I bet you've never even talked to black people, Sup Forums

You all assume that black people are like those cherrypicked WebM's, but they're NOT.

I've met more Morgan Freeman-tier black people than the stereotypical "nigger", and I've seen more violence from whites in my lifetime than I have with blacks.

You should get to actually know black people before deciding to hate them! Remember: Ignorance + Fear = Hate.

P.S. I'm a white person who lives in a black neighborhood, and I love it.

(Pic unrelated BTW)

Other urls found in this thread:


remember to not reply to shill threads

>Everyone who disagrees with me is a Shill and I can't answer them so I just 'sage' them.


>cherrypicked WebM

>cherrypicked WebM's

>cherrypicked WebM

>a white person who lives in a black neighborhood

dude how insensitive if you tell someone kys did you ever think maybe he might kys. if he kys then how are you going to live the rest of your life knowing he kysd becuase once he kys he will be dead and cant come back becuase he kysed. next time think befor you post kys

>cherrypicked WebM

>everything I don't agree with is automatic sage

>I'm a white person

Of course you are.


>cherrypicked WebM

I have met many blacks. I live in an inner city. The higher class ones are generally fine, but man there is NOTHING worse than poor feral blacks in the ghetto. Ghetto mexicans and white trash aren't nearly as violent or belligerent, they're just annoying and stupid.

I grew up on the outskirts of an area with plenty of niggers, I’ve had bestfriends that were niggers, girlfriends who were niggers, and at the end of it all I still don’t like most niggers

>cherrypicked WebM



Fuck you nigger lover. I live in Texas and my sister was just sexual assaulted by, you guessed it, a nigger. I bet YOU have never lived near them in your life. Kill yourself and take your pets with you fucker.


I have that is the problem


cherrypicked fbi stats

it's insulting to post such low quality bait

I live in the Harambee neighborhood of Milwaukee.
You are a fucking liar. Black people are the fucking WORST. And if you LOVE it so much you have mental issues - if not now, soonly.

>cherrypicked WebM

What the hell does this even mean? Nothing!

I could post GIFs and Anecdotes of people with green shirts going apeshit. Does that mean that all people who wear green shirts are like that? Of course not!


Based user

U said >n***** op. Unforgivable.

Where do you live, OP?

I said it in quotes.


So you ignore the fact that blacks being 13% of the population make up 50% of the violent criminals. Seems to me you are fucking retarded.

>I could post GIFs and Anecdotes of people with green shirts going apeshit.

>cherrypicked WebM....

>cherrypicked WebM

>cherrypicked WebM

>cherrypicked WebM


>cherrypicked WebM

>cherrypicked WebM

I've lived in riviera beach in Florida, i went to a middle school that wad 80% black and a high that was 42% black, OP is a lying cock sucker or a nigger himself, I've meet an uncountable amount of niggers as compared to black people

>cherrypicked WebM

Someone post the meme of the white guy in upper class white neighborhood with the puppies and diversity, then writing about how nice black people are on Sup Forums

>cherrypicked WebM

I take it you never lived in 'Teh Ghetto'.

>You should get to actually know black people


OP is either full of shit or some urbanite shitlib that only comes into contact with blacks at work or on a college campus. I've lived in the south my entire life around blacks in a rural setting and metro Atlanta. I've lived WITH blacks in the same apartment. Every criminal act committed against me was a nigger that perpetrated it. 90% of difficult customers I deal with at work are niggers. The average nigger is dumb, materialistic, irresponsible, impulsive, selfish, and ultimately violent due to the the previously mentioned traits

Check em!

I will never not hate niggers

deal with them on a daily basis go to a school which is probably 95%+ non-white

most are cool
only the ghetto ones are bad

Another 'Full House of Truth'.


I was very close friends with one at work for a couple of years. When he learned, from other whites at work that I'd talked to, that I'm a Nazi, the relationship went cold, and I've since moved on to employment elsewhere. Why are Nazis so hated? Just because I believe in standards and human quality, I'm evil?




