Controlling rage

Any got some practical tips for dealing with the average libtard, particularly at work?

I cant really go all 1488 infront of my co-workers and not be dragged off by the thought police. The stress is affecting my health.

That’s what this board is for. Containment, larp here, and be a normal fag at work. Simple shit

Stop worrying about it.

Either that or go for a high score. make sure you let us know.

I used to work with a bunch of people like this. I just started saying "super-duper" to everything. In my mind "super-duper" meant "fuck you". I sounded really positive but kept my sanity. It was really great when lots of people started picking up the phrase and repeating it

Im not gonna waste it on a bunch of normies. If you are gonna go out in a blaze of glory, at least make it count.

why control it?

Meditation, Yoga, and mindfulness.

Get involved with local politics, be a man at work aka apolitical but actively engage your community on your free time

Whatever you do, do NOT yell "nigger" if you get in a fight with a nigger.

I now how you feel. Im at TTU right now. I daydream of wearing an arm band as me "professors" are swinging from a lamp post. My ex found my moonman playlist on youtube on my laptop. A man cant go take a shit without thinken about hiding my power level. I work out and run. That seems to work. That and pbr and cheap bourbon.

>I might be stuck on a sailboat with a 67 year old raging liberal jew for 4 months
this thread is relevant to my interests.

>sailing trip with mother in-law
context my kiemf

I'm the main mechanic and electrician at work. We build boats. Owner of newly built boat wants it delivered to New Zealand. Non-stop political Jew has more sailing experience and more time on the water than I have been alive, so he will be captain.
He can't shut the fuck up about politics though, along with being a communism apologist.
Strange man for a liberal. Always talks about people being useless and liabilities and they need to pull their own weight and take personal responsibility, yet is extremely far left.

Let it out (here) user.

is he the guy signing your paycheck? If not be, you can squeek out a 14 here and 88 there just to annoy him.

You filthy heretic...You...

Op don't listen to Chaos, continue doing your best for our emperor and relieve stress here!


Nope. If I go, I plan to ignore it for as long as I can and carefully construct calm arguments for when I can no longer be silent.

hypocrisy is the MO of the left. Even the commie flag has capital equipment as its logo. Remember every time you have critizism waged at you, look for their hypocrisy. It's there, even if you don't see it at first. Its there.

Keep up the good find.

Why are you angry? They are deceived. Pity them. Look at them as a victim of Big Brother.

> The stress is affecting my health.
Why are you getting stress from the fact people have different political opinions than you do?
You should honestly see a therapist. Even children figure this shit out eventually.

How about getting off Sup Forums and doing your job? If you worked for me I'd fire your ass. Shitpost on your own time.

this, senpai

Agree and amplify. I am so over the top faggoty at work they stopped bothering me with their shit. Nothing is cringeir than a white guy who sounds like he’s about to have a terrorgasm when a spic talks about being told “you have to go back” on Facebook.

Pretend that you're baiting for (You)s on Sup Forums and false flag as a shitlib using the worst arguments possible.
>yeah but that wasn't real communism
>yeah but that wasn't real islam
You know the drill. You get to have a laffo and maybe even turn a few people against leftism at at the same time.

So THAT'S what the internet is all about!

>Any got some practical tips for dealing with the average libtard, particularly at work?
Don't talk to coworkers. Just go and do your job and leave. Nothing is more cringeworthy then buddies at work.