What happened to this faggot? It's not only him though. The "skeptic community" (other than Sargon and some irrelevant others) have seem to disappeared of off Youtube.
Have they been slayed by the alt-right?
What happened to this faggot? It's not only him though. The "skeptic community" (other than Sargon and some irrelevant others) have seem to disappeared of off Youtube.
Have they been slayed by the alt-right?
Other urls found in this thread:
his patron alone wasn't enough to pay rent
Naked Ape sounds like Morraku(?) from The Daily Shoah, I think that it's the same guy. Notice he used the same sound effects in his older videos that they he uses on TRS.
There are new ones, though, like Aiden Paladin and Black Pigeon.
Apparently he's been feeling depressed/blackpilled and hasn't had the motivation to make videos. Edgy said that he'll be back eventually.
naked ape is unironically based, I wouldn't consider him a skeptic
Most of them have joined the alt right.
Ape got a job hes popped into his discord now and again and still plans to do videos eventually but only when things settle down with his work and shit
i was thinking about his youtube the other day and missed his his weekly anecdotes
if youre in here make a new video by end of next werk amd ill donate to your patreon
Black Pigeon is meh.
I do like Aiden Paladin. It's nice to see a female youtuber who isn't an attention whore like shoe or lauren souther.
Nah he just had to get a job.
Also to those saying patreon wasnt enough it was more that his patreon got SHOAH'D after one of his bernie videos no less.
Link an example
The Skeptic community Was a gateway into anti-liberal thinking.
Ben Shapiro and Steven Crowder/other is a gateway into conservative thinking.
BPS is a gateway into removing alignment from any political group and taking the final red pill on our Political/Financial world sending you into the Nihilism path. If you reject it and show resilience you will either go down National Socialism or National An-Cap.
This is the path.
Kinda funny since he was one of the few people on the skeptic community to be redpilled don race realism.
I guess he's too busy sucking Tyrone's dick
how do you guys feel about Devon Tracey?
Absolute garbage right up there with TJ
Not enough neo-reactionaries making videos.
Up his own ass
It's easier to feign intellectual substance by being aloof in a short blog post than a video.
dr layman is good to.
He is busy with work.
>Despite that I miss him.Though he is a literal faggot he is a prime example of what I want in a community. Gay or not the man is a conservative.
BTW I hate gays
Stopped being profitable, alt-righttube was clearly a bubble that attracted a bunch of talentless hacks like NakedApe on board.
This genre suffered the same fate as every other genre, it even has it's own tittystreamers now (that people pretend to take seriously).
Youtube won't die like people say it will but only the strongest will survive on the platform (they'll still ask for patreon donations)
What is it that makes a YouTube channel good?
While we are the topic of shitty e-celebs what do all think about this sperg known as Lazia "The larping Turk" Cus?
bobs and a pretty face.
Him and Ryan Faulk are my two favorite autistic faggots on Youtube.
Who was the guy who chewed out the trannies and didn't cuck when they called him conservative?
>Have they been slayed by the alt-right?
No, there just isn't as many crazy feminist to go after.
Braving Ruin/Edgy Sphinx introduced Naked Ape to TheAltHype. Naked Ape got redpilled on race and now his worldview has significantly shifted. He's taken months and months off to make sense of it all.