Syria General /sg/- NBC suit Edition



>Latest interviews with Assad
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>DeZ/Bukamal Nov 9
>N Hama Nov 8
>Random Nov 6
>NE Hama Nov 5
>S Syria Nov 3

Developments Nov 9
>Aleppo:SAA capture Al-Rashidiyah town from HTS
>SDF releases 86 ex IS fighters after strict investigation who were captured/surrendered in Raqqa battle
>DeZ gov:SDF capture Markada town+24 other villages around it
>Sy MOD:Albukamal liberated from IS
>IS still controls over 60km of territory in DeZ, several towns along E & W banks of Euphrates
>SAA and allies were able to take full control of the Hamdan Airbase
>US-backed DeZ Military Council threatens to “respond aggressively” to any SAA attack in E. DeZ
>2 high ranking IS commanders were arrested by the Lebanese Army near the Sy-Lebanese border
>Report; Iraqi military allowed SAA/allies to attack Bukamal from Iraq
>Ru MoD; US continues to impede humanitarian aid deliveries to embattled areas of Sy
>Houthis score big advance in W Yemen, capturing several sites from the UAE-backed Southern Resistance fighters near Mocha Coast
>Report; British weapon sales to Saudi Arabia risen by almost 500% since Yemen war
>Lebanon believes KSA is holding PM Saad Hariri, “with restricted freedom” in Riyadh, plan to work with foreign countries to secure his return
>Israeli Army fortifies positions near Lebanese border town, violating UN agreement


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wew onur is edgy af apparently


Kazak women are hidden Gem.

>69 in Id
Yup , the only exercise I do is sex

Macron is in KSA right now
topics for the evening are
>Iran and Yemen
>The talks would also include developments in Lebanon

i don't get it, is this some roach v kurd thing?

allright i'm out
take charge of the bakery

>The Bible talks about Israel" and being shocked almost like I criticized God.
you should teach them that the schofield bible is blasphemy. the bible does not mention the modern state of israel. at all. not even once.
abraham being promised some land is not the same as promising land to jews - because the sons of abraham includes arabs.


This is true.

>The SDF aren't like the Taliban or Al-Qaeda
Confirmed shill, the SDF do the exact same things as both and are worse than ISIS because they have US backing and are a larger long term threat to the Syrian army and sovereignty

I've gave my mom a link to that movie. She hasn't watched it yet. Several years back I told my mom and dad about the Palestinian Christians Israel put behind barbed wire fences.

We haven't been fighting the SDF for the past 16-26 years. They haven't launched terror attacks on us.

Neither did ISIS until we funded them or Bin Laden until we funded him. Why is this administrations priority to micromanage the internal affairs of countries that do not concern us?


Also we have grannyfuckermacaroni is KSA at the moment.

Who else is talking to who else? where is erdowurm?

>We haven't been fighting the SDF for the past 16-26 years.
Irrelevant, domestic US politics are not the issue here, the US should have never intervened in either Syria or Iraq and there would be no ISIS at all for that matter
> They haven't launched terror attacks on us.
Kurds have joined ISIS before and have committed terrorist attacks against US forces and their allies, they are Sunni scum after all

Interesting, Kuwait is rather serious about getting their citizens out of Lebanon
>#Kuwait started evacuating Citizens from #Lebanon , sending flight that fits 330 passengers instead of 130

cool. will give it a whirl.

Anywise, I'm out. later all

having to talk in person is such a waste, if they were civilized they would just post to some tucked away imageboard to discuss shit

>Devil poster

The SDF isn't gonna attack us. The Kurds are usually pro-US. What are they gonna do? Sucide bomb us while screaming "BOOKCHIN AKBAR!"

Those are a few pro-ISIS Kurds. There are pro-FSA Christians too. The Kurds hate the Arabs, Turks, and Wahhabis. The SDF are also secular Communalists (Commies).

Netanyahu on defeat of ISIS: As ISIS moves out, Iran moves in. Iran wants to establish itself militarily in Syria, right next to Israel. Israel will not let that happen.

>Bin Laden wont attack us. He's pro-US. He's a rich Saudi Business man who fought off the commies!
Now lets ignore how many kurd groups are recognized as terrorist organizations and ignore the fact that they're also aligned with antifa.
Once again I ask: why is this administrations priority to micromanage the internal affairs of countries that do not concern us?

