Rural low IQ rednecks or genuine warriors of white power?
What does Sup Forums think of the KKK?
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1st Klan was a movement of ex-Southern aristocrats against reconstruction, understandable perhaps, but their use of terror tactics poisoned former allies and got the feds to basically wipe them out.
Second Klan was a mass movement to keep WASP culture dominant in America, focused as much on anti-Catholic rhetoric as anti-black. Fell out of favour due to leadership scandals and the fact that the government actually passed immigration restrictions more sensible than they were proposing, so a lot of the supposed "need" for them went away.
Third Klan was redneck hicks, completely useless and now basically FBI plants.
Embarrassing non people. They don't do a god damn.
The KKK is a product of the Democratic Party aaaaannnnnndddd don't be a faggot by pretending that's not a historical fact.
Wall to wall feds.
An interesting thing to note is that the 2nd Klan was also vehemently anti-alcohol and supportive of Prohibition; they would actually act upon known drunks and speakeasies in the south. Kind of intriguing when they are all depicted as drunk rednecks with moonshine in their hands.
I think they're kinda insignificant and harmless... I like Daniel carver from howard stern
Probably more feds than actual Klansmen nowadays.
The latter until recently. Their methods sure worked. Shame modern “Americans”are too pussy to do anything about their government
Every klansman ive known is your stereotypical redneck/trash but goddamm they know how to have a good time
Honestly depends what era klan
Look up Bayou of Pigs, by the end of it the majority of those arrested were Canadian or American federal agents.
just pic related at this point
I have a friend that was in the Klan in the 70's-80's. He told me he got out because they wasn't about shit anymore.
Stupid organization of leftists.
Nazis are leftists too.
It's ok to be white, and blacks are statistically more likely to be violent criminals, thus worthy of apprehension and not worthy of being relaxed around. Race realist isn't racist.
nazis aren't left wing retard
Why is the American flag upside down?
A FBI costume party.
Daniel Carver is pretty cool
its a signal they use. putting a pin upside down
>not left wing
Modern KKK is toxic self-important attention whoring. Classical KKK were good people.
People keep parroting this but no. NS isn't marxian socialism. Socialist in NSDAP was a figurative form describing cultural socialism, not ideological.
>NK is a democracy
Seems pretty ridiculous now. I say that as a white who detests niggers.
OP, stupid people hate others because of the color of their skin. Smart people hate those people because of their knuckle dragging barbarism and attempts to drag whites back into the dark ages.
The militant wing of the democratic party for years and years. Now they have BLM and ANTIFA. All useful idiots for the Jews.
>not the most left, therefore not leftists
fuck off jew
this mostly
The thing to remember is the Klan doesn't exist anymore in any meaningful sense. Leftists and nogs using the kkk in modern political debate is just propaganda. The klan hasn't had any power, influence, or significant membership in decades. Its a historical relic.