If women were expected to start up sex with guys, there would be 0 sexual harassment cases in the world.
Try and prove me wrong and how do we get started?
If women were expected to start up sex with guys, there would be 0 sexual harassment cases in the world.
Try and prove me wrong and how do we get started?
If women were expected to start up sex with guys, there would be 0 sexual harassment cases in the world, because every rapist would be in prison in days, if not the same day.
>Prove me wrong
Okay, you would be pushing women into selection positions which most women both don't feel comfortable with, and are very narrow.
So, you would still get sexual harassment cases in cases of regret, doubt, etc. You would also expect both sides to play by these rules, and they wouldn't. For instance, I know tons of guys that get sexually harassed by women... but they don't do anything about it, because there is really no benefit in doing so.
So, men would still probably do things that would result in sexual harassment cases.
The physical differences between men and women make this impossible. Men are much taller than women. In the US, the average male height it 5'10" and the average female height is 5'4". And since most Americans are fucking fat this means that most men are 200+ lbs while most women are below 150 lbs.
Every man has had some drunk girl come on to him. And every time, we can easily shrug her off because she's just a woman. So we don't worry about it, or go to the cops. But if you reversed the natural physical size/strength of men and women we'd be freaking out. It's just biology at the end of the day.
there would be zero humans in 80 yars
try and prove me wrong
Step 1. Be very attractive.
Step 2. Give them a credible excuse for approaching you. (bartender, teacher, etc)
Step 3. Buttsecks.
Not true. Women are pervs too. They can be aggressive about it too. The system protects them because they are women and don't need to have self control.
>how do we get started
You don't. Unless a man is already notorious, women require a display of fitness before they are willing to pursue a man, of which assertiveness and social acumen is key. Put women back in their proper place and all of the mystical feminist bugbears disappear overnight.
Most women literally hate initiating sex or relationships.
This is an imaginary scenario where people are raised with movies of women picking up men, articles with this, advertising, and a complete cultural norm. Similar to how men get their selection role.
All men aren't comfortable with selection, it's expected by culture, therefore we learn and do not get laid if we don't. Never have I met a man who was honestly traumatized from a sexual encounter, yet have met 100s of women who have.
So men are so strong its better we initiate because we can get what we want with brute strength. But a society where women initiate, if they get rejected and try to make moves drunk they need to be able to force it?
Seems like the world would be a better place if selectors couldn't force their way onto who they were after.
If we changed culture so that women initiated the selection, men would have to still be competitive to get a mate, just wouldn't have to creep, women would. Which is fine for dudes.
>Most women literally hate initiating sex or relationships.
They are taught from culture of men initiation, rejecting so many people, and raised with confirmation of other women who constantly use the clitche of "tired of all these men hitting on me" as a sign of high importance.
I've slept with many women since highschool, I have no problems getting laid. I just believe the world would be a better place if men were able to reject desperate women. It would literally halt sexual assault.
I have been of sexual harassment because I refused to be alone with women at work! I have been accused of sexual crimes because a 16 year old female co-worker got mad at me for not responding to her flirting and wearing my wedding band in a work environment!
Women are crazy, bro!
I've been harassed a few times by chicks.
Women never know what they want. Their entire biology is to have everything handed to them.
they do start up sex, just not with ugly men. this is only a problem for ugly people.
Yes, the top 20% of men(particularly the very top) can enjoy prime pucci whenever they like. While we're at it, the bottom 80% of men who are never chosen can receive mandatory estrogen pills to prevent them from lashing out violently against the women who will never pick them.
It'll be just like what we have today, except women will never have to feel uncomfortable about anything.
i dont know how to play the line so i dont try
it is an ever changing line and i am always pushing my boundaries if thats the way they want it
instead of being honest they dont like me, which would be difficult
only niggers can bear this style of interaction
old women, young women, married women.
In this fake world, where women are culturally designed to initiate... its assumed because of your gender, you normally get harassment and women are at fault. Because you are a guy and you can handle this harassment, there would be only a small reprimand for the woman and you guys continue your work. This would be the world. No false rape accusations or termination, just swatting gnats away and moving on.
