How should I respond to this Sup Forums

how should I respond to this Sup Forums

Ask him how many successful black civilizations there have been in history
>inb4 egypt

ooga booga bix nood muh dick muhfuggah

>who is Mansa Musa

"Oh, so it's okay for blacks to be terrorists, hate cops and white people, we were mean to them once"

>blacks have been uncivilized and caused far more civilizational harm than white people
Yeah because slavery caused no civilizational harm, right?

>being this autistic

how to argue like a nigger 101
>you haven't conceded to my at best vague and poorly conveyed point
>accuse opponent of not understanding
>tell opponent "do your research"
>opponents research yields nothing
>opponent wasted time, accomplished nothing
congratulations, you may not have won the argument, but you turned your opponent into a nigger

>Oh, so it's okay for blacks to be terrorists
Terrorists? What are you talking about?
>hate cops
Only statist cucks worship baconeaters
>and white people
You hate niggers, and they hate you. Btw they don't hate all white people. Just whites like you.
>we were mean to them once
Whites have objectively decimated blacks, and have done so until a few decades ago. That kind of pain doesn't vanish overnight.

Nothing, you tipped your hand too soon and now the walls are up. You have to get them to admit "racist" shit first, and yes you always ALWAYS can.

how about thinking for yourself you retard. a polnigger trying to group source an answer is hilarious

Give statistics. You can't deny math.

Do you really need to debate with retards like this? What's wrong with KKK if BLM is okay? Because the name is different?

What's even the argument at hand? You're just talking past each other

Every civilization had slavery. Only whites ended it. It's just one more moral plus for whites.

If you have to ask here, don't get yourself into these discussions in the first place.

>what is the Roman Empire

BLM supporter sniping dallas police officers ring a bell?

>getting into an argument with a smugglypuff
Wew, you really got nothing better to do.

Rape Brandon to establish your dominance as the alpha faggot

Shoot over a dick pic so he knows your alpha as fuck.

Say apparently your phone screen gives you a better grasp of reality than whatever nigger loving activities they engage in and if they’re so dedicated to the cause, feel free to go to any ghetto in any major city to make his case and see how he comes out of it.

Cry more nigger, you still aren't getting any freebies

>how should I respond to this Sup Forums

>go to FBI website
>link FBI crime statistics
>laugh as they do mental gymnastics trying to reconcile the numbers with their personal feelings


>what are the olmecs

>debating with a nigger.

What's the point? They have no notion of logic and concrete facts.They just parrot simple talking points made for them by jews or bullshit that they pulled out of their asses.

Ask him what the greatest black nation on earth is

>what is the USA

Just make random chimp noises. I don't know. I'm not a kangz whisperer.

Kingdom of Axum was okay.
But when you compare this one temporary arrangement to the rest of the world it is beyond pathetic.

She is making a mistake in seperating genetics and culture. Our culture has a major influence helping us with mate selection. If I had two girls in front of me, one in a designer top and skirt vs. one in a hoop dress and bonnet, my culture tells me the girl in the designer clothes is more attractive via cultural relevance to myself. If I'm going out to 'get laid', do I wear the culturally approved jeans and t-shirt or do I wear a frilly shirt with a powder wig? My culture is helping find the right mate.
Lets say following those cultural rules, I get lucky tonight. What if the condom breaks or if I end up marrying the girl and beginning a family with her? Then my culture has had an impact on the genetics of the next generation. Our culture and our genes are forever intetconnected to one another.

>What is NWA
Ice Cube nugguh


You are both too stupid to discuss this topic. Consider discussing a suicide pact instead.

With this.

Looking out for one's own has always existed, without the commonplace laws that even allow this fucking mouthbreather and it's ilk to say what they can, they would be as tribal as any other group.

You do realize that slace trading in Africa was a thing before Europeans started buying Africans and ahipping them out, right?

That one anarcho-african that killed a white frat kid in Texas

I don't know. What are they?


What is british empire

>You can't deny math.
Math is logic. Nogs and libs are afraid of logic.

remind them that kkk was democratic party

zzzz tldr

You give them this



why are you texting my brother


thats how.

Tell Brandon he's a fucking cuck and should spend more time focusing on his classwork than echoing BLM rhetoric.