How long till Pedophilia is "Normalized" Sup Forums? I give it 4 years...

How long till Pedophilia is "Normalized" Sup Forums? I give it 4 years. Hollywood know the damn is about to burst and there game will be up, is this there long game play?

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did they seriously call antifa "alt-right"?
after the trump lie about feeding the koi fish, now this, the news media is officially fucking dead and we should all shame it relentlessly.

This is the most dastardly thing I've seen these faggots try to pull, holy fucking shit.

>and we should all shame it relentlessly.

That's a funny way to spell drag into the street and shoot.

It is pretty weird how obsessed with pizzagate you guys are but Moore being literally accused of molesting a child is ignored as fake news.

Sean Hannity, today, said that having sex with 14-year-olds is okay.

are you implying being dragged into the streets and shot is not shamefull?

because we realize now that the slippery slope was not a fallacy

its a fallacy.

fallacies just mean something isnt guaranteed since the argument doesnt follow.

It's not just being ignored, /user/, they're flipping to "pedophilia is good, actually"


Well that's because a conservative is the one who fucked a kid. Things can only be bad if liberals did it

But it's not a fallacy, becuase it's always true.

They've been baby stepping their commie bullshit for decades.

They are testing the water. They will try and push it on us. But the masses draw the line with kids. When people find out what the elites have been doing. They will be ripped apart in the streets.

Because they are bigots that don't realize these people aren't pedopophiles, they just sexually identify as a minor. Like come on you bigots, hello.


sean hannity is a deep state shill.

do not believe him, especially after that fake ass assange interview.

Being accused of a crime with no evidence by greedy dripping cunts happens all the time to wealthy people, and it's very different from having your comet pizza website secret "member area" hacked and the child pornography there exposed.

You lying piece of shit nigger, how many right wingers lost their jobs last year over cunts crying sexual harassment?

weird, is there something wrong with wanting all pAEdophiles to burn?

also why the FUCK is pedophile spelled that way, how do you guys have an "ae" character on your keyboard? how are they doing that

You will see pedophilia legalized in a decades time in the u.s judging by the trends. probably in some city in California most likely.
welcome to your new home, the wiemer republic 2.0

>getting them to publicly defend pedophelia
It's working Sup Forums!

gas chambers for you fucko

The image they used was grabbed from EU-Antifa protesters.

Jack Posobiec and his crew planted that sign by getting in front, unrolling it, taking a pic, and bailing out before they got their asses beat.

Yeah except nothing was exposed, you guys assumed they were guilty and worked backwards from there until you had a guy wandering in with a gun. Why not put the same effort towards checking out Moore? A single victim for pizzagate has never been found, we actually have names to put to Moore. Why the silence?

The most hilarious thing about this is an article in Breitbart saying he dindu nuffin, he was a romantic and read her poetry.

The Alt Right isn't obsessed with pedophilia, they want to kill child molesters. There is a difference. child molesters will never be normalized. Hopefully not at least. In the old days of europe, child molestation was so common that girls were married off to avoid incest pregnancies.

we can talk about him if you want.

They are both white and she was a teen

We will snap before it is mainstream

6 years

Pedophilia is normalized. See how many people post loli and shota?

If they are both the same race and it's consensual 14 isn't like 8 dude

I think that's the article if you guys want it.

Also this.

We're getting into the end days phase of the Wiemer Republic, and this time there won't be anywhere left on the planet for those kikes to run to and the Internet will make sure we never forget.

No amount of shilling will make me interested in old, disgusting roasties.

If they are blaming the alt-right for this right now, it tells me there is about to be big issues with pedos in the liberal sphere.

>How long till Pedophilia is "Normalized" Sup Forums?

When most people become aware of the wealth of research showing that non-forced sex with minors doesn't actually cause any psychological harm whatsoever

All the people that are "alt right" and want to "kill pedos" are pedos themselves. Pedos are more likely to betray their own, the worst kind of evil. You pedos betray children's trust and you betray and sell each other out to keep yourself safe
Death to pedos
Death to alt right

Kys yourself to death

The Senator (D) Bob Menendez eveyone. Under indictment for corruption related crimes and under official investigation for pedo hookers. Not election based and timed hersay. Hmmmm

that's where you're wrong. you do realize that they had legit cp hidden on their site behind multiple passwords, and it was cracked by an user before being removed?

desu I wouldn't mind having a 10yo loli waifu.
They're so much more obedient, docile, calm, feminine and fun to be around than the wretched old hags past 12 yeas of age.

Lolis don't say no.

Adult bitches are whores, wastes of time and energy.

pic related, it's my waifu

>news media is officially dead
I have no proof it ever lived at all.
This isn't hubris, the stone cold 100% fact is that it's exists first and foremost to 'create opinion'.
It is only a psychic attack. Everything else it may be is an expedient towards achieving its first goal.

>no white supremeacy
>no pedo bashing
>no mike cernovice
i dunno but i got the slight feeling that pic is not from an alt right rally

never, if we have something to say about it also this
and this
>Answer the questions user

Cute wife. You're a lucky man.

>If you hate X you secretly love it!

When are you donkey dick sucking faggots going to drop this stale ass projection meme?

