Welp, niggers want to get rid of the national anthem

Welp, niggers want to get rid of the national anthem.


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what did you expect

... I'm starting to think a two state solution is a good idea...

what they want in place of it?

bixnood mafucka doo dah diddy wah wah dah dah muh dik ruffling grass

Nigs gunna nog. Never meant anything before. Why start now?

"Well the time it is coming for them to get a message of their own, Donald Trump is the ultimate punishment and WE ARE HIS FUCKING EXECUTIONERS, I think it's quite conservitave to say that Tens of Thousands of Men are anxiously awaiting for the words to fall out of the right persons mouth telling us the wait is over, and we can fulfill our purpose in life by competing to see who can kill the most Communist. We are not weak or gentle or unaware of what is being done to us, we are the same ruthless monsters who mastered the art of warfare before your favorite demographic discovered the wheel, but neither are we the dim-witted Communist Revolutionaries or the Islamic Jihadist you fight over today. We are a disciplined, calculating menace waiting for the time to strike. Luckily for us who are anxious for the chance it cannot be far off. We have seen Terrorism, Race Riots, False Flags and Now shots fired, we are not going to sit here and watch you topple an Elected President waiting to see what Democrats prefer to Democracy. We will smash, stab, shoot and bomb you in a manner that will make the Islamic State look civilized by comparison. We'll slaughter your males, rape your women and leave your children in the company of the pedophiles you've set free upon our streets. If anyone is going to impose an UN-elected Government on the Continent of North America it's gonna be us and the only thing we're going to be more liberal with is the fucking death penalty!"

Christopher Cantwell, Libertarian, Political Prisoner.

Chistopher Cantwell is a a very emotional man who loves his Country and doesn't want to see it destroyed by Communism.

Replace it with Hail Columbia just to spite them.

we should get rid of niggers, then 99% of our problems will be solved

The hell is wrong with the anthem? I dont see a problem

Shut the fuck up
>fox news

To my Fellow Liberals and Progressives,

How can all races and all cultures be truly represented with a single government? Doesnt every group of people have seperate needs? Wouldnt it make more sense to have multiple countries, one for each group so that they are rightfully and truly represented by people they know value their existence and hold their same values and agree on what economic strategies to take? Wouldnt that be more fair? If you agree, congratulations you are officially a Nazi.


Inb4 pol rigs the online survey to make johnny rebel the new anthem

They are innovating new ways to piss everyone else off... This will not go well for them no matter what happens from here.

>They are innovating new ways to piss everyone else off
I wish this was the case, but sadly, social media vehemently defends black people.

They're too stupid to remember the lyrics or know what they truly mean. Guess they'll replace it with "Get Low."

I really don't understand these people that want to do things like this. If they hate the US so much why not just leave the country.

The ironic thing is if they went back to Africa, they'd be slaves.

The NFL players and Colin Kittencock want to replace the Anthem with NWA's Fuck the Police.

Although, to be fair for the SJW's, I think they should play this song at the beginning of the games: (listen to the first 45 seconds at least)

It’s not about the flag it’s police brutality. Oh wait it’s about the flag after all. Fucking commie fucks..

Just another step in the campaign to erode the foundations of the country so they can eventually just toss out the constitution.

If something can be dismissed because the people who worked on it were racist, then everything the US is built on can be tossed and replaced with whatever they feel like they can justify.

>police brutality
AKA, shooting a criminal who was a threat to the officer.

I'm sick of this shit.

This type of accelerationism should be seen in a positive light. What we should be doing is preparing a coherent platform to take advantage of the pendulum swing, because it is going to be dramatically rightward. Uneducated whites are going to be 45% of the total electorate in 2018 and 2020.



came to say this and also probably post jared

Yeah it's time for Ethnic cleansing or kicking them out.

I hope they keep this shit up. There are still at LOT of Americans out here that are paying attention at every sickening turn. They have no idea the mass that's just outside their urban and elite echo chambers.

Can we please meme making the fucking flag illegal now? I think it's time to bury the needle.

Hypothetically speaking, what would you choose to be the new national anthem?
Proud to be an American is up there for me.

The Great Japan triumphal march from "Nanking Nanking."

They';d just claim that was racist too.

fuckin weeb

Reminder that the NAACP was founded by Marxist Jews.

Take Me home

And white people are all neonazis

but none of the founders were jewish and one was even a puritan
[spoiler]she was a socialist too[/spoiler]

Screencapped and Archived for future reference.

You're goddamned right


Fuck your national cunting anthem.

America will literally be 60% brown in ten years.

Why the fuck should we use an anthem to whiteness written by a racist?

Your evil fucking flag and your anthem will change in this lifetime.

As a democrat - we laugh at the niggers we control.

>“one of the most racist, pro-slavery, anti-black songs in the American lexicon"

Why even say things like this? It's clearly untrue, and it's just going to piss people off. Is alienating the centre what they're going for?

There's one line in the entire song that even mentions slaves, and it's pretty clear by the context it's describing British loyalists, not actual enslaved black people, and it's in one of the later verses that no one ever fucking sings.

How did they get to the point where they're putting out press releases without a single person in the organization raising an eyebrow at this?


No, sweetie, the NAACP is an organization that was founded by communist Jews.

They're simply using blacks as useful idiots to foment their revolution. Their goal is to destroy our society and build communism out of the ruins.

Wasn't the song written by some dude who was in the middle of a battle too?

We just need to make a catchy rap version of it. I can't be hard, it's the easiest music style in the world.

They'll be so busy grindin on they hoes their stupid nigger brains won't be able to even think about protesting.

No matter how hard shills try to discredit you Kek, I'll always praise your name.


>Citing fox news as a legitimate source of information.

Gtfo you retard.

These more to your liking, idiot?



lol, fucking idiots

they are doing our job for us

oh my god
is there a video of him saying this

>dem child-bearing hips

These niggers won't stop until there's nothing left but KFC and bright colored drinks. I'm warning you.

So what else is new? Can we please get rid of the niggers now?

We meme the Battle Hymn of the Republic to drive a wedge between nonwhites and Jews and Fedoras


if blacks think the national anthem is racist, then they shouldn't get upset when whites hurt blacks because they are black because they're expecting it. Obviously this is justification for forcing blacks to accept a 2nd class citizenship and not a justification for replacing the national anthem with something that isn't racist.

Blacks, we're telling you that your life is going to suck when you get here. Why did you come here in the first place?



Saying niggers isn't a useful distinction