That is psychology, which is wired by culture, which is reinforced by movies/advertisments/media/religion.
I've been laid plenty of times, this isn't about getting laid, but stopping this stupid "Sexual harassment" epidemic to nothing.
Wouldn't women not feeling uncomfortable about this be a good thing? All the rape stories girls share with each other gone.
the problem is woman can be as bad as men.
>If women were expected to start up sex with guys, there would be 0 sexual harassment cases in the world.
Untrue. There would be a sharp incline in sexual assaults on men from horny old grannies.
You don't believe me? They are out there. You best beware.
women would still wanna get laid and have families, just taught to ask dudes out or be left out.
>women won't find something else to bitch about
Ah yes. I, too, believe in fairytales.
Lol. And laughed at by the world. We could tell them to fuck off and there would be less grannies hitting on them. Women would be forced to find other dudes or be left out.
When have you seen a movie where the girl can't find a date to the prom, yet we see that meme of the sad dude left out and rejected by all girls until he finds that one.
It's not hard to get laid guys
Just be attractive and rich. That simple.
just show up. kek
This would only stop all cases of sexual assault, which would be huge. Women will complain less though when they are being selected rather than sitting back and rejecting/accepting people.
Having clean shoes helps.
Nice clothes, not too baggy.
Shaven or kept nicely
Wash your hair, use deodarent, wash daily, brush your teeth 2 times a day.
Don't wear clothes that have holes
I've had a few ugly fatt bosses secually harass me in the most blunt and graphic ways. One of them asked if she could sit on my face as a joke. I didn't report any of them cause it didn't bother me but I can understand how women feel unfomfortable with that shit.
at one of the companies i used to work at, anytime a hot chick got fired, they had to give them huge severance package out of fear the chicks would sue because they willingly fucked their managers all the time.
I get harassed by gay dudes in my office.
Literally the weirdest shit I've ever encountered.
My fucking wife won't stop calling me her bitch after I told her about it.
a man can walk around past 10 and not worry about getting raped.
women can't.
>Women will complain less
GTFO my board you fucking liar.
>NPR: Startling Rise in Old Age Discrimination as Young Men Humiliate Spurned Suitors
>Jezebel: Age is Just a Number, What Employers Need to Know About Age Discrimination in Dating
>Salon: Equality for All, Why The Assemblywoman is the Answer to Granny-Shaming
Keep your nails trimmed without grime under them, this is like the 101 of getting laid.
Women just bitch because they are tired of waiting for men to come up to them and rejecting the betas. They want this. They want the privilege men have in being able to have sex on a whim. It's why they bitch so much. They don't want to just say "hi" while the guys strokes his ego/personality, they want to prove themselves to men!
This isn't about not getting laid. The way to get laid is retarded. If women were the ones being selected this wouldn't be as retarded as it is.
I've tried getting picked up by a girl a couple of times, really fucking hot too apparently i couldn't take the hint and she REALLY wanted to, so she x2 made the move instead.
That being said you're absolutely right op, but the problem is both when it comes to sex and when it comes to who picks up/hits on who, women do generally like at the very least from time to time the guy taking charge. If she's just in charge of and the initiator of everything in the relationship etc. she'll fucking leave you because it doesn't feel right for women to have a totally submissive guy like that.
Also even women who aggressively initiate, fully expect you to at one point do the guy stuff in the relationship and enjoy it when you do. If you don't you fucking ruin it. And part of that is initiating sex aswell so it's not totally one sided. And so if women had to initiate sex everytime they'd get tired of it.
Women will ALWAYS bitch because it's always been evolutionarily advantageous to push the envelope; it gets resources and reveals which men are supplicating, low-T pushovers(like yourself). Want to protect women? Traditionalist patriarchy that cherishes women's modesty and faithfulness is the answer.
Go be a soyboy somewhere else.
When did this turn into a pissing contest? I've fucked many women including models (hate how vain they are though), and my diet consists of mostly meat. I also make 150k+ a year trading and I'm from a wealthy family. Enough talk of self from an anonymous board and back on topic....
