Starting to slip back into depression again. finding myself wishing e.g. that my plane would crash...

starting to slip back into depression again. finding myself wishing e.g. that my plane would crash. what keeps you going, Sup Forums?

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For me, it's been bad the past 2 months, really bad. I hope it gets better.

Godspeed to you user.

This isn't very helpful because I have never suffered anything even remotely similar to depression at any point in my life, but I like learning and teaching people new things. I was teaching one of my coworkers about one of the tasks that I've handled for the work group on Tuesday and while teaching her about that we talked about picking locks, so I'm going to be giving her the short course on lockpicking tomorrow. I dunno, its the little things like that that mix up my life enough to not kill myself when I accidentally listened to "muh sex junk" a la Bill Nye. It was close though.

ITS OKAY TO BE WHITE posters keep me going.
When they stop having affect I will attempt to get murdered by a lefty mob while putting them up.

i just dont feel like i have anything to live for. the country is a fucking mess and if trump can't reform it i don't have much of a desire to leave a legacy behind. the scales have fallen from my eyes and i can't keep participating in the fake reality that most people experience

Chain watching Jordan Peterson videos.


Ok user, this can go two ways and I'll let you decide. Do you want a mediocre pep talk or do you want your individual concerns addressed?

The latter

>what keeps you going, Sup Forums?
Education, self improvement, exploration, hobbies, projects.
The difference between the civilized white man and uncivilized negroid is this:
We see an obstacle in our way, and we invent a means of overcoming it.
We dared dream to go faster than any living being as gone before. We dared dream about flying machines. The steam engine. Locomotives. Spaceflight.
We see our inability to do things as a challenge and as an obstacle to be overcome with our superior intelligence and cunning, and we take that challenge. It is our very nature, it is what it means to be human. It separates us from the animals. It is our human spirit.

>what keeps you going, Sup Forums?
The sobbing of libtards when they don't get their way, or when someone speaks the truth and libtards can't silence them.

>tfw stuck in a rut
I feel you OP

Oxycontin and get a qt 3.14 anime waifu that you want to do right by.
Dead serious. All that "bro hit the gym, get a hobby bro" shit is for normalcucks who don't know what REAL suffering is.

Alright faggot
>i just dont feel like i have anything to live for.
Nobody can give you this, if you can't live for yourself live for other people. Go do something with your life. If you live within 100 miles of another human being there are ways to help other people out. If you can't get high on altruism then at least understand the analytical positive impact you are making on other peoples' lives. Go work in a soup kitchen or pick up a bunch of trash, just go do something.

>country is a fucking mess and if trump can't reform it i don't have much of a desire to leave a legacy behind

Muh fucked up country, then move to a based state. If that's what it takes then that's what it takes. If you are in california or illinois then yeah, you have my pity, it sucks anus to have government mandated homosexuality enforced by faggotry squads, but that's not how it is everywhere. No matter how bad it gets it won't be totally fucked before you die of natural causes anyway, in the mean time, make yourself useful to yourself and your community.
> the scales have fallen from my eyes and i can't keep participating in the fake reality that most people experience
How the fuck old are you? 14? You have no specified concerns go listen to "wake me up" until you realize that "fake reality that most people experience" isn't a thing. Everyone is just coping with the actual reality in their own separate ways. There's no grand conspiracy, its just most people cope in similar ways.
>So what does this mean to you?
Running under the assumption that you have tried other peoples' coping mechanisms and they don't work for you, do something different.
>I'm going to fag out some 'be the change you want to see'
Damn right. Your specific concerns are those of perception and I am not going to tell you to delude yourself. No 'but's. Go make the things that you think would be good for the world happen. (just don't go shoot up a school or some gay shit like that)


Not pol, first post. Depression induced Wishing is not the same as facing the chance of terminal illness i. e.: 'guess I really don't want to wish THAT after all. Finally find out that you are NOT terminal and immediately fall back into "Crap, here I am wishing again!"
Depression is the illusion that sells itself as truth, it's real, but much of it consists of lies about perception.

I believe I found why God put me on earth.
Do you know your purpose, user? Do you know God?

For me, the surest cure of depression has always been to look outside of myself. Help people, volunteer your skills or time, donate money to good charitable causes, go out of your way to be intentionally giving. This is not only rewarding for you, but it gets your mind off of yourself and your problems. I bet you've been spending time alone lately, amirite?

Seek God, and give to others. These are two very surefire ways to being more fulfilled (as opposed to just feeling 'happy') and purposeful.

I don't recognize that last panel, what is it?

I do but not in the Judeo-Christian sense. More like the Masonic grand architect sense.

Ride it out. Be conscious of your thoughts. First sign of my depression reappearing (that I notice) is that 'kill my self' and such epithets return to my vocabulary.

If you're an old hand with depression you know your individual warning sides for certain severities (hopefully, and if not LEARN them).

Talking about it almost always helps, you just have to find the right method or outlet. Suicide or help lines for some. Family or friends. Councillors. Writing a journal to yourself. Vocalisation leads to definition leads to less questions about how deep the unknowable pit of despair really is.

Exercise too. Work up a sweat. Then sit quietly with a damp towel over your shoulders for 5 minutes just focusing on breathing.

Meds help for some. At the very least most people can eventually find some that can help with certain symptoms if not the problem itself.

Shit sucks senpai, you have my sympathy. The trick is to know yourself warts and all. Sometimes that hurts more than you might like. But life isn't meant to be pain free. Best of luck matey.

All threads hidden out of disappointment, depression and anger, in my interpretation.

OK but it really does come down to what you believe about Jesus
>For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth on Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.
My advice still stands though user. If you want to get lifted out of depression, find a purpose for your life and give of yourself to others. It's absolutely 100% foolproof. (BTW i'm not saying to be a sucker and a doormat, but to give and yes even sacrifice at times, for the good of others)

Whitepills from Murdoch Murdoch

>Vocalisation leads to definition leads to less questions about how dep the unknowable pit of despair really is

>The trick is to know yourself warts and all.

>Life isn't meant to be pain free.

This guy knows. cheers lad

I keep going because I’m pissed, stubborn, and I refuse to let the world win.

Evola put it into the abstract and then i saw it happen in my own head.. and then i saw what it was and knew that the thoughts were not my own. Further, mysticism would say it is the outside... change the thoughts user.. see them for what they are and overcome them. You do this and you make the world around you better too

Thinking of this one girl I want to bone is basically the only thing keeping me going atm

What's the best introduction to Evola? I love reading about mysticism.

AKA thought analysis and discrimination via mindfulness. Different explanations, but neither are wrong. It can become habit forming if you can carry through with it. It's not fun though, and not for the weak of heart. Probably best practiced while already improving or once you find yourself at the start of a decline. Can be done alone, but it can also be good/necessary for some if they do it with someone whose judgement they trust.

All about dis-empowering that which should not exist in the first place. The dark thoughts, the intruders, the paranoias born