutions and using it to PAY DOWN THE FEDERAL DEBT

Lmao you stupid cuck when did you become self-aware fucking yesterday?

>meme flag
>responding to everyone
go back your comrades miss you.

What is your point?

The thing that pisses me off about the right (and this happens everywhere) is that every time after defending low taxes and free market they always end up benefiting higher tax brackets while the middle class gets to pay more.
Every fucking time!

>1. It will stop American companies from relocating to offshore tax havens.
No it won't. Because 20% is still higher that 0%. Still better to offshore and pay 0% than to pay 20%. And really at this point it isn't even about the extra profit for a lot of these companies, they're just part of an international cabal to bring America to its knees.
We're really long past the point where we should just sanction these anational corps as rogue nations seize their assets, etc. But the politicians you keep electing are in their pockets and have brainwashed an army of niggers and spics to keep you at war with while they get away with looting the entire planet.

Apple is not every single major US corporation. And even Apple is about to pay back all the money they didn't pay for years to the Irish government.

I call you brainwashed because I know you agree with me, you're trolling and acting stupid to get a reaction. I have no time for that

> info for newfags: Major bigcorps don't actually pay corporate taxes, they all either have entire pages dedicated to them not paying taxes, or mass abuse subsidies and tax reductions to get out ofit
> only companies that pay corporate tax are the smaller players
> reduction of corporate tax benefits newcomers
> thus smaller companies can better grow
> economy can adapt to new situations faster and better
Oh I don't know, you tell me.

It's one side of the economic spectrum. If taxes are 0%, government doesn't exist and at 100% no one works or is miserable. So there's a sweetspot inbetween that will work best, but unfortunately it's fairly dynamic and it's a pain to change the tax codes as they stand now. The idea is if employers have more money, they can hire more people and/or pay better wages. There are plenty of arguments for and against, but it's not inherently a bad idea. With the high rates we do have in the US, it's a good idea to try lowering them, because we know keeping them as they are isn't going to change anything.

You're retarded

You're so stupid

Shut up you left-wing parasite

Your facts are wrong. Trump's plan cuts taxes for the majority of the middle class but raises taxes for many elites.

America has the highest taxes on the rich would you rather have bernie in office that would raise it to 70-90%

>Trolls by using a meme flag yet calling people "stupid capitalists" so clearly a lefty Sup Forums Reddit fag
>Calls other people trolls repeatedly

You clearly have enough time to spend hours shitposting and trolling on a Sudanese basket-weaving forum.

Fuck off nigger.

>trickle down nonsense

But if you cut revenue then government will have less money to create jobs.

>Knowing that there isn't a "perfect" tax rate and that tax rates need to increase/decrease as and when needed

More people need to understand this

We literally have Venezuela tier corporate tax rates. 35% is absurd. Even eurocucks have way lower corporate taxes than us. Industry isn't going to ever come back to the US as long as we're this uncompetitive.

fuck America btw

I thought he was lowering the wealthy

I wish Bernie got in and raised it to 95%

You're literally trolling, you're using a literal fascist flag. Nice bait

1 P O S T B Y T H I S I D




S A G E & G A Y



What Iv'e read is that he does plan to cut taxes for the highest brackets and some of the middle class, but on the case of the middle class he will cut exemptions, effectively making them paying more.
Also it contributes for the debt.

>WE demand more cheap labor for billionaires!
I'd rather they have tax cuts tbqhwyfamalam