Women complaining leads to more betas caving in while men who don't put up with it leave them. I've seen more breakups from constant nagging than anything. How is this an evolutionary advantage when they do it to every guy? It's an error in women's source code.
Also, most of these sexual assaults are not from relationships. Women are pretty good at not replying to text messages and leaving. Being dominant in a relationship is irrelevant to who initiates first sexual advance.
The sexual assault problem is from initial contact and it's unwanted. If women are culturally pushed to this, there would be no more sexual assaults. The victims would be men who can physically and have no problem to say it, to prevent unwanted advancements if they needed to.
That's a big one.
If you don't eat shit it will show in your skin and overall health. Drinking water is good for your health.
If you have bad breathe use breathe mints. You might have those things that sit in the back of your mouth (white build up of old food).
but thats not what happens.
Tonsil stones, lad.
There are women and men that do seduce other people to use it as leverage. They will threaten to file rape charges if you don’t pay them. Or they will tell your wife/husband etc.
I’ve known a girl who would punch herself call the cops and cry to them about how you did it, she did it to a roommate she didnt like once. Unless there’s video evidence than it’s only her word against yours.
We would die out as a specie.
Where that chart of women going for the chad types and avoiding average guys. NOw how would a world look when only women seek good looking guys?
Bull shit. Every disgusting obese feminist who doesn't bathe would be forward and grope you and shit. I would want that bitch fired or cited.
Sign The Agreement:
Also, stats show that just about an equal amount of men experience sexual harassment (not you because you look like shit). For whatever reason we don't yell out loud about it.
This and also I want to add that if social programming beats it into men that they have to "take charge", then social programming also tells women that they are highly desired after. So if a woman gets rejected by a man, it's a way bigger blow to their ego than a man getting rejected by a woman, because that is "expected".
They hear it in their head that even though everyone craves pussy, the person they like doesn't crave their pussy so they must be ugly because society is intolerant of ugly women.
A much better, goodlooking, healthy aryan society within two generations
If it's been two months, and your girlfriend has never initiated the fuck, that means she's not all that into you right?
She's never declined my advances, but she's never made any moves towards initiation.
Which is the true redpill:
When those with the baby-making capacity have the full ability to choose their mates instead of settling for average joe then the weak average joe genes would die out and society would slowly progress.
It should always be survival of the fittest, because it's the best way to progress.
You raise an excllent point but women are hard-wired to not be able to ask for sex. Isn't it interesting that the very thing feminists demand is completely impossible and women's fault?
>this whole thing could be solved with autistic yes/no communication
>ohhhhhhh I don't knowwwwwwwww, I want to IMPLY things!
I've had women grab my butt now and then. It used to happen when I worked as a waiter.
For the most part I don't really care when it happens, but it's pretty annoying when they do it while I'm carrying stuff.
not ask for sex. now that is funny.
if only we could get this to happen haha... I wanna just go to clubs and expect women to hit on me and desperately try to prove themselves after I say hi.
>I've fucked many women including models (hate how vain they are though), and my diet consists of mostly meat. I also make 150k+ a year trading and I'm from a wealthy family
I'm a top navy seal trained in gorilla warfare, faggot. Nobody cares.
You fundamentally misunderstand women, as shown by your willingness to supplicate to them. The problem with society is too much concern with women's feelings, not too little. You're just promoting the next phase of the sexual utopian scheme currently destroying the family and with it, civilization. But hey, maybe you can get one more low-investment, low-risk screw in before it all comes crashing down.
They just don't want sex or a relationship with you.
>Never have I met a man who was honestly traumatized from a sexual encounter,
I lost my virginity at 20 to a slam pig who started her period about ten minutes after putting my dick in her. Took several months and tons of alcohol to get the smell of her unwashed ass out of my nightmares. took about another year to be able to look a woman in the eye and not picture my blood stained cock and sheets.
Except that isn't necessarily happening like that. Average women aren't settling down with 10/10 chads. They're trying to date them then get kicked out on the curb. They might continue to look for not Mr Right but Mr Perfect in every way
I love Jessica Biel. Just down right love her. I think she's perfect. But I under no illusion that a girl who looks like her will walk into my life. I'm not meeting Jessica Biel type women in my life.
