Gay men:
Gay men:
They make great kindling.
I hope they all suffer a quick, pain free, humane death free from anguish and despair
Blacks: At least they aren't Jews
Jews: At least they aren't Arabs
Arabs: At least they aren't Blacks
Muslims: At least they aren't Jews
Women: At least they aren't Gay men
Gay men: I got nothing
Blacks: Good at running and jumping.
Jews: High verbal IQ.
Arabs: Microtonal music.
Muslims: Conviction.
Women: Birth men, fun to look at and fuck.
Gay men: Design nice-looking outfits for women.
An underrated first post.
Kek out of ten
To my Fellow Liberals and Progressives,
How can all races and all cultures be truly represented with a single government? Doesnt every group of people have seperate needs? Wouldnt it make more sense to have multiple countries, one for each group so that they are rightfully and truly represented by people they know value their existence and hold their same values and agree on what economic strategies to take? Wouldnt that be more fair? If you agree, congratulations you are officially a Nazi.
>make basketball watchable
>make good bagels
>tight assholes
they all fit into the same incinerator
shut the fuck up you nigger kike sand monkey cunt faggot
>Blacks: ...
>Jews: make good soap
>Arabs: aren't afraid of fighting for what they believe in (unlike us)
>Muslims: ^
>Women: Good at raising children (unless they have a job)
>Gay men: Some of them are kinda funny
lol I see what you did there.
Extremely good at dying en masse
Extremely good masters of deception and kikery
Good at killing other arabs
They've got the the auld terrorism down to a tee
>Gay men:
Good at spreading AIDS which targets gays and blacks exclusively
We're off to a good start, I see.
fuck no. gas the lot.
>probably not people at all
Blacks: Basketball
Jews; Stand up comedy
Arabs: Falafel
Muslims:Also falafel
Women: Traditional marriage
Gay men: Interior design.
yeah, surprise, dumb niggers excel at dumb nigger game.
Where are these from? They're fucking hilarious.
They make great slide threads sage
All make great cannon fodder
fukin perfect
Blacks - athletic
Jews - intelligent
Arabs - warlike
Muslims - patriarchal
Women - perceptive of context
Gay men - party hard
they kill each other
they kill shitskins
they too, kill each other
..killing each other
nice to look at, sometimes
>Gay men:
they kill each other and spread HIV to other degeneret
Very musical. Jazz is famous for very good reasons.
When funny, very funny. When intelligent, very intelligent.
Historically beautiful artwork and poetry.
Strong conquerors. This is the only thing I could think of.
>literally nothing
>literally nothing
>leave more women for me by dropping out of the gene pool
Blacks: confident personalities
Jews: lots of geniuses
Arabs: strong family values
Muslims: dont drink
Women: endlessly patient with children
Gay men: also lots of geniuses
Blacks:Good at niggerball
Jews:Good at Jewing
Arabs:Hate Jews
Women:Good for cooking, cleaning, and fucking
Gay men:Good at spreading AIDS to other gay men.
Blacks: can be funny and hospitable down south
Jews; know the value of a dollar
Arabs: falafel is good
Muslims: also fear evil spirits/djin
Women: save me from talking
Gay men: can dress nicely
Not trolling, from my personal experience as a white man
Mud hut keeps rain off of Niggas, and the plates in their lips are funny.
Sand hut keep sand out him nose. Jesus good reforms.
Arab make good tent to keep sun off of his back. Camel urine give Arab fortune telling power.
Muslims serve Satan well. Make good pawns for Jews.
Women shut up sometimes. Some cook and clean. :)
Democrats have nice drugged up smile. They have good chances of getting elected in the foreign countries that they admire so much.
They all make for great drug, body part, and organ factories. Who wouldn't want to:
>Run and Jump like a Negro
>Plot like a Semite
>Control the rage of an Arab
>Manipulate like a Woman can
>Hormone fluidity like a homosexual
Blacks: The few black men who live to see their 60th birthday tend to stop acting like niggers by that age
Jews: They're very skilled at manipulating things (currency, Goyim, etc.)
Arabs: Some of their women aren't completely hideous
Muslims: The real ones (not idiot Western women who've never read the Qur'an and parade around in a hijab for attention) are fairly redpilled on certain issues
Women: Ones from Asian countries actually know how to cook, clean, and raise children
Gay men: It's wonderful of them not to reproduce