>What are they gonna do?
False flag attack that causes the US to get involved resulting in dead Americans, or whining about the SAA and getting the US involved
They are already responsible for thousands dead Americans in Syria and Iraq, without the Kurds there would be less of an excuse for intervention. Any US support for Kurds is unnecessary and directly results in dead Americans

>There are pro-FSA Christians too
> The Kurds hate the Arabs, Turks, and Wahhabis.
When its politically convenient to them and only then, the Saudi government supports the Kurds and they have no issue with receiving wahhabist funding/support

Can somebody give me a quick rundown of why Saudi Arabia is suddenly gearing up to go to war with Lebanon? Is this all about getting at Iran? Where did this come from?

who's hyped for the rematch with israel?

>Where did this come from?
have you not been paying attention to the ME for years?
There's a proxy war for influence and authority going on the camps are roughly defined at Israel-KSA , supported by the US trying to defeat Iran and by proxy Syria and Hezbollah, supported by the SCO

idk either but if pol doesn't side with the country fighting Le Sup Forums user, ill be disappointed.

Of course I know the Saudi-Iranian proxy war has been ongoing. I'm well aware of Syria's geopolitics, I'm just surprised that the Saudis are suddenly going after Lebanon - ordering their citizens to leave the country doesn't admit of many interpretations. Something's going to go down soon.

So Iran now has a land route all the way to the Med.

>ordering their citizens to leave the country doesn't admit of many interpretations. Something's going to go down soon.
Its possible, however the did the same thing with Qatar and it ended up basically being nothing, next i would expect economic sanctions

realistically, all we'll see is economic pressure being applied on Lebanon. The Saudis and co would need to move a noticeable amount of assets to actually carry out a bombing campaign against Lebanon.
Economically the Saudis can really hurt Lebanon, but it'll lose them fully over to the Iranian sphere

Memes aside, it may be part of the bigger Saudi+Israel deal. War in Lebanon doesn't look like an option for KSA at least until they are struck in Yemen but definitely drops into Israel cup of tea and their smoldering confrontation with Hezbollah and Assad.

Lebanon won twice against Israel already.

I think having official ties with Israel will cause an uprising in Saudi or a war that will wipe Israel. I doubt MBS would survive that.

that looks ugly as fuck muhammed

>pro-FSA Christians

Hezbollah is recognized as a terrorist organization too.

He's not micromanaging imo. He's checking Iran (Not invading).


No shit. The ISIS Kurds are Kurdish traitors.

The "moderate" terrorists do the false flags. The Saudis threw money at the Kurds because the "moderate" terrorists weren't doing well. The US backs the Kurds - does that make them Christian Capitalists now?

No such thing. Are you baiting or something? It's just another Al-Qaeda rebrand atm.

There was even an Alawite on the Free Syrian Meme Army's civil council that would lead their new government (lol). Money talks.

They existed. They often clashed with other groups. But the secular ones died, joined Assad, joined SDF, or are extremely small and less brave/competent than the jihadis. Or they only exist on paper. So basically there is "effectively" no FSA - especially now.

You think Macron will come back to home?

He's just a drumpflet amerimutt echoing propaganda at you

>Hezbollah is recognized as a terrorist organization too.
What's your point? I want the US to fix its own problems, I'm not advocating the US fund and arm Hezbollah either.
>He's not micromanaging imo
Of course he is you fucktard, when you fund and arm a dissident group rebelling against a sovereign nation you are micromanaging the the affairs of other countries. Something we have no business in doing unless invited by the legitimate and sovereign government of that nation. (and no overthrowing a government and installing a puppet state doesn't count as a legitimate government)
>pic related are the guys that you're advocating funding

>The ISIS Kurds are Kurdish traitors.
All Kurds and anyone who supports them is a traitor
>The "moderate" terrorists do the false flags.
Kurds are moderate terrorists and have committed false flag attacks, see they are listed in the PDF
> The US backs the Kurds - does that make them Christian Capitalists now?
No, it makes the Americans who support them traitors or uninformed

Yep, they existed back in 2011. Now they are just meme, can't imagine somebody in Syria being "pro-FSA" today. Especially christians.


>video date: 2012

Based German still at it
May many Russians Hapas come to you

Need i say more?

The point is that they were some christian part of FSA (before it was radicalized)

>5 of the 6 kings of Saudi Arabia have been the sons of the first king who was born in 1875

lol didn't know that.

>FSA (before it was radicalized)
Never happened, it was always heavily salafist and co-opted by Nusra, there were never any peaceful protests in Syria and they were not organized by civilians by (((NGOs))) and armed terrorists who started firing at Syrian security forces first

No shit
The FSA was just a anti gov't front before it got hijacked into al queda life

but (((NGOs)))*

I know cross threading is gay
But is this true?

I feel sorry for Hezbollah and Syrian soldiers

>Finally managed to beat ISIS
>NOw they have another huge war coming with Isr*el and S*udi

God damn no respite for those people

sure thing buddy
next time try to follow the war from the beginning before you give an opinion

They are truly on a eternal crusade against the enemy

doesnt make much sense to me because if Israel and Jordan are cooperating then they don't need to go through Syria

The US isn't going to get involved with the Kurds. They've already made that clear during the 'election' debacle. There's quite literally nothing in it for them.

