Do you support literal pedophiles when you agree with their politics?
Do you support literal pedophiles when you agree with their politics?
we pedos now
wtf?! I love pedophilia now
Interesting that he has been pushing so hard, so publicly against gay sexuality as disordered when his own is clearly disordered.
Too many of the shill posts
No, pedophilia is a hard and fast way to the shitlist in my book.
It seems like he treated those girls pretty nicely, actually.
And let's use the term ephebophile.
this is a step down from being called a nazi, i dont care
Shitbirds (Russians) so bent out of shape about pizzagate fairy tales are now amazingly silent
14-year-old isn't pedophilia
Nah, I don't believe anything that comes from the Washington Post
Found the shills
I support all pedophiles if their relationships are consensual.
sure thing faggot
do you support the Washington Shitpost?
He's not a real pedo. I know because I am a pedo.
Turns out, you can only run a disinformation campaign for so long before people wise up and stop believing in anything all-together.
Been pedo since 07
That is the word's tiniest gun.
So I would be shilling...for Moore? And against the deepstate.
If being attracted to prime teen pussy is wrong, I don't want to be right.
I don't think you understand the legal definition of consent. Your argument would not stand up in any court of law. Would you want your underage sister/daughter to make that choice for herself?
It is a funny pic! Pwew! Pwew!
Did I say it was a legal definition? Consent is affirmation. The law should be changed.
>Would you want your underage sister/daughter to make that choice for herself?
Want? Who knows. I would allow her to.
...bruh... he convinced a mother he just met to watch her daughter while she went into the courthouse. Then hit on the 14 year old girl and got her number while the mom was going through proceedings. How Russian are you? Are the rubles enough?
This guy is a predator. Probably even killed someone too.
Funny, my mom used to visit her grandma in semi-rural Georgia, right on the Alabama border during the 1970's.
Starting at age 13, her grandma would flip her the keys and let her take the car wherever she wanted. My mom said she got stuck in ditches a couple times because she didn't know how to drive.
The left expects us to be that a 14 year old in rural Alabama needed watched by an adult INSIDE A FUCKING COURTHOUSE?
"It was early 1979 and Moore — now the Republican nominee in Alabama for a U.S. Senate seat — was a 32-year-old assistant district attorney. He struck up a conversation, Corfman and her mother say, and offered to watch the girl while her mother went inside for a child custody hearing.
“He said, ‘Oh, you don’t want her to go in there and hear all that. I’ll stay out here with her,’ ” says Corfman’s mother, Nancy Wells, 71. “I thought, how nice for him to want to take care of my little girl.”
>14 years old.
>Needed watched at a courthouse like a 9 year old.
What age would you allow your daughter to make that choice 5, 6, 7, 13 when? I see where you are coming from, but like with everything you have to define the line somewhere.
how do you figure?
No. Hang them all.
McConnell already denounced him. Which means that there's truth somewhere. If not, you'd have the repubs keeping it quiet or defending, but they're actively trying to push him out of the range.
Your reasoning for adult supervision is pretty fucking retarded as well.
What a stupid faggot.
actually McConnell and McCain denouncing him makes him seem innocent
Teenage girls are the best. I disagree with any law that prohibits males of any age from screwing around with them.
why'd they make it so obvious?
>allowing your daughter to choose her mate
Never. You choose for her user.
sorry, no one is falling for this
fuck you and fuck the GOP
Oh boy, the neocons that threw millions of dollars for his opponent, suddenly wants him to step down.
I think this makes him more innocent.
This bullshit is talking about something that was said to have happened almost 40 years ago. This never came out until the month before an election. I call bullshit.
When can I fuck your 13 year old daughter?
It would depend on her level of maturity. Different people have more or less intelligence/maturity at differing ages. I've met 10 yr olds more mature than 40 yr olds. I would probably make the stipulation that she would marry or be in at least be in long term relationship with who she has sex with. This isn't uncommon for inter-generational relationships.
>more Jewish lies
Prove the allegations. Accusations aren't evidence.
This. Kill all pedos and let's just restart
The Swiss managed to go smaller
But then all he did was some over-the-underwear stuff. And then took her home when she wanted to go home. All in all, pretty good job of restraint. Probably treated her better than the average 14-year-old boy would have in a similar situation.
And that that chick thinks he broke her life...please, my nigga. Life broke her life.
Yep, it's a big fucking lie, but the libs liesare always glommed on by the lowest skum like john mcshame
idiot fuck that got caught and is no war hero, and lost his election because he's insane
lifetime fuckface with a fucked state he let illegals invade like flies
who is this giant?!? 'big' news if not photoshop
I think we are talking about something different now. Anyhow good luck with that! Godspeed.
Bitch McCuckold isn't credible, he's best buds with Lindsey "Childtoucher" Grahamnesty.
