STOP EATING SOY! Last warning cucks

That goes for Tofu, anything that says veggie or lactose free. No more mocha lattes either, there is soy in the cream, besides all that sugar. We have declared eternal war against Estrogen. Today is the first day of your new life.

I want you to grow a garden, and begin lifting. Get you concealed carry permit, and join a militia.

We'll have you testosterone rich in no time.

Other urls found in this thread:

>lactose free
>milk has more estrogen than soy or tofu


>No more mocha lattes either, there is soy in the cream, besides all that sugar.

Just use full cream milk. Problem solved.


My Testosterone levels are over the acceptable range. Am I a Super man ?

You don't want to turn into this cucked nu-male do you?

What is it and I will tell you.

2300 ng/dL

Why not Black Coffee?
It's totally fine with no additives.


>Sex steroid hormones in meat, eggs, and dairy may help explain the link between saturated fat intake and declining sperm counts.

>the link between saturated fat intake and declining sperm counts.
This is a myth

Absolute disgusting

Who is the soyboy on the left

> Meta-analysis show no effects of soy protein or isoflavones on reproductive hormones in men

> Vegetarian diet leads to lower excess of estrogen

> Study shows decreased testosterone because of cow milk intake

Come here you anti-science shill, refute these studies, show me how you're so much better at interpreting data then these stupid scientists who do studies for a living? I got tons on top of TONS of studies showing the ABSOLUTE WEAPONIZED AUTISM of PLANT-BASED DIETS. REEEEEEEEEEE

soygoys won't learn

>anything that says veggie
Yep no veggies for me. Just steak and whiskey because I'm a real man!


His name is Johnny Righini

>2 packs of cigarrette every day

Guy would be rotten inside lol.

look closer at the studies its not soy that is the problem it is GMO soy, this is why you can see one study saying soy bad another good look closer.

Cant. I shit my pants on whole milk now. Have to drink 2%. I got old.

forgetting the roids are we, Tren?

The life expectancy of a male in Russia is 67.5 years

The claim that “all soy is GMO” is a myth. Of the soy directly consumed by humans, non-GMO soy foods such as tofu, tempeh and soy milk are widely available in stores which offer soy products, and they are clearly labelled non-GMO. So what is your point?

All the shilling against soy makes me think that it's probably beneficial.

Who would have known that four leftist trash soyboys have catastrophically low testosterone?

Soyboys? Please show me any proof that the reason they have low testosterone scores is because of Soy? They aren't vegan , all of them eat meat more so then Soy. Your whole argument is an ad hominem because it doesn't even prove any of the things you're implying and instead proceeds to attack their character because they have low testosterone.

Holy fuck it went up from 42

why are you lying on the internet Sven? Aren't you happy your country is already dead and your men are considered fuckboys for muslims?

A FTM hipster


> Study shows that High IQ males have moderate levels of testosterone

>Peer-reviewed study shows that in low-iq and high-iq have either low or moderate forms of t.

Goodbye brainlet! Enjoy your high testorone!

Laughing at your ignorance while I eat my cocoa puffs with soymilk, I'm sorry you're too insecure to try out new things sweety.

fuck man

is there a master list with products with soy in it?

I was washing my hair and noticed on the bottle of shampoo it said it had soy in it

I don't want to be a soy goy

Nice pic! which transitioning one is you?

duck face

probably regretting that tit removal

Not an argument. Come back when you have some actual data that I can extrapolate and show how it's wrong and show you data that would prove that Sweden is not what you think it is.

Again, shame that we had to replenish our population with foreigners. But the alternative was a massively ageing population and the inability to take care of our elders who spent their lives towards making Sweden a better place. A stagnant economy and the death of the Swedish model. Swedes have proved that the welfare state was a good idea and it could genuinely work.

Better to die on your feet than live on your knees.

A reminder that this person you're all posting is trans. She was a female and became a male. That's why her body is structured like it is. It has no whatsoever to do with Soy or Veganism.


What are some Sup Forums approved meals?


Stopped drinking coffee, stopped eating fast food, began taking phentermine to help get myself into shape, lost 40lbs in the last 6 weeks, began building AR-15s from 80% lowers as well as set a shop/mill in my garage to build my own at parts.... The money I’m saving from not buying 2-3 coffees a day and fast food is allowing me to stockpile tools, weapons, and ammo.

I also began a project building a stroked, forged, balanced and blue printed rotating assembly for my track car that I’ve neglected for the last couple years after I gained a bunch of weight and became a coffee dependent soy boy.

My life has drastically changed in the past 6 weeks! Do yourselves all a favor and quit drinking liquid Jew, quit eating fast food, quit consuming soy, and get yourselves back into shape.

who wants to live past their 60's? thats a good lifespan


67.5 robust years versus 80 years of sniveling (((healthy))) cuckoldry? Anything past 70 is garbage time anyway and a burden on society, so sign me up.

You should know that there is no other field of study with as inconclusive, contested and contradictory research as nutrition science. It has been all over the place at least since 19th century.

Basic rule of thumb: don't trust ANY research that aligns with what current fad diets advocate.

