Mother Teresa had such huge savings in the Vatican Bank that if she had withdrawn her funds the institution could have defaulted, according to an Italian journalist.
‘Cashed-up’ Mother Teresa kept Vatican Bank afloat
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>singlehandedly keeping the church afloat
She was a bamf
my mother met her when she was working as a nurse at a old folks home. Said she felt her enter the building like a paladin AOE buff.
Mother Teresa was a hypocritical cunt
"The demon of Calcutta"
Refused to use donations to help the poor because
"Poverty was divine"
Her philosophy about suffering was heretical, but I actually agree with it in part. I'm just disgusted that she maintained those conclusions as a supposed Christian. She should have admitted being a stoic pagan.
Methed up Mother Teresa?
Hey its another edition of Sup Forums contratianism
>Her philosophy about suffering
What was it exactly?
red pill me on mother teresa
Greatest woman to ever live.
Materialism is evil.
Cathcuck lmao
>t. some guy that read Hitchens once
Read actual theology to understand her letters. She said nothing that was surprising to any even semi educated Catholic. Read Dark Knight of the Soul by St. John of the Cross
>same view of suffering as the Church
catch me outside how bow dah
go back
She thought suffering was necessary for salvation. Not that uncommon a view among Christians. Dostoevsky believed the same, for example.
We all suffer though so kinda a moot point? She wasnt inflicting suffering herself was she?
Roberto Calvi, pls go.
That sounds likely.
Christians are sum and you think these people are pro-white? Get fucked
She built places for the sick to die in "peace", without actually trying to make it better for them or treat the disease in the first place. A common cold could have you sent there.
Yes she was.
How so
I doubt it. The Great Satan otherwise known as the Catholic Church sits on vast fortunes stolen from people they've killed. They just hide it better than any kike.
Liberals hate Mother Teresa because she was one of the most authentic public representations of the faith in the moderm era.
In all of her public speeches she championed marriage and described abortion as the greatest evil as it kills the baby and the conscious of the mother. She was highly spiritual yet strict in her adherance "rigid" dogma. Basically the opposite of Fr. James Martin.
Take for example her nobel prize acceptance speech:
All her detractors did nothing to help the poor and simply hate Church so they used her as target to vent their anger.
Denied pain medication, unhygienic conditions at her clinics, didn't isolate tuberculosis patients, had untrained staff, patients forced to bathe in freezing water because she wouldn't buy a water heater.
Remember she was swimming in money, so there was no reason for this shit to happen. She thought it was better this way because suffering is beautiful.
Go back where? This is a Christian board, friend. And Catholics are not real Christians.
How long have you been on Sup Forums?
Got that right.
But you can't get "more" salvation by suffering more, and it's not a justification for CREATING additional suffering, or prolonging current suffering to magnify the "purifying" effects. She created a space in which people could suffer in peace, or something. You see perversity of that? There's no need to actually facilitate suffering. We don't need donations, and special buildings to concentrate suffering in some kind of epicenter of divine pain. People can suffer perfectly well on the streets. You create hospitals to elevate suffering.
Her whole calculus was demoniacally absurd.
Oh, I'm with you. I think even if you believe that suffering is the way to salvation, it's not your job to inflict it on other people. It should be the individual's choice. Only God can judge and all that.
...and if you're a masochist who thinks there's some spiritual dimension to inflicting suffering on yourself, I don't give a shit. It may very well genuinely strengthen you. Making that choice for someone else though is to assume the role of God.
>"The demon of Calcutta"
Fucking hilarious.
They were already poor and suffering regardless of her existence, how is she the "demon" responsible for the fact that poor people live shit lives in India?
I dont think youre understaning what she actually did or was talking about. I dont mean that as a swipe. "Redemptive suffering" is one of the oldest Christian Concepts their is. For someone who doesnt have formal study of it, it can certainly can appear strange at first
She never inflicted suffering on anyone though. Nor was their any "pleasure" derived from suffering so it wasnt any sado-masochism like you're implying.
Read this it gives a much more concise explanation than I could right now.
Ha. 'Real'.
To be fair, the concept of medical care primarily being about alleviating suffering has resulted in millions of people in the U.S. being addicted to opioids.
>She created a space in which people could suffer in peace, or something. You see perversity of that?
I for one don't.
Their suffering is a universal constant.
At least they had someplace to die in peace rather than out on the street to get eaten alive by rats.
It's fucking India. They literally live in shit and no amount of throwing money at them will change that.
At least heroin is a god that satiates its followers.
If want to go straight to point of criticizing mother theresa, just go for hitchens. Penn and teller did a pretty funny and strong segment on it.
