Let's show appreciation to the Amerimutts! Press F to pay respects! Post your best Amerimutts! Say the five words "Amerimutts will never be white"!
Amerimutt appreciation thread
Amerimutt memes don't remove kebab
Wish my fellow burgers would accept that this meme isn't going anywhere and learn to handle the bantz.
Take pride in the positive things in our country. Guns, bigger houses, no national sales taxes, some parts are still based and white.
are we gonna call the meme amerimutts or amerigoblins?
It's Ameriorcs
>Youre a mutt meme
>Says eurofag that's butthurt he doesn't have freedom of speech, guns, or living space
>Feels inferior that his country could be so white and not have the freedoms of burger land
>Gets to watch wife and daughters get raped by ahkmed to create more ahkmeds
Enjoy euroland. The 'mutts' will continue to enjoy their freedom
Why can't it be gooks that post these memes? At least we can't call them Muhammad back
amerigoblins are really predictable
well, shit
Amerimutts rolls off the tongue
Also Americanized Mexicans are goblins, short and fat not just fat.
Which one are you lads?
o say can you see
It's a shill meme, hoss. As basic "divide and conquer" stuff goes, you have to hand it to them. The enemy gets to attack, too, after all, so we gotta' learn to take the hits gracefully.
Whatever you say Tyrone
Pic related
not a leaf again reeee
please delete this thread
rollin rollin rollin
This is gonna be bad
F, Haha what a bunch of faggots
>mfw not born in japan in a nearly nigger free environment
Ah trying to draw Daddy America's attention again? Trying to get out of our shadow?
These memes are funny (very funny actually) but, they seem like a desperate cry for help. I pity you
ah R[edit]
your stupid memes give you away
no one cares
only other faggots from your shitty board chime in
>>Gets to watch wife and daughters get raped by ahkmed to create more ahkmeds
Funny coming from a country where 30 thousand white women are sexually assaulted by black men each year.
Your wife's son will never be white
it's ok the jewish gun pile will die alongside europe
Americans really cannot take a joke
someone post that meme where america has more whites then europe and all of them are 56 percent face, you eurotards do realize that all of you flocked here and we have over 200 million whites right. Your countries besides few eastern european countries are a fucking lost dead cause. Islam is on the rise because your jewish population and brainwashed liberal scum, look at your own countries before talking shit stupid truck of peace pieces of shit.
i have sage for days
your sad campaign is silly
but this is edgy for your shitty homeboard
I'm not even American but I think this meme is getting really stale now. It's just boring, same old thing in every thread. Same pictures same memes. It was funny at first but I think we should let it die now
You are so jealous. The only multi-cultural areas are the areas white people are fleeing in the northeast and west coasts. Migratory trends are towards white majority low tax areas in the south.
gimme dat 9
Kek, one would think you all would realize based on our history, we don't care about race.
Meme is funny though
Is that Joe Rogaine?
Like .01% of the population. Okkkkkkk
No, no, you need to let them run it into the ground.
>tfw actually an amerimutt
I wouldn't even mind being non-white i just wish i was full, 100% SOMETHING. If these memes will make at least one person think twice about having kids with someone who isn't of their race, then they've done their good.
Oh gee, another thread with (((Anons))) trying to sew division.
Funny coming from a country that fucks dogs.
I'll take shit from most other countries but Canada and Britain are just plain shit with no redeeming qualities. You guys try so hard to out bantz Aussies but your attempts are pathetic.
TFW parents are norwegian immigrants.TFW i'm whiter than the Dutch op,the Russian and British people posting in this thread. FEELS GOOD.
t. Ching Chong ting tong ping pong
>muh mcmansions
You people are fucking vulgar. No taste.
you are so jealous. The only real multicultural areas in the US are in the northeast and west. But Whites are migrating to the low taxed red areas in the south. No normal white families still live in California or Connecticut.
Amerimutts will never be white!
This is the best thing to come out of Krautchan since Wojak.
Who here /6% face/?
>Like .01% of the population. Okkkkkkk
>lol its only 30 thousand white women raped a year by negroids
just sage and move along
this is trolling of the lowest order
this is babbys first raid type shit
Couldve been better
I'm dyeing right now. Too funny.
She was a great piece of ass, user. Also, congratulations; thanks to my admixture, you're about to get a 1/87th Dutch little brother!
>You guys try so hard to out bantz Aussies but your attempts are pathetic.
Top tier emotional "banter" response.
Try not to cry.
I-I-I am in awe of your white potential based user magapede
Pic related
I took my white family out of New York and moved them to Charleston SC with other normal white kids.
Whatever you can say about le 56% at least it is kind of explainable. We had millions of niggers imported to the country over centuries in the past and we share a vast border with a third world nation.
Germany accepts shitskins within open arms who travel through multiple countries at such an astonishing rate that they will be non white within a generation. Same for Canada.
Let them have their memes.
Stop being an insecure faggot.
You're 100% pure AMERICAN
This has started to honestly kill my spirit, it's well past bants at this point.
WTF is this supposed to mean, i see this "meme" all the time. Who is this supposed to offend? I truly dont understand it.
When will you learn that our purpose in life is not to impress you, Europe?
OP is a fag
Stop being a pussy, you make the rest of us look bad.
It wouldn't hurt your feelings if it wasn't true, Yank.
>You're 100% pure AMERICAN
Its supposed to offend us I think. I just find it funny, and a little sad
The weak should fear the strong
Your tears are delicious, perfidious burger
I told my daughters that they are only allowed to date whites, white-hispanics or asians. Blacks or darky hispanics are off limits.
This is just weak though, at least when an Aussie roasts you it's funny. Canadians are just useless, if I had one wish it would be the extermination of Canadians. Dubz pls
And we can't have that, can we, Amerimutt meme poster who decided to switch flags?