But youtube keeps conservatives down, it's not that their content is not getting stale. Go Steven.
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Isn't he a Jesus fanboy though?
>celebrating NeverTrumpers
Half of Sup Forums thinks Christianity is a Jewish plot to overthrow the whites.
Christianity is great in keeping plebs in check and making them slave away their time on Earth, so shut the fuck up. We need Christianity for the society to work.
How else would you make low IQ people feel bad for making "immoral" things?
i honestly like steven over every other "conservative" youtuber because he has been doing this before even Sup Forums was "right wing" .almost every other big conservative youtuber jumped on the band wagon in 2015/16 because the presidency made it profitable.
Steven Crowder is too right-wing for this board. Sup Forums must disavow.
He's pretty damn consistent in his views too, I appreciate that about him.
This is true, especially people like Mark Dice.
The other half dwells with God in their heart, or is Catholic.
It literally is Jewish propaganda paid for by the Roman Empire. How can you dispute that?
Even mark dice beat this guy and all he does is laugh at videos
Crowder is sick in the head. Yesterday he was talking about stomping on black babies.
>go on jewtube
>trending in last 15 hours with 200k views is another cock sucking soyboy late night host crying about trump
I used to find Sup Forums and the constant Jew whining so low brow, now I agree and want to see Jews thrown into the ovens, media kikes first. That includes honorary zionists like Colbert, that nigger that took over the Daily Jew, and the entire staff at MSNBC and CNN.
Crowder is a neocon Zionist cuck.
Black Pigeon Speaks is better.
dont tell Sup Forums that you idiot! they will start to like him lmao ..... no one wants Sup Forums to like them
white pigeons > black pigeons
Crowder is a cringey brainlet
Seriously. He's way too hardcore for pol. I heard he wants turn all Jews into lampshades and bars of soap.
People still watch this milktoast kikeloving fag? He was born in the wrong decade, as he should have been a boomer.
You have to be pretty lame to be a fan of crowder. I'll admit he does occasionally have a funny bit like drawing muhammad with period blood but that is rare and those things go viral so there's no need to watch or listen to him. He has the most stale fox news conservative talking points and you have to live a miserable existence to find him enjoyable.
>It's the children who are wrong
>half of Sup Forums according to a meme flagging faggot
lol yeah ok
>oy vey go fight with anyone else on the right goy! They're not right enough! They give your opinion a bad name! `
this was gold desu
The same half that is homosexual. Really makes you think.
I fucking hate this hard-on, alt-lite, soy-boy douche bag doing everything he can not to be offensive to anyone. Modern day comics suck so much dick. Go on jew tube and listen to the Jew gilberrt gottfirend on jew howard stern in the 1990s talk about the niggers. Yes, they used to se the word NIGGER constantly on air in the 1990s right to the niggers' faces.
I stopped watching him because he bought into that retarded story about Trump's campaign manager shoving a woman into the ground and used it to turn on Trump. Same fucking retarded garbage that Shapiro did, but at least Shapiro has walked back on that a bit and said he did it because he didn't like working with Breitbart and Bannon.
Go hang out with Blue collar or Green collar guys, its where the testosterone is still alive and well.
this was an actual comic when allowed to be funny:
because the romans suppressed ir for hundreds of years, fagg flag
Half of Sup Forums believes that traffic lights taking too long to change is a Jewish plot to overthrow he white race.
be my ai gf
yeah, he's a little to establishment neocon for me but nothing is perfect.
I like what Crowder does. His show is really well produced even if he's a little too "Lite" for me, message-wise. He's got a place in the big tent and serves a purpose.
Crowder is good material for high school white guys to get the "precursor to redpill" ideas and attitude. I think he has a very positive influence on the youth in general
holllay shit be my ai gf
y dont you say nigger to niggers faces then. you have every rite to say what ever you want whenever you want. just do it and stop talking about it on an anime related political image board like a fucking loser.
Battlefield games with anime qts should be a thing
I can't believe he did a live "nig-lynch-athon" as a million subscriber celebration. Too hardcore for me. I formally disavow
pretty down the middle typical conservative/libertarian actually
nah he's annoying
Mrs. Crowder