Anywho, I live in Jew York on the Crown Heights/Brownsville border. Let me put this bluntly, virtually every problem in New York is because of niggers and those that enable them.

It's hilarious when you actually ask New Yorkers.
>I have been robbed
>Was it a nigger?
>I have been harassed
>Was it a nigger?
>I have been assaulted
>Was it a nigger?

Where I live is pretty close to a major Jewish center, and it's a bit funny as well; they made their own informal police force to keep niggers out of their stuff. They bought cars and dressed them up to look like Police. They have their own sort of guard shifts. More than a few are probably illegally armed.

The worst part is niggers are as a group a net loss. If every nigger in NYC left tomorrow, the city would greatly improve for their absence. I cannot say the same for Chinks or kikes; they're actually producing value that would be missed.

It's interesting, you'll find this trend in virtually every major city. Chicago? Niggers. Paris? Niggers. London? Niggers/Pakis.

>tries to red-pill me about blacks
>triggers immense amount of black violence webms
>makes me hate blacks more

good job op




Incredible that an American thinks other americans haven't talked to black people.

How secluded do you have to be to believe people can live their entire lives without meeting a nigger? They are fucking everywhere, in every corner of the world these rats have been imported into.

I'm a white person who lived in Detroit for years and you're wrong. Niggers chimp out at the slightest provocation. Just because they're not constantly flinging shit and howling doesn't mean they won't do so at the drop of a hat if they feel safe in doing so, which is in a big old crowd of niggers.

>cherrypicked WebM


ive spent 22yrs in a poor chicago south suburb. they are walking memes.

>>tries to red-pill me about blacks
>>triggers immense amount of black violence webms
>>makes me hate blacks more
>good job op


>cherrypicked WebM,,,

>cherrypicked WebM
Where is OP?


If your opinion of blacks isn't based on first hand experience, then you are an idiot. If you have dealt with them scores of times, over many years, and have an opinion, then it is expectable.

I was a manager at a movie theatre and every single black employee,i fired them for either stealing, rape, sleeping on the job or vandalism.


worst thing is they love it.
Fucking Jews did a number on everyone


I bet you all those people with green shirts would still be niggers and you would still find some reason to defend them.


at least blacks provide entertainment in muh sport.....whoa....

whats the point in attacking the elderly? unless they are politicians i dont see the need


Robbed at gunpoint at work-nigger

Roomate that refused to pay rent or bills, was evicted and then broke back into the apartment to destroy my things-nigger

Attempted burglary of my residence-nigger

Only 13% if the population but I'm noticing a pattern here....so weird.

i mean, blacks get scholarships to for education


>whats the point in attacking the elderly?

I speak to Americans everyday.

>rooming with a nigger

There's one black guy at my work. He's loud, angry, and threatened a client recently.


this nigger has banked $150M
because he can chase a ball
good job, Amerislobs


The black men in your pic seem nice op


It was in college and the apartment complex I lived in assigned other college students as roommates. Not my choice.

I wasnt racist until niggers nigged on me



I spent a few years in the Army, and was stationed in NC. All the rumors about blacks are true. They're of absolutely no human worth, and are a pox upon society.

Those "Morgan Freeman" types are still niggers. They lack the things which make the rest if us human. Almost all of them have no clue about politics, and blindly vote blue. They lack common sense. They're very apathetic. And they have absolutely no sense of decency, especially out in public. Going to theater in Niggertown? Have fun! Going out to eat in Niggertown? Have fun!

Have fun going to school and getting jumped by niggers just for being white. Or having your kids go to school to get jump by niggers.

>cherrypicked webms
>not even 20% of the us population and commit about 50% of murders
>the rest are welfare leeches
>those who are not are "students" for meme degrees in the most libcuck universities (partially paid by gibs)
>THERE ARE good black people, but only a minority
Sage. KYS