I find it weird no one really talks about this book.
Has anyone here read it?
Is it just nonsensical drivel and so you’re embarrassed?
Or is it actually good?
Mein Kampf?
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couldnt get past the biography, what a self obsessed cunt he was
Isn’t the whole thing a biography?
first half biography, second half natsoc ideology
>I find it weird no one really talks about this book.
>150 million posts
>only 20,000 of them are about mein kampf
It's just a useless observation is all. People do talk about Mein Kampf, it comes up a lot in relevant threads.
I read it years back. I remember it being a pretty interesting read especially considering it was probably the most influential books of the past hundred years. I think he talked quite a bit about how the Jews fucked Germany over after WWI, but I can't recall any specific parts from it. The book is still sitting in a drawer next to my bed.
Also not a NAZI irl. Just wanted to see what your average German was thinking during that time period.
theres a lot of things to talk about in this world
It's a powerful book goyim. A personal look into the mind of a mad man! Just make sure to pick up a copy with (((annotations))) goy.
If you can't read Mein Kampf you will be a foot soldier in the revolution, go lurk /k/. That still has it's merits though as you will read in the book.
I read it until he wouldn't stop talking about Jews. The stuff about family is actually good.
It's the best book ever written, OP. Seriously - get the Ford translation and change your life.
Stalag or Bust.
It's what Hitler would have wanted you to read.
I have a copy from 1943. And even that translation is wrong. I cannot find a real translation anywhere. It upsets. Me.
It's rambling conjecture. Dude should have hired an editor instead of that cock sucker Hess.
>I find it weird no one really talks about this book.
Thats because most posters here are tryhard retards who cant even read in the first place and just like shitposting "le epic" nazi pictures
>Is it just nonsensical drivel and so you’re embarrassed?
first two chapters are pretty straigh forward, after that it gets into rambling and just keeps reapting the same point over and over again about jews, we get it Hitler! then it goes over his master plan for Germany once he gets into power. Also, fuck France!
I read the first chapter and liked it. It talked about how Hitler's history teacher inspired him with his passion for history. I first became really right wing after looking at history too.
However, on a slightly related note, I have read the protocols of zion and would recommend it. Hitler also endorsed the protocols.
I the james murphy one any good?
Shills will pull every trick in the book to convince you to not read Mein Kampf.
Just read it. Skim through it if you want. Just read a few pages, anything. Don't let the shills win.
>I have read the protocols of zion and would recommend it.
Thats not real though user
Audiobook for the win. They've been playing a chapter or two a day on radio Aryan. Good stuff. But also go read it.
>learns german just to read mein kampf
Neither is 1984
Orwell never sold 1984 as a copy of the secret plans of an illuminati like group. Moving the goalpost like this concerning the elders of zion doesnt really change the fact that its all bullshit.
My old roommate was a woke Austrian and a prolific reader, when I asked him about it he said Hitler's eloquent speaking style does not translate onto paper well at all.
He says its worth skimming through for the ideas, but that it is low tier writing.
Ford translation is best
It's a really good book 2bh
>Is it just nonsensical drivel and so you’re embarrassed?
No. This is complete lie. However, it's verpill for normies: "haha pls read some mein kampf he could barely write dum hitlers xD"
They always bite.
If Orwell sold 1984 as a real plan for some dystopian new world order, would it have made the entire book bullshit? Moving the goalpost like this concerning the elders of zion doesnt really change the fact that much of it is true.
is there a good english audio version? on jewtube maybe ?
there's better right wing literature if that's what you're looking for
I've never read mein kampf but apparently it's pretty dry and hitler's not really that great of a writer
>Mein Kampf
Anyone got a good link to get a good translation?
>And even that translation is wrong
WTF are you on about? The Ford and Mannheim translations are both very well done.
it's OK
Read it if for no other reason than to see how similar things are today compared to his observations of Austria and Germany at the time. Pretty spoopy
>english audio version?