Just wait until Trump comments on it and see what Sup Forums and the magapedes think of him then.
If Trump comes out and says "I always knew Moore was a bad (or sick) guy. That's why big Luther Strange was the best pick! Let Strange run!"
then Sup Forums will most likely support Moore's ousting
if Trump says "We don't know all the facts, and we know how the fake media can be. I still support Moore!"
then he is confirmed /ourguy/.
Where's the proofs
Establishment asshat finds a reason to denounce a MAGA candidate and get a Democrat elected. Color me surprised
Lindsey Graham, my good suh, is a distinguished gentleman, even if he putts from the rough
Meh, honestly I think this user was right:
>Just wait until Trump comments on it and see what Sup Forums and the magapedes think of him then.
You faggots don't have an opinion yet. Just waiting on Trump to finish his Asia shit before he can figure out how you'll think about this situation.
If a politician's personal life makes you not vote them then you're an idiot. Dems still love the Clintons despite Bill's immorality.
That's because you're a soy drinking lefty faggot though. Not because you can prove he did anything wrong
>implying I ever had any problem with this
So it's not her choice, she cannot consent. This is dumb. Sorry I'm out. Godspeed.
No, idiot. I said change the laws where she could. I am defining my own rules as a parent because you asked, not what the law should be.
Checked. Is it true you get DQ'd if you get a boner?
A pedophile would never be a national socialist
Not quite the same when it's your own daughter, is it? Fuck wit.
After you marry her and get no fault divorces repealed.
I don't see how anyone could get a boner from wrestling. What are you a fag?
You have 4 women ready to bear testimony in court. Are you expecting video evidence? I bet you'd like video evidence. What evidence are you expecting. Bet if this was a lefty senator you'd be burning this guy at the stake.
> Everyone who doesn't reinforce my hug big box is a shill
Nigger, Roy Moore is a nut job Christian and a pedo.
Men vs women wrestling exists.
How many did Trump have? They all mysteriously dropped their stories after the election. This is a deepstate tactic. You're a gullible piece of shit who just really wants this to be true because your party is garbage and can't win any other way
>weeks before an election
>allegation made out of the blue
>he said she said bullshit
>no proof
>every. single. time.
fuck off, nobody believes this shit anymore.
Why are you anti-Semitic?
Would you let your daughter near him?
Multiple pictures or I cannot believe you.
do you like Soros' balls or shaft better faget
Democrats 101: blame everyone for the exact shit you do. fuck you
Did your highschool not have a wrasslin' program or are you just underage?
If this were any state outside of alabama, being a pedo would have been a negative.
so much cooler than the rest of us sheep
oh you mean existing only in a work of fiction?
The establishment spends tens of millions of dollars to defeat Moore in the primary. Lose that fight. All of a sudden... a woman comes forward after 40 yrs accusing him, a la Trump, and it's credulous to consider ulterior motive here. Progressive logic is retarded.
>You have 4 women ready to bear testimony in court.
Testimony to what?
That he read poetry and played the guitar for them lol?
[spoiler]I was soliciting images of cute girls being pinned you blockhead[/spoiler]
They've hit rock bottom and their wonderful blue wave was met with a resounding "eww" from normies. Don't let them off the ground shitpost them into oblivion
this, there is already polling being done and nobody believes these allegations. Democrats should back off before the backlash starts, hell it's probably already starting.
>They've hit rock bottom and their wonderful blue wave was met with a resounding "eww" from normies.
Wtf u talking about? The elections on Tuesday was a dem wave.
Correct and checked.
1. It wouldn't be pedophilia even it was true, they were long past puberty and in high school
2. It isn't true
fuck off
Anyone who believes this shit is an idiot. So these ladies waited 40+ years without saying anything during this guy's long political career, but then right before an election they go right to the fucking Washington Post? Give me a fucking break, how stupid do they think people are?
they won in states they won in 2016, they lost in places like Pennsylvania that they needed.
mcconell - LOSER faggot
30 year old nothingburger "there's some truth to it"
Swamp hates him. They'd rather give a seat to the Democrats than validate Bannon. Strange that after decades of Moore being controversial in the public eye as a judge, these 38 year old allegations with no proof would just happen to come out just 23 days before a Senate election. Coincidental timing, no?
they got cocky with their 'win' and forgot that people don't belive their shit.
Literally children.
this absolutely
McConnell has an axe to grind. His PAC threw a bunch of money at Moore's primary opponent, Luther Strange.
Strange would have been obedient to McConnell, but Moore won't be.
Either way, I'm excited because anything that happens now increases the chances the Democrat could win (though his chances are admittedly pretty slim).
Dat filename. Qeq
They tried the same shit with Trump
Alabama GOP can't replace him. So...
>dem wave
lol, they finally stop losing and suddenly they're going to the playoffs.