We /pedo/ now, boys
We /pedo/ now, boys
Gas yourself, kike.
Why are you okay with molesting children?
>14 year old with daddy issues asks to fuck
What would you do?
You're going to be sued for defamation, kike.
Really, this "having sex with kids isn't a big deal" feels like a weird angle for so many Republicans to be saying in public. I figured you'd just deny it.
>Doesn't know what "discovery" is
This is an 18-and-up board.
Well, it's for Republicans, so maybe it's not, because you guys think 14 year olds can consent to sex.
Y'know what, y'all seem mad about this. Let's have some pizza.
So the story is from the Washington Post, which is a propaganda arm for the Demonic-rats. Until they both take a lie detector, I will not buy it or the Wash Post
why is this believable? is there any paper trail for all this? any proof?
What about all the Republicans who are going on record saying that molesting children is okay, including Sean Hannity? Is the Washington Post forcing them to say such things?
Most 14 year olds can consent. It is literally the AOC in Germany. 15 in France. 16 in the UK. It isn't crazy to say that. What kind of a twisted world do we live in where liberals get to lie? By the way, Ginsburg argued the AOC should be 12, fucking 12 like it is in Mexico. Tons of liberals want a lower AOC.
T. Disingenuous pro-peadophilia lefty pretending to give a shit so he can laud it over others
What is the AOC in Alabama? Probably 16. Why do we allow liberals to virtue signal this hard? And no, no where is it wrong for a 30 year old man to date a 19 year old. That is literally OK everywhere in America and Europe. What the fuck?
>What is the AOC in Alabama? Probably 16
I know you're southern, but 14 is actually less than 16.
I am 99.999999999999999% sure the neocons started the rumor to try and get him to drop out. They are pissed they are they are a dying breed and refuse to go quietly. Globalist neocons McConnel and McCain need to die already. They know if nationalists start winning seats their time is over.
Didn't Roy already say it was fake?
>washington post
Roy said it was fake but it seems most Republicans are going with "wtf I love pedophilia now" which is an unexpected direction
Read the last tweet.
>Moore claiming it's all bullshit
>yet all these retards defending him justifying it anyway
if you're going to try to spin something away at least get on the same page, this is just embarrassing
they're unironically saying it was fine to do (even though he didn't do it according to the man himself)
Hannity argued that since it was consensual it was fine and the State Auditor of Alabama even used Mary and Joseph as an example of why its fine (retarded on several levels)
Do you know how many liberals want a lower AOC? Tons. Ginsburg literally argued for it to be 12. It is 14 in Germany and 15 in France. This isn't pedophilia. This isn't hebephilia either, as 14 year olds generally have completely gone through puberty.
leftypol making up shit yet again
it is 14 in Italy too
saying 14 year olds can consent isn't crazy you cretin
lmao, ignoring the delusion of unironically thinking it's A OK for a man in his 30s to be fucking a teenager, which would freak out most normies even ignoring technical consent laws, in Alabama anyone over the age of 19 fucking someone between the ages of 12 and 16 is committing statutory rape. And considering I've seen 20 year olds fucked over for fucking a 16 year old he's lucky the women kept quiet as long as they did
and this begs the question, why are you defending the consensual nature of the sex if, according to Moore, he didn't try to fuck them at all?
Tired of this bullshit narrative. Tons of liberals want a lower AOC. The AOC is much lower in several western countries and no one has a problem with it. It is just bullshit lefties use to try to defame and take down their opponents.
They should lower the age of marriage instead, as well as have parental consent with it.
Then why is the age of consent 18 in California?
I don't know why people on this board would suddenly defend this. It's the definition of degenerate. It's fucking Alabama, they could offer up any republican and he'd probably get elected. Why this guy?
Guess what? 14-year-old "girls" are perfectly capable of being sluts.
Roy Moore did nothing wrong. Save your concern for the prepubescent boys raped by Hollywood bigshots every day.
no one cares or even knows who Moore is outside Alabama
the kikes fucked up dropping the Louis CK news the same day
he's still going to dominate the dem candidate
California was very conservative for a long time. Nothing wrong with an 18 AOC, but it is very high in the west.
lol they aren't saying it's ok, they're trying to justify it somehow by twisting it just enough with boomer logic to make the average Alabama voter who's on the fence disregard it.
the thing is that Moore is doing the right thing by fighting back against it. that's his only play. and people will see that and it will play out how the pussy tape played out for Trump. no one will care.
are people surprised? democrats do this to everyone right before the election. I hope moore sues the shit out of the bitch. waited 53 years to come forward one month before the election my ass.
Not pedophilia and they're only pushing this because this is war. The smart move is to ignore these evil freaks.
>the pizzagate squad becomes pro-pedo
What a strange world we live in
Can Roy hire Hillary to defend him?
Man making love to a young woman =/= children cattle for jewish fetishes
You are a fag OP. The crime of pizzagate was being Democrats. It has nothing to do with crimes against children.
Go back to syria
Learn English.
Why is it that the ones most eager to push the gays as child molesters narrative are often actual pedophiles themselves?
if only.
I said no. But it was tough, and guys around me couldn’t believe I did. I’m also the guy that says “no” when asked if I’d be gay for a night for $50k, or sleep with anyone for any amount of cash.
So I have the impression most guys would do a 14 yr old throwing herself at them, no matter the age of the man. I don’t relate well to the mindset of the collective though, just my observations.
What a crock of shit that pic is. Don't discredit everyone here with faked documents that are poorly done.