Reminder that the Saudis aren't going to war over Geopolitics

They're going to war because they lost their dignity to literal goatherders in the south

>unironically believes in the (((MSM))) narrative
>trying to call anyone else uninformed
t. kike shill

>can't beat a bunch of goat headers in their southern border
>start a fight with coalition of battle hardened nations With the backing of Iran and turkey

Hez was made to fight Israel, and the Syrian Arab Army has Israel has their eternal enemy. So nothing new.

Domestic and regional image demands the Saudis appear to not be cooperating with Israel even though its clear that they would

> and arabs die and Israel laughs at them.
A war between Saudi and Hez (or Iran) will only benefit Israel.

He is right tho
For a very short while
The FSA was a genuine oppostion to assad

>The FSA was a genuine oppostion to assad
There was never a such thing as organic opposition that was not controlled by outside factors and there was never any organic protest movement organized by Syrian civilians, it was all western/saudi provocations through puppets

And Arabs can't see it
It's sad
But a Iranian domination of the region will be best for the anti Israel front

The FSA was 100% Syrian at one point in the very beginning. The international backing came later.
This is revisionist history. I am 100% with President Assad but the Syrians did start an uprising in the beginning. It was orchestrated by Israel and Saudi, that came later.

Just like the jews get whites to kill eachother.

Until the last moment i'll refuse to believe they actually will do it. MBS sacrificing his country for the interests of Israel is something too strange and too stupid to be true.

That's true,it was a artifical opposition
But it wasn't so radical at the start
It started to swing rapidly to Islamist around early 2013

>It was orchestrated by Israel and Saudi, that came later.
it came first
The US was funding and arming opposition groups as early as 2009

Being Arab (and Christian) im a bit wary of Iran. So far they have had good intentions, but they must understand that Syria and Iraq will remain arab. They have to respect their sovereignty and culture as friendly neighbours.
Im with Iran in their anti-Israel stance, but I am against them having full infleunce on how these countries are governed.

The West's foreign policy and support for Saudis is the definition of Sunk cost fallacy in play

>Israeli anti-corruption police question Netanyahu for fifth time

Trump and Netanyahu both get impeached?

I too just think it's just stupid saber rattling
But who knows what those inbred idiots are thinking

>Saudi Arabia Is Putinizing, Not Modernizing

Sure they might have been sending arms. But the uprising was started by normal people. I dont think Assad dealt with it correctly in the beginning and fell for the trap.

That is true
We don't know how far Irans Shia ambitions are going
But Iran is slowly becoming more and more tolerant of cultures
I want a iranian hegemony,but not a iranian vassles

I can't wait for Mike "turning fruits into vegetables" Pence to be president

>But the uprising was started by normal people.
some useful idiots may have participated but the leaders and organizers were not normal people but foreign agents and terrorists

He tried to genuinly negotiate with them
He just should have rolled T 72 into their face

>Wanting Mike "more neocon than Mccain"pence

What the fuck does Russia have anything to do with anything MBS does? Eliminating rivals in order to centralize power is something going back to the days of ancient Sumeria and Babylon. Are their brains that tiny? Yes. Libs deserve to lose if this is the best they can think of.

>Donald Trump once acknowledged during an interview with Howard Stern that there may be “some racism” in America, and asked whether black people would kill him if he became president on a ticket with Oprah Winfrey.

Also Iran was not always an enemy of Israel. They were one of the first countries to recognise Israel, and have never actively fought against them yet in a direct war. Rumours claim that Israel helped Iran in the Iran-Iraq war (although im not convinced this is true). So far Iran has been great in their message towards the Palestinian cause, and I hope im wrong in my doubt.

All the crying faggots on my campus might be worth it

I wonder what an Iranian dominated Middle East would look like. Let's assume virtually all the Middle East except Israel came under Iran's thumb in one way or another (Including Saudi Arabia). Would they become a moderating influence on the Sunnis? Would they push the Salafis against the West to distract from Sunni-Shia tensions? Would they be less friendly to the Christians because they don't need them anymore?

I worry Iran would become another villain and shit would repeat again.

Pretty sure iran
Who's entire foreign policy is "fuck the kikes and everyone that loves them" will work with them
But who knows what shady shit those people are discussing behind close doors

It's pretty ridiculous how they trying to portray Putin as embodiment of all evil and totalitarian and literally both Hitler and Stalin incarnate. If that's how their brains function i'm not surprised they loose.

Slow day it seems...