Jesus suffered for you sins so you don't have to, and the message of loving your fellow people is spread out all over christianity. How does "redemptive suffering" come into this? Or her "Home of the dying".
More like it sends you to hell before you even die.
lay up not for yourself treasures on earth
Way to keep Christ's commands you old bag of wind, Mother Teresa is in hell right now because she didn't believe on Jesus Christ
Is your argument that there was NOTHING that could have reasonably been done to mitigate their suffering beyond the conditions set in her hospitals? Given the available funding, they were simply run atrociously, and then used the Gift of Suffering was a theological smokescreen for shitty practices. I can appreciate the concept as a theological concern, but show me a non-heretical theologian who uses it as an excuse for human dereliction.
They could at least have got them a proper bed or allow family to visit.
This place was just a bunch of mattresses for you to lie on until you die with a bunch of nannies speaking some nonsense about suffering and redemption.
Hitchens was a Trotyskite Jew who lied about Mother Teresa to promote his books.
>they were simply run atrociously, and then used the Gift of Suffering was a theological smokescreen for shitty practices
They were run just as they were intended, following mother theresas instructions to the letter.
This board is amazing.
We perfectly know that giving money to shitholes is nothing but a factor to make the things much worse.
Take for example Africa and the failed "help Africa" campaigns.
She knew this, she knew that the only way to change this was not with money but converting the indians in humans and the (((world))) disagrees.
And yes, one of the most important problems in the modern society is this: the people don't stand the suffering and turn continuously the head to look to their phones.
People in the streets suffer alone, like abandoned dogs, almost inhuman.
At least her people died loved, in company.
Everybody dies alone, but everybody dies loved?
Yeah it's pretty funny how for so many years, she was considered the paragon of righteousness and was endlessly praised by leftists for being a cool exotic mystic.
Then she gets up in front of everyone and speaks against abortion and stuff and the leftists were left with egg on their faces.
It's the reason why that they have been so intent on trying to defame her. Have you ever wondered why that, out of all the charitable pop culture icons, both the good and the shady, they work so hard and with so much vitriol on tearing her down? Well, at that speech, they were completely and wholly humiliated by her. They are never going to live it down. Even if they can't substantiate their outrageous claims against her, they are going to work for a while to avenge their wounded pride.
t. Michael Sindona
>Is your argument that there was NOTHING that could have reasonably been done to mitigate their suffering beyond the conditions set in her hospitals?
Yup, and she didn't run hospitals for the record.
She ran places for the lowest of the low to die in peace, or at least that's my understanding anyway.
>Jesus suffered so you dont have to suffer
That has never been a mainline Christian teaching for 2000 years. Jesus suffered so we could be redeemed from sin. If he suffered so we don't have to then why does suffering still exist?
>At least her people died loved, in company.
They died alone in a room with 50 others, and none were allowed visits.
They came to die, and nothing else were they allowed.
Will you die loved, user?
Because everything else is cow shit.
>Jesus suffered so we could be redeemed from sin
I was responding to redemptive suffering, this line perfectly sums it up.
Why have "Redemptive suffering" when jesus already did so?
Mother Teresa's own mouth condemns her:
n my soul I feel just that terrible pain of loss, of God not wanting me, of God not being God, of God not really existing
Based on her own words (and to the best of my knowledge she never believed on Jesus Christ) she didn't even believe God existed and by default did not believe on Jesus Christ.
She was a heretic and is burning in hell because she had no forgiveness of sins from Jesus. She is lauded by the world as some saint, when she wasn't because the definition of a saint is that they believe on Jesus Christ for forgiveness of sins.
Because she is loved by the world instantly I knew she was evil because:
Luke 6:26 KJV
[26] Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets.
tl;dr: She was an unbeliever, she was evil and she is burning in hell right now
Yep. This Christopher Hitchens quote sums up his and the lefts vitrial for her. I dont understand how they can have that much hate for someone. There are alot of people I disagree with or out right dont like but I never deny the good they do because of my own personal feelings.
>Will you die loved, user?
Probably, and hopefully in a hospital high on painkillers.
What a shock, "Nuzzi" is apparently a Jew...
another jew dripping with talmudic hatred.
Because you are offering your suffering up to God. No matter what you do in life you will suffer and will suffer even more if live as a Christian is supposed to. Redemptive suffering is the embracing of that suffering and offering up as a sacrifice to God. Ever heard the phrase "Take up your cross"
She had the means to ensure these people had some basic level of medical care. Trained staff, properly sterilized equipment, medication for pain relief, hot water. These are all things she could have given them, but she consciously chose to let them suffer because she thought their suffering was good.
