How many people are in the Alt-Right?
3 I think
The actual beliefs in anglosphere countries?
40 Million or more
depends on who you ask. how many people are antifa?
"Alt-Right" is not a real ideology, it's just a strawman made by Hillary and the media.
alt-right is just a term that categorizes anyone with rightist views that liberals don't like.
it's not a real concept
Over 9000...
reminder. The Alt Right isn't real.
destitute vagabonds.
wannabe bureaucrats, who cant pass the FSOT
so probably, 8% of the population
The core alt-right is pretty much just Spencer, TRS and their gay little drinking circle/private club. Confused journalists misapply the term, I don't think Sup Forums ever self identified with it much.
Yeah let’s just be atomized individuals and fight over every little thing and keep losing.
Theres no reak definition, nor is there a united organization of some sort. Depending on who you ask, you yourself might be an "alt right" if your political opinion is to the right of the radical left
Maybe 40 or so tards that identify as alt-right. But, if you use the media's, as well as screaming esjaydoubleyous, interpretation to what counts as alt-right, that's in the tens of millions
6 gorillian
The numerical answer though is obvioudly 6 million. Duh
Before being Shoahd r/altright had 35'000 subs and was gaining roughly 1.5-2k a month.
I'd estimate it would be around 60-70k by now
with a postmodernist piece of shit logo like that?
identity europa is the core activist group and the amount of people in that organization is around 800
>you have to accept the label!
Fuck off. Sup Forums will never be ''alt-right''. First of all the name is fucking retarded. Second, the claimed ''leader'' (Spencer) is either a retard having a talent to fuck things up or he is a CIA nigger.
One of our greatest strength is our formlessness, giving no clear form for our enemies to attack.
Daily reminder that "alt-right" is a term created by a kike.
>According to the MSM: over 6 Gorrillion
>In reality: zero