I’m a liberal and I hate trump AMA
I’m a liberal and I hate trump AMA
Do you also hate America?
but what if he gives us full disclosure of the ayys?
>ayy lmao
Are you an /out/ poster?
S- s- splash attack!
I fucking asked you a question faggot
Why are you retarded?
I hate people who are unironically racist. Slap some irony on that shit, ya know?
why do you hate our glorious leader
Your a faggot.
why do liberals hate freedom of speech?
It’s a joke, faggot
How does it feel to be on the wrong side of history?
It’s a joke faggot
Sorry i blasted you there. Slow connection i guess. Do you know ANYONE that is ironically racist?
Freedom of speech is amazing, but other people have the freedom to hate you for it
when are you doing us a favor and killing yourself?
I fucking hate the far left and radical feminists, but I am technically a libtard
Have you used Sup Forums AT ALL?
Is it OK to be white?
She lost.
Get over it.
Next time, elect a better candidate.
Oh wait, you weren't allowed to go with Bernie.
Seriously though, she lost.
Move on.
Nobody cares what you think.
The old tuckaroo
Oh wait, that wasn't a question.
Will you ever get over the fact that 'your party' allowed itself to be taken over by a corrupt politician who couldn't even beat Trump?
Or are you simply going into a 4-8 year tantrum because she didn't get 'her turn'?
Does it feel depressing to be so interchangeable and mainstream?
You don’t have to post graphs. I believe that the illegal immigration is an actual problem, but I think trump is incompetent and does not have the skills to be a president. NIETHER DID HILLARY just making that clear. Hillary is a fucking shithead as well. It was a lose-lose
Of course it is. People who are getting mad about this shit are fucking faggots.
No never
I NEVER SAID I LIKED HILLARY I need to make that clear. She is a fucking faggot who tried to use the fact that she was a women to win. Presidents don’t have the power to do a lot of the things both of them said they would.
What are your views on taxes and the 2nd Amendment?
Where the fuck have you been. Bush and Obongo both did an end run around around the constitution with their pen
Why haven't you killed yourself yet. We'd be better off without you
Does your bedroom smell like shit after you have sex with yourself?
Do you let your wife's black bull cum inside her?Will you raise her child?
Does it feel sad to fap to hentai in your mother’s basement?
Asuka or Rei?
Why don't you like Hitler? He only killed the Jews out of kindness because we were starving out the Germans.
>I’m a liberal
ever tried going back in time and fucking yourself?
I think you mean expelled not killed
>says “why dont you like Hitler”
I’m fucking done
Kill yourself faggot nigger.
I wish I could user, I wish I could
Thats an ignorant statement
your thoughts?
>says I’m a liberal
spoken like a true leftie is good to know you are a waste of human being, just not bother others
boring talking point as expected.
surely it has nothing to do with the fact that its a bait Sup Forums tier thread
I wanted to have an actual discussion. I should have expected this
Why don’t you lurk more, faget?
yes nothing like a ''i hate drumpf ama'' followed by ''youre racist'' post to light up some deep conversations
just kill yourself
how does it feel that your entire idology has been co-opted by the worst dregs society has to offer?
OP's been lurking his whole life.
how much jizz do you swallow a day?