Nevermind the fact that she went to an American hospital when she needed treatment for her heart. Guess her suffering ain't so beautiful, eh?
> Hitchens reports that in a filmed interview Mother Teresa herself tells of a patient suffering unbearable pain from terminal cancer: "With a smile, Mother Teresa told the camera what she told the patient: 'You are suffering like Christ on the cross. So Jesus must be kissing you.'" Apparently unaware that the response of the sufferer was a put-down, she freely related it: "Then please tell him to stop kissing me."
Wew lad. Old news, next thread please.
>This place was just a bunch of mattresses for you to lie on until you die with a bunch of nannies speaking some nonsense about suffering and redemption.
No offense but you need to take yourself out of the mindset of a Swede living a comfortable life in Sweden, and try to see things from the perspective of an Indian at the very bottom of Indian society. India is a place where poor homeless people pay for the privilege of outdoor renting woven net beds to sleep for the night. Someone dying in India with nothing to their name would consider a mattress attended by "nannies speaking some nonsense about suffering" a step up from lying down in a pile of garbage in a deserted alleyway waiting to die.
suffering exists becausr it is the penalty for sin. If you sin you suffer, if you never sin (ex Jesus Christ) you still suffer because others are sinners.
Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven, anyone who says there is any other way to heaven than trusting in Jesus Christ's sacrifice for your sins is a heretic and provaby will burn in hell forever. Everyone who preaches a gospel of works is cursed by the Holy Spirit (Galatians 1:8-9), this is not a joke, this is not a mere discussion, they should be cursed because if people who are not aaved believe their lies they could burn in hell for ever because of another person's stupidity(assuming he is not overtly Satanic)
Mother Teresa was a wicked person who was proud which is why she could not believe, because to everyone who is proud they are their own God in their eyes and have no room for the real God. Mother Teresa is not a saint, was not a saint and never will be a saint because saints believe Jesus Christ and Mother Teresa was an unbeliever
Mother Theresa was a greedy scammer? This fucking timeline
>She had the means to ensure these people had some basic level of medical care.
She had the money to ensure that the entire poor population of India recieved some basic level of medical care?
All off of charitable donations?
Sheeiit, sounds like Obama could have used her to get his Obama-care to work!
Who ever said there was a way to heaven excpet through Christ? I think youre fighting strawmen.
According to some Jew trying to sell a book.
Any quotes on her condeming hinduism or other heresies? Hinduism is why there is a caste system and why the elites will always treat other human beings as less than cows. All her work was for naught. Perpetual fund raiser though standing next to the outcastes and snapping selfies. Vatican II refuses to condemn pagan heretics. 501c3 is not a religion.
Not the entire population, just her clinics. I'm not talking about 5-star, bring them back to life care. Just make their death not excruciatingly painful. Why would you jump to such a ridiculous conclusion?
I would honestly rather die on the street, at least it would be quicker. And maybe jump into ganges like a proper indian if I could.
You forget that it wasn't just for the poor though, it was for anyone fanatical enough to believe her. People like you I suppose, you have my pity.
Harper Lee and her racist Addicus in the sequel to To Kill A Mockingbird is a strong parallel.
Catholics like their suffering. Fair enough. Doesn't require a fucking check to stick dying people in cots in some grungy basement so they can suffer until their last.
The whole vatican is, if you are on Sup Forums and want those precious red pills, the vatican is one of the first you should have opened your eyes to.
They're jumping to insane strawman points. They know they're wrong.
I sure have seen enough insanity in one thread
You are a liar, you are saved by GRACE through FAITH.
You idiot if you trust your works to save you you must also count the bad works with the good. Ever lie or steal or have an inappropriate thought or doubt God? You think you can just get away with that sin with Jesus Christ? For every sin you deserve to burn in hell forever. If you trust that you can do nothing to get into heaven and that you deserve to burn in hell forever for your sins and that only believing in Jesus Christ can take away your sins for ever then you will be forgiven.
If you harden your neck and say in your heart "I don't need Jesus, I am a good person and I will trust in any of my works to save me" now you don't trust in Christ and you will be judged according to your works and everyone judged according to their works will be damned because the only person who was a man who never sinned was Jesus Christ while he was a man.
If you say, you must suffer to be saved, you deny the salvation of Jesus because Jesus said the only way to get into heaven was by believing on him. But if you say, I must suffer to get into heaven, now you trust in your suffering and do not trust in Christ since he is the only way yo heaven.