If I kill a spider I'm not arachnophobic you kiddy diddling scum.

Alt right.

Slippery slope doesn't have to be fallacious.

Saying if A happens therefore B will happen so lets stop A, without giving any argument of why B is inevitable is fallacious.

The more popular way of the slippery slope being fallacious is saying that if A happens then Z will happen, without giving argument of B through Z.

"First those faggots get married, next there will be pedos marrying children, so lets stop faggots from getting married if we don't want pedos being normalized."

>why does the alt-right dislike kiddie fiddler

If you're not Arachnophobic then why did you kill it?
And that's just the kind of argument a closet pedo would use

oh it all make sense now

>long game

newfag alert

They didn't have anything. They've already had the cops out because of you people. You think DC metro or the FBI are protecting child predators who have apparently already had evidence brought forth proving they have child pornography? My ass.

Funny, when leftards were saying shit like
>homophobia is a sign of suppressed homosexuality
I was thinking to myself how easily you could apply the same retarded argument to pedos.
Lo and behold, they actually went there.

They're a pest.

>You don't like shit? Wow, you scatophobe, I bet you secretly love shit

Dumbest liberal meme ever

it's from an Antifa protest

Everyone I knew that had sex that young, turned into super fucked up adults. 14 is still a child and should be treated as such.

You're comparing things that can't be compared. The meme is all yours, pedo scum

PEDOS need a lynching. It is the most disgusting thing. Pedos need to be put in jail with niggers who rape them to death


Well said

We know they are doing it. We knew spacy was a pede. We knew Saville was a pede. The prime minister before thatcher Edward Heath is now revealed to have been raping small children with the protection and knowledge of special branch.
Media owns everyone's minds. They know but they can't focus on what they know. It's like They Live but it's real.

wtf is happening

Death threats doesn't make data disappear

Your a disgusting human being, go find a rope, faggot.

Why can't the right make a decent argument? You delegitimize arguments via asinine comparisons and namecalling

I feel this would be better if fuck was in caps.



Make the edit then you lazy Mexican

>you must secretly want to fuck spiders


It's your meme you bull prepping numale.

>If you hate gays you're secretly gay

Liberals believe in the slippery slope just ask how "normalizing trump" leads to nazis and white supremacy

Non powerful ones? No. They makes raids and arrests by the hundreds quite regularly. But it helps if you have a powerful microphone backing you up and money. Jeffrey Epstein got to go home after sleeping in jail everyday for only a year. If there's one thing we both know regardless of political affiliation, is that the rich 'in crowd' fuckers get treated differently. I would include Hollywood and rich people of every political stripe. Especially rich democrats like the Clintons. How did they make their vast wealth exactly? This should piss you off too.

Are you still hanging around Eyore?
Tell some more lies like you did in the other thread, "oldfag".
I expect the meaning of it does cover you (pic related).

This is true though. Loud and proud homophoves are more than likely to be that way due to repression. If your parents told you that you can't do somethings because it's gay or wrong and you see someone else do it then you lash out. Homophobes are largely repressed gays but outliers do exist

There is an argument. Pedos are predators, they like a certain age bracket which makes them a danger for everyone and for ever.
If you are unable to see it and hate them for existing then kys shill.

Loli/Shota/Pedo are pleb filters here on Sup Forums.
Plus it keeps the ad-men away.

They keep prisons purposely built for their own kind. Tennis clubs.

>For ever
That means there will always be pedophiles therefore pedophilia is natural.
It's disgusting if they hurt or abuse children

Fuck off pedo

There is so much stitch vore on the internet.

except 99% of it is adult lilo.

>They're only cutting my head off becuase they're secretly gay too

Your day will come.

Exactly what I'm trying to convey, This is essentially the anti gun control argument.

>Because something exists it is catagorised natural
No. There'd be no use for the term unnatural. Obviously wrong.

Muslims aren't homophobic

Children cannot consent.
Their brains aren developped enough before they are 16 (consent age in most contries) and not fully formed before the age of 25 or around that.
It is non negociable.

>How did they make their vast wealth exactly?

Really? Hillary was a lawyer, Bill was governor of Arkansas. That's all before being President, a senator, Secretary of State and building a foundation in their name from the ground up (let alone book sales and speaking engagements). It's not exactly rocket science to see where their money came from. And there's still no evidence of Pizzagate while Moore has literal names attached to him and the best anyone can do is yawn and vote for him anyway. Pretty sad how quick you guys go from pedo hunters to shrugging your shoulders just because the guy has an R in front of their name. If this was another Clinton accuser you people would be losing your minds.

They are not afraid of homos, they just hang them or throw them off of buildings.

Spot the fucking jew
>Oy very white goyim don't have sex till 25
>Be a good goy and let Muslims out breed you

I have a friend who is a pedo, 7-10 year olds is his preference.

The way he copes with it is he also has other fetishes that are far more appealing(and legal) than little girls.

I can't imagine somebody ONLY liking little girls.


aaannnddd I'm done talking to the baiting characterchure.

Have this .webm as as sign of good faith in your trolling.

What do we do?

> no white supremacy
> alt-right

t. nambla pushing their own created "research"