Women are about to become obsolete.
ugies can develop big hang ups.
Except that women rape young men constantly... so there's that.
tfm go home
lol I had to do a harassment training thing for work today
Women don't like to hit on men cause they're lazy and prideful.
The hell is going on with you guys as of late?
She's fucking someone else. Trust me I've been there and it sucks. Whatever you do with this information is up to you tho
What is the context? What the fuck is the context?
If men and women stuck with the Bible and only had sex with their wives and husbands, there'd be 0 sexual harassment cases in the world.
There'd also be a lot less people going to Hell for fornication.
Well then surely there's a way to find out for definitive proof, right?
I'd advice Derek to grow a pair and get balls deep then file a sexual harassment claim for a massive neetbux payout.
>You raise an excllent point but women are hard-wired to not be able to ask for sex. Isn't it interesting that the very thing feminists demand is completely impossible and women's fault?
>>this whole thing could be solved with autistic yes/no communication
>>ohhhhhhh I don't knowwwwwwwww, I want to IMPLY things!
Exactly my point. Girls hold all the cards when it comes to how this game is designed. All the retarded hints and playing a long game to get in is by women. All this sexual abuse could be stopped if women had to be the ones to start contact.
The left has only grown further detached from reality after Trump's election. The HR department inmates are now running the asylum.
This: female sexual passivity is only superficially weak. It's actually like the superficial passivity of a paying customer at a restaurant or a judge at a contest. No woman will leave that position because they all instinctively know it's a step down. And no woman could survive the rejection that men are expected to swallow without complaint.
Fuck lucinda in exchange for a job promotion or blackmail her with proof to HR lol.
no it would just be reversed. well not really reversed. because it goes both ways now.
Chef at Wendy's($150k salary) with a 9" dick here, you don't understand women at all. Also, if you think sex differences are plastic you need to lurk moar.
It would save so much work and anxiety for us too but will never happen.
Women like assertive men.
You would know this if you weren't such a beta virgin, OP.
I am loving this LSD BS that can never happen.
>hey baby
>who's my little kike?
>let's have dinner
i'm going to shamelessly womanpost and explain a little bit of game theory with you as to why women don't initiate with men:
the first thing to know is women aren't sex-driven; they're relationship-driven. they don't want a one-night-stand; they want to at least be someone's public girlfriend.
there are three possible outcomes when a woman initiates:
1.) he isn't into you and rejects you. this happens a lot to men, obviously, but women aren't well-equipped to deal with this. furthermore, men aren't as picky as women, so if a man rejects you, he basically finds you repulsive.
2.) he isn't that into you, but he won't say no to easy pussy. now you're just wasting your time with someone who's basically using you.
3.) he is into you, but he was too shy to initiate. this is very rarely the case (if he had been into you, he probably would have initiated), and your relationship will be plagued with doubts that this is really a number 2 situation.
hope this helps.
Derek should stop being a pussy and dick down his boss. What would actually happen would be that Derek gives all the information to HR, but wait not so fast! HR and the boss are good friends. HR tells the boss before HR puts the trouble ticket in so that the boss can make a situation trap for Derek to fuck him over. Then HR submits the bosses TT first and Dereks second to make it look like Derek Made the offence first. Thus fucking Derek over and scaring the other males to the point that no one wants to talk to each other
>Derek should stop being a pussy and dick down his boss.
Fornication and forgetting his religion for some roastie feminist atheist.
Women absolutely want one night stands, especially nowadays, but are instinctively incapable of intiating.
My stepmom repeatedly tried to suck my dick when I was asleep, I told her to fuck off every time, dozens of time I had to fight her drunken advances.
Women want one night stands, just not with the average guy's broke ass.
Take a break from her. See how fast she finds someone else. Alternatively grab her phone and text her best friend that you're pregnant. If she texts back "by who!?" you're fucked
they don't though. they want the glory of a chad giving them attention and validation for (at least) one night. women don't actually enjoy casual sex very much. in the past few years, sociologist have come out with a bunch of studies with this *shocking* conclusion, but I would say this is like running a study to see if water is wet since it's obvious.