Strait is the gate which leads to life, it is a single door, that door is Christ, go to the door and go through it or you will die in your sins. Why trust your own work? You are wicked and without Christ you will die
t. Chaim Horowitz
I replied to your post but was also addressing other posts in it. Many people say that you have to "repent of your sins" or "turn over a new leaf" or "feel sorrow for sins to be saved".
Jesus said all you have to do to be saved is believe on him. When you say "why does suffering still exist" you sound like you believe in works based salvation, which is heresy. Suffering makes us humble so we can trust in God, if you do not suffer I doubt you are saved since God punishes all his children
> be indian
> nurses force you to poo in loo
I don't think you understand indian culture. These people had it bad. Real bad.
Mother Teresa:
"...the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child, a direct killing of the innocent child, murder by the mother herself."
"The way to plan the family is natural family planning, not contraception."
>Jesus said all you have to do to be saved is believe on him
Did he? I don't think he ever explicitly stated as such.
Of course we achieve salvation through our faith AND our works. It is intuitive. Do good things, go to heaven.
Even you believe that works play a role in our salvation.
In a previous post, you claimed that it is possible to be damned by a work (preaching a false gospel). If this work can play a role in the state of salvation, why don't other works? That passage from Galatians disproves sola fide. It is explicitly saying that you can be damned by a work.
lol, you fucking retard.
>Not the entire population, just her clinics
So right off the bat you're decreasing the amount of people she can care for by insisting that they focus on providing an unrealistic first world level of hospice care rather a level of care that fits the region and provides for as many as possible.
>Just make their death not excruciatingly painful.
You're talking about doping them up on opiates.
So now you need to hire medical staff to properly adminster the opiates, guards to prevent people from stealing the opiates,and the opiates themselves. So your resources are now devoted to getting a handful of Indians high, great job.
>Why would you jump to such a ridiculous conclusion?
because you're being ridiculous and acting like a spoiled libshit that calls for ending child labor in third world countries, as if that doesn't just lead to children being sold to into a life of prostitution instead.
The third world is SHIT, life there is SHIT and just because you find the level of charitable service to be unaccepable doesn't mean it's not a huge step up for the actual people on the ground there.
>the empowerment of women is the only cure for poverty
And people think this guy is intelligent?
If you want to get out of poverty (lack of access to wealth) you need to gain access to wealth. There are a variety of ways to do this. Sales, for example, allows you to begin a path in entrepreneurship rather than taking the oft-traveled but ultimately unrewarding path of employment where the only thing you have to leverage for income is your time and thus never truly get ahead. If you're working for a salary, you're somebody else's property.
>"The way to plan the family is natural family planning, not contraception."
And suddenly it became that much harder to convince africans to use condoms, spreading disease and another population boom.
>I would honestly rather be slowly eaten alive by rats than die on a mattress
Stop being ridiculous user. There's nothing "quick" about dying on the street in a tropical climate.
>You forget that it wasn't just for the poor though, it was for anyone fanatical enough to believe her.
So in other words people actively sought out this level of care and were happy to get it, but somehow it was wrong to give it to them.
Pretty fucking funny that he was right up until the female part.
if you think white people should procreate but not black people, you've already bit into the marxism apple
population density is a problem
overpopulation is an anti-Life myth
Those in a position of power, political or religious, have a responsibility to their followers.
The religious in shitholes are easy to convince to do stupid shit, this isn't news.
dude you can't argue and win with anons, they get your point but will still argue for the sake of being contrarian.
I kind of agree with him, uncontrollable reproduction cause poverty and giving women the reproductive rights would limit this.
look at this idiot ^^
Don't put words into my mouth. Africa suffers from constant population booms, it causes starvation, disease and poverty. If they had a stable population decades ago it would be a very different place today.
Nice refutation, I bow to thee you courageous templar warrior
Those are nice platitudes but it doesn't change the reality on the ground. There are thousands of people dying in misery on the street.
>You can grant a handful of them a cozy death in hospital beds with a morphine drip and delude yourself that you're "making a difference"
>You can grant hundreds of them a less cozy death on a mattress indoors off the street and realize that in the end nothing will ever change but at least you helped as many as you could.
The choice is yours.
>europe, america, japan, and even china collapsing socially
>abortion and contraceptions are a good thing
abstinence education is the proven, optimal approach to avoiding pregnancy outside of marriage & stds
handing out condoms enables sexual degeneracy
dignity is inherent, not measured by material worth
Neither is helping, especially when the latter could have if they provided clean water instead of letting those with the flu die according to their belief.
You don't need to be a doctor to boil water and keep someone hydrated, you need a leaflet.