For a fucking asshole with a Bolshevik meme flag? You'd have been one of first into concentration camp, and i'd have brought you there myself.
re; the book, the problem is that too many edgy teenage assholes who know nothing of WW 1 history, the Weimar, or German social history are expecting some sort of "edgy" long diatribe about putting kikes in ovens. He only mentions Jews on 3 or 4 pages. Also, it wasn't written solely by AH allegedly, but typed by Hess, possibly a lot of it written by him and others who were serving time with AH at the time.
I'm probably the single individual that has studied the authenticity of the Protocols most of anyone you'll ever find on Sup Forums. I think they're real. I base that on having read almost all of the german studies, analysis and kike rebuttal attempts that happened between 1925 and 1945. I'm native german.
See if you can find a translation of Ulrich Fleischhauers assesment of their authenticity. He makes countless citations and references to other works, studies and debates.
They are real user.
I've read it. It is a work brimming with outrage, will, purpose and fury. It shows the author as an astute man who possesses a keen understanding of the human psyche.
The one issue I had with it (which perhaps resulted from Hitler's lack of tertiary education) is the absence of sources to back up his sweeping claims.
EXAMPLE - he says how he was sickened at degenerate posters around Vienna advertising this or that film/play - stuff that subverted public morality - and that the producers/directors/writers always had Jewish names (Klein, Adler, Goldstein, etc.)
The work, in my opinion, would be far more convincing if it had references. Certainly it has a raw, populist appeal without them - but when you make enormous accusations I feel you should back them up with evidence.
>no one really talks about this book.
it's talked about all the time here.
What I find weird is whenever it's banned books week, it's always "lets read to kill a mockingbird" and never SIG HEIL let's read uncle adolf's mein kampf!!!
It's banned books week, read a real banned book
It's fundamentally important if you're lacking identity as a white guy in this clown world. If you read it and you're anywhere right of centre, don't expect to not be angry and sad afterwards.
>I think he talked quite a bit about how the Jews fucked Germany over after WWI,
his bits on the media are incredible, it's like reading about how it is today
so which translation, Sup Forums?
anons are conflicting here
>read the protocols of zion
it's a very long read, and seems insane. Where does hitler endorse the protocols?
His work was primarily for the Germans of the time, who in Weimar Republic were absolutely evident of the jewish influence at the time, just as we are well aware of Hollywood. Second he stated mein kampf was for anyone who wanted to fight for their culture against global capital (or something to that nature). If you were a Brit and read it at the time you would have been just as aware, and GLR + OW serve as good cross references.
>Banned book
Pick one? Since when was that generic pro-black propaganda text 'banned' anywhere?
Link me.
He briefly mentioned it - 2 lines maybe?
constantly cited as being banned in the south up here in the north
cool, i haven't finished MK
sorry that first sentence is horrendous. "His work was primarily for the Germans of the time, who in Weimar Republic were absolutely aware of the nature of Jewish influence.
it's very short in fact. Much shorter than Mein Kampf. The image I posted is the protocols of zion in entirety. Only took me 3 hours to read.
I've read it. Unless you know the backstory he references it won't do you any good.
My apologies, I meant annotated, altered and abridged. They are wrong. They are very clearly wrong. I even searched the publishers of my copy. Juden.
I grew up in north Georgia and TKAM was on the required reading lists for SEVERAL school years. Along with "Across Five Aprils", another brainwashing text about how great everyone except whites are.
It doesn't get more redneck than where I grew up and TKAM/"You're a bad person if you're white" books were absolutely forced on everyone, every year.
This was also in middle/high school in the early 90's.
Keep on with it. It's a slog, but I certainly don't regret having done so.
Its a great book. Hitler was a good writer. You will love it if you know about the JQ. All the stuff he talks about go on today
Can I get a quick rundown
Also checking your 1776
Further, the only 'banned' book in my experiences was actually the Communist Manifesto, which the school would literally take from people and refuse to return even to parents. Saw it happen a few times in high school.
Reading it now. I'll let you know when I finish
What’s banned book week?
