Name One Good Reason Why Left Wingers Shouldn't Be committed to an insane asylum

Here's a hint.

You can't...

Right wingers are pedophiles.

Duh user. They are womyn and pocs. They said they are sane so it must be true. Listen and Believe when womyn and pocs speak.

BAHAHAHAHA... Sorry, Leaf. You're libtard friends have just won the 'child molestation' award.

Fucking left wingers are so fucking stupid, they don't even know how fucking stupid they really are.


No wonder the world laughs at you retards.


You're all fags, user.

Feminism always fails.

Antifa are nothing but spoiled rotten 3 year old children throwing temper tantrums.

Not to mention that left wingers all drive like mentally retarded women.

I say, we put them all away. Or just purge them in the upcoming civil war.

Somebody needs to marry that one fast.

You're too kind user. Reality is we should line these pieces of shit up beside a long trench...

Can you imagine how much it would cost to feed and house them all?

>Name One Good Reason Why Left Wingers Shouldn't Be committed to an insane asylum
Because you aren't, and you deserve it.

I need to know what triggered her so badly for science.

You can tell a person's character based on how they treat animals.

it's free health care

Do we even have insane asylums anymore?

Because the doctors in an insane asylum are leftists as well, meaning there is no real treatment for them.

It will suffice to put them in prison.

They are funny to laugh at in public?

>free healthcare, food, and housing
Stop being dumb

Just restrict voting rights to adult males who own land, there's literally no reason that urbanites and single mothers should be allowed to vote