Many of you guys have asked, "Dude, how do you keep your testosterone levels so high with the kind of life you lead?". It's a very simple trick.

Rucola salad with pasta. Parmesan cheese, black olives, turkey and cherry tomato. I add the star ingredients: avocado, spinach leaves, red onion, a carrot, another tomato and a piece of ginger. Some oil and half a lemon squeezed.

This is a bomb of masculine energy.

>not drinking black coffee
Coffee is inversely linked to esophageal and liver cancer. It's linked to GI health in general.


Or you can simply get your bodyfat below 20% and eat normally.

Ehh can I still put soy sauce on some chicken and rice my dudes?

> tit removal
Thats what trans means Hamid
she also has anorexia and bulimia, all body dis-morphia, probably from a poor self image growing up.

No. Get rid of it completely, unless you want to end up waving a pro-refugees flag alongside fellow faggots

Black coffee is the only acceptable choice, but 80% of Sup Forums are fat ameritards that can't stand anything slightly bitter.

This is a good answer, and I'll explain to you why previous research has been wrong. Either they were flawed by design like not calculating the base-cholesterol score or choosing bad subjects. It's like a poll where you sample 30 Democrats and 5 Republicans and say that the majority of the population support the Democrats! We already know the meat-industry, sugar-industry and dairy-industry all shill congress for favourable legislation and also fund studies with bullshit designed studies. Remember when the cigarette was supposedly good for your health? This is what's going on right now.

I'm pescatarian is that safe? I've cut out all meat and only eat seafood, veggies, fruits, carbs etc..
Like I'll have shrimp, prawns, fish, eel etc...

Is Hamid even an Arabic name? Sounds more Asian. Either way, I genuinely feel bad for him.

>Estrogen excretion patterns and plasma levels in vegetarian and omnivorous women.


But Japanese show no sign of this behaviour yet eat it all the time.

What part of "vegetarian and" didn't you understand? If you read the study you would have seen the reason for lower Estrogen excretion was because of high-fibres causing you to poppy more. Read the study.

>Tfw Sup Forumstards and brainlets want to claim that soy will lead to you accepting refugees and third world immigrants, even though Japan and China, highest consumer of Soy are racist and even hate white peeps. Phew, totally consistent man.

That's what I am saying my man.

Don't worry Hans, I know. I just wanted to make sure the brainlet saw this. It's just so stupid to see Sup Forumstards being disingenuous lol


I applied for my Concealed Carry Permit today.

I am going to join a Gym as soon as I return home in a few weeks.

Maybe Ill garden next spring.

How do I join a militia?

China ferments their soy.

Sure Japan eats tofu but look at the state of their men!

Yeah, but Japan's soy isn't GMO

Its an arabic name
I grew up with several people that became trans.
All of them had other serious mental issues and hangups about their bodies.

Transgender is a mental disorder supporting trans people is just enabling them they need help not encouragement to support their negative self thought.

Go ahead and show me a study showing reasonable amounts of soy have significant estrogenic effects.

All the gay people I know use soy

I drink Gingerbread lattes with cream, and I tell you, I'm as Alpha as they come. One time in Bradford I noticed some Paki cunt mouthing off at mein my rear view mirror. So I got out, punched his bonnet and told him I'd fucking kill him..... he backed down like a little beta cuck and I went on my merry way. The End.

what a sad life

so only GMO soy turns you into a soy goy?

but Japanese men have female bodies
and jap women have 8yr old boy bodies

Why did you link actual medical studies to a bunch of retards with room temperature IQ. They don't care about facts.

Found Johnnys old geocities page includes pussy pics and stories of childhood abuse

how so? my grandparents are almost 90 and travelling the world together...

> Is worried about testosterone levels
> Drinks milk

>Using gender neutral pronoun when addressing men

This is true, milk and chicken meat especially

Sometimes I feel bad that eurocucks are being killed and replaced by musilms but then I see a comment by a Subhuman eurotrash and I feel much better than weak, cuck EUROPEANs are being conquered by Islam

That's fucking retarded Vlad

Actually tofu is fine. The fermentation process removes xenoestrogens.

Well assuming shit is fermented properly. Considering palm syrup is sold as honey in burgerstan who the fuck knows

this is what peak testosterone looks like

I'm already cruising on test e.
I'll be fine.

Are you a negro? If it's really that high, perhaps removing one of your testicles.

Nice pants soyboy.

Day of the rope soon...

ill just go with the japanese are pussy;s. (eat soy) meme and then if its proven one or the ohter, oops i was wrong about the chinks.
go to hell nigger

quit trying to make it seem ok by saying became

I've done that like three times man...

But you better watch those lattes cause, muh soy jew.

Thanks user

>studies for a living
there you have it...

They dress like schoolgirls and use makeup ffs

What's with all the soyboy meme?
You can consume soy and have perfectly normal test rates.

Sure if you balance it out with pinning

Sven the Vegans diet isn't eating everything soy asswipe.

I never said drink milk. Just stay away from soy milk you cuckold.

You still need to eat some animal protein though.

The science on soy lowering men's testosterone is split at best.