>See if you can find a translation of Ulrich Fleischhauers assesment of their authenticity. He makes countless citations and references to other works, studies and debates.
>They are real user.
fucking sweet. would love to hear some more info out of you about the protocols user
I have had the book for 10 years (a 1942 american printing, kek'd when I read the copyright page) only read the first 20 or so pages. Although it was pretty interesting, and maybe it is just the translation, but I found it hard to follow at parts.
Idk about that, he's super descriptive of the Treaty of Versailles, French border violations and why the Weimar created the perfect conditions for revolution. He's also concise in saying why the jews were behind the November revolution.
Reading right now, this is so true. The kikes never change their ways.
You should all read the bible if you want to better understand the foundations of western civilization. Homer's works wont hurt either, like odessey. Truly based texts.
Also, unless one is from the German Empire area, a lot of the references, sentiments, and perspectives are difficult to relate to.
a week for reading banned books
where are you from
i'll get round to it, when i get off Sup Forums one of these days....
saved the image
>TKAM was on the required reading lists for SEVERAL school years
same here up in jew york
>Along with "Across Five Aprils"
never heard of it. my buddy down in charleston sc had to read a bunch about how old slave owners would fuck with their slaves. Learned what a jam boy was.
For those reading, a jam boy is what slave owners would call their nigger when they went golfing. They'd cover their nigger in jam so all the bugs flies and mosquitoes would go after the nigger and not the southern gentleman. isn't that neat
omg you've never even read it.
i have a giant zip of required Sup Forums reading, and i link to the zip if people are interested i'll go find it
Go ahead if you can find it.
Bible is too semitic for my liking, I get it and understand why plebs need theology when they cannot properly comprehend the zeal that can be gained for love of your people alone, but Xenophanes is probably a much better read if you want to understand the thought process of graduating from pantheon of gods/animism to a single god.
I'd be interested too.
Get the audiobook. Seriously, it's a more enjoyable listen than read. Hitler dictated it like he was giving a speech so it's almost a more authentic way to approach the book.
Is there a free version to read online?
It's called "my struggle" newfags leave please
Only like 1/5 of the book is even on Jews, quit sensationalizing it
Its great. Read the ford translation thou.the kike translations are wrong on purpose.
>Lying about reading the book
Oy fucking vey.
Yeah that's the same version I have. People have been talking about how the translations were messed up or whatever, but I think the point is still very clear
I will absolutely agree that being the most sold book in history has its jewish roots
Alright niggers, it's freshman year at Sup Forums university for political science/theory and history.
Time to start reading newfags.
Bout half way through right now. Pretty good.
I've seen an excerpt in another book. He talked about Jews being parasites and non human. Hitler was quite fancy in his prose and frankly a good writer.
I second reading the protocols
Kikery 101
where did you search that?
The One Authorized by Hitler's Party. STALAG.
Pls share. Would be grrreat.
Very good list, I'm actually reading The International Jew by Henry Ford atm, however, I think people should begin with the basics: 1984 and Animal Farm from Orwell. Also, Future Crimes for the tech savy, it's an incredible redpilled book about how the internet and ((Google)) is fucking us.
The book is like 500+ pages long or something. Maybe it's just me but long reads are way better in actual book form than via digital means.
6 gorillion books. includes mein kampf, a bunch of good stuff. There's a book about the truth about the kkk in there that i like too
go sleep already, it is 5 am in krautland
These lists are awful
pick 3-4 books
nobody is going to read 100 fucking books on fascism/conservatism
you niggers don't understand what KISS philosophy is, and 90% of these books are complete fucking trash I doubt a single one of you has even read them you just repost this shit thinking you look smart
ever read Epicurus
agreed, i rip through books a lot faster when they're physical. i need a nook or something. phone reading sucks
The national vanguard or one of those groups recommended it as the best. They pointed out a few translation mistakes but overall thought it the best. I'd be interested to see how the Ford translation is, as think it's newer and calls itself the best. Anyway, the only other one I'll buy is the original after I learn German.