>300 posts in less than an hour
>raised to the age of 18
>somehow get into college
>do this
Are we at the end of the line?
>300 posts in less than an hour
>raised to the age of 18
>somehow get into college
>do this
Are we at the end of the line?
Other urls found in this thread:
Does it need to be caca related?
That IS caca related
Can someone please give me a quick rundown of what the fuck is going on?
Let that be a lesson to all you kids out there...thats what anal sex does to you. Your anus gets so loose and sloppy that shit literally falls uncontrollably out of your ass.
Do what for what state?
It, retard.
College is a meme, woman passes out so drunk she either:
A) Shit herself so hard her thong split it into multiple turds
B) Was shit on after passing out blind drunk in the doorway
C) Passed out blind drunk, shit herself, and then others shit on top of the shit on top of her. Shitception.
It's one of the 3.
What the fuck did she eat that day?
she's already surrounded by shit, so yes.
So progressive!
It’s almost as if the girl passed out and multiple guys just took a shit on her. If not, that girl must’ve ate something serious that day.
This isn’t funny at all really. Sure, I laugh with you guys as society burns and crumbles, but I have felt first hand the damage this shit does.
College absolutely destroys young white women. It’s grinds them up, taking potential wives and mothers, the home makers of our society, and turns them into whores and fiends. This girl I use to really love was turned into a short haired dyke when she got into college. It’s awful.
These people aren’t enemies, they are intellectual casualties.
Is this what normihood is like? At times like this I'm glad to be a bitter recluse.
Jesus Christ. This stuff is so sad. Like, it legit makes me depressed.
I've been thinking that I'd look for a girl that didn't go to college to avoid just this. Is that an effective way to go about it?
>Is this what normihood is like?
Mom's hotter than daughter.
clearly shopped
>Shit herself so hard her thong split it into multiple turds
Seeing it written out like this...oh god, my sides. Like a cheese wire.
Same. I see them as victims who need to be helped. I pity them, being dishonored like that. Letting people do whatever they want is the biggest mistake. Fuck post-modernism and the society devoid of any values it creates. Fuck.
Jesus christ that's a huge shit
*who isn't even old enough to have gone to college yet
Yep. Frat parties were fun in college. Somebody passed out and you'd marker them up or pour some shit on them. Girls would get super drunk and start kissing each other and would eventually end the night either in a bed or puking in the bathrooms. Only time in your life you really see that shit.
Life comes at you fast...
scontent-yyz1-1.cdninstagram com/t50.2886-16/23422676_356474338098445_3625457163855462400_n.mp4
i feel bad for who ever touches that
>Homosexuals are just normal people like you and me
>You wouldn't even notice them on the street if you looked
how the FUCK did the shit go through her panty hose????????????????/
>Post some wom*n covered in poo
>300 replies
The absolute state of /pool/
>implying only guys would think that's funny
I'm offended!
>you wouldn't have dropped a duece on a passed out chick
Nope. Hoes will be hoes. Whores steal the show.
That's just her "Healthy SoCal tan" user.
What in the fuck is that and why are children around it?
lad, it's definitely not. look at the pic again. those are sheer panty hose.
this. jesus christ im not missing out on anything at all. these people make me sick
TPE doll it is then...
It's called X art and it's an event for the whole family you bigot.
This pic is years old, you idiots. Sage
Truly master race
how the FUCK does this guy always get away with this and why isn't he in jail yet
she was so cute...
Actually terrifying
Hey frat boy! Fuck you! You're just a dumb normie fuck and you don't belong here. Go away back to your frats partyies you piece of shit.
Tell me this frat boy, do you miss your days in a frat? Was it the best of your life?
Lad, there's no seam.
i am screaming inside
Faggot. They're weak-minded worthless cattle.
The croc cock surprise
She isn't wearing any, check the bottoms of her ass cheeks. The pantyhose would be visible there.
>Snooze you lose
Ha Ha
What the hell did I just watch?
what the fuck. i guess she just has a fucked tan? why tan JUST your legs? fucking roasties wew lad
Based Chinks
Post more
more of this please, for science
This explains why my cousin went to america young and grew up into a degenerate i would execute without blinking.
God will rain down fire and brimstone on you
I just watched taxi driver and this thread is making me want to go all Travis Bickle on my local uni.
someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum away
>Anal play is for homosexuals only