Drumpfkins will die trying to defend this insult to Japanese culture.
Drumpfkins will die trying to defend this insult to Japanese culture
Welcome to the rice fields motherfucker!
Watch the full fucking video you fucking leaf. He did the same as the Japanese leader.
Just because Abe did it first does not mean that Trump should have followed suit. ESPECIALLY not dumping it in the obnoxious/childish manner that he did.
>Japanese culture
Fish feeding is a thing?
Biting such obvious bate.
******BAIT THREAD********
Leaf, if you could please purge yourself off the fucking planet, that'd be great, thank you.
He's showing the Japanese how plentiful Americans eat.
Sage in all field's you worthless fucking nigger.
are you fuckin retarded? drumpfkins? what the hell does that even mean? that the dumbest shit I ever heard, IS THAT THE BEST THE LEFT CAN DO IS DRUMPFKINS? srsly BAKA I cant even you shills are fucked in the head
Be careful shills hate proof and evidence
The Japanese have no culture worthy of the name. WW2 integrated them, from a culture to Consumers.
You are fucking retarded. Cognitive dissonance kicking in again.
Canada is kind of like those fish. They only exist as a parasite on the northern wastelands of the United States. Something like 75% of their population lives within 100 miles of the United States.
You exist because we let you exist.
Fuck off you subhuman piece of shit
We exist because it would be 1812 all over again if you tried to cross our border.
One year later. Still mad.
shills and CNN BTFO
not sure if bait or you're just retarded
The state of Sup Forums taking obvious bate. Son I am dissapoint.
Bro the guy before him poured that much in too dumbass
Two good old rich dudes just having a laugh feeding some fish and getting their photo taken.
I should have known OP was a faggot.
>it would be 1812 all over again
The British wont fight your battles this time
>Canada existed in 1812
Holy shit this fucking faggot.
The people who fought in the war of 1812 and burned down the white house were the founding fathers of Canada therefore Canadians burned down the white house.
Abe did the same thing immediately before him. You must watch cnn
Can OP defend this?
Then I guess its time the White House got its payback and burned the leafpile. NUKE CANADA!
Shut the fuck up you fucking retard!
You're making us all look bad.
You got chased out of town by a fucking tornado the next day. What a bunch of faggots.
he probably did it on purpose to show what a stupid fucking tradition it is.
Go back to 9gag.
shamefur dispray
he dumped out all the good chi and let the bad chi just take a dump right all over the square bowl now the demons infest it
I asked you a question OP, can you defend this?
> Winnipeg
They gave blood because it'll be cheaper to get drunk / high afterwards
but user, if you beat us
we win
Saged, go dive in a dumpster fire.
I hope you know you're the reason our county is hated here, personally I would welcome the Muslims only so they could execute you.
Why not?
Defend being an annoying fagget... Faggot
oh look it's this thread again
living in a society that produces, accepts, and awards this type of degeneracy makes me more thoroughly contemplate a quiet suicide. goddamn these attention seeking burdens
Don’t talk about culture, Leftist, you don’t have any.
You wouldn't?
Even if this situation was what you were suggesting, I still wouldn't give a fuck. I didn't vote for him to feed some others guys fucking fish.
come on leaf this japan guy is beating you 1000 to 1 here
If I were president I would have pissed in that koi pond. Don't waste my valuable fucking time with fish feeding. What a pile of dog shit.
>canada only has a population the size of california living in a country the size of the US
They're not completely retarded, canadians just aren't use to interacting with people
what should he have done then
folks are starving and he just wastes food like that
I didn't know the CIA would pay for retarded shills this is a new one for me go glow in the dark in /fagland
Trump having a childlike mind is charming, but that kind of guy shouldn't lead the free world.
Op posted a blurry pic on top of the shitty bait post. Redditors are still falling for it.
theoretically speaking if I were to get a plane ticket to leaf land, how difficult would it be able to get ahold of a hunting rifle and some bullets?
I already have a little drill to drill out the tips so that much is taken care of
Theoretically speaking of course, asking for a friend
also how much is taxi fare from an airport to user's house and do taxis accept oversized luggage
for a friend I mean
There are starving children in Africa or Indiana or something who could have eaten that food!!!!111!11
Fucking Dotard Drumpfelstiltskin can't even feed fish right and he's supposed to be trusted to deal with ISIS and North Korea???????????? We're fucked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Meanwhile Justin Castro is shipping Haitian boat people out left and right. Virtue signaling like a motherfucker.
Oh no, how will we ever survive? Unlike Japan where the country is DYING because they won't accept migrants
Oh boo hoo hoo, poor Canada!
R.I.P. Smiley you will be missed
nvr forget
I fucking hate the Toronto Star holy shit
blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
Just admit it. You’re searching for things to get mad about.
Literally nobody I know cares or even knows about this, though.
Sounds to me like you need some brown muslims to bring some balance to that.
The Chad Dump versus the Virgin Sprinkle.
I envy you slant eyed fucks. I wish America accepted none and executed hundreds instead.
Trump conspired with the evil russians to take over the country and destroy democracy itself!
Trump overfed some fish!
Yellow land for the yellow man
3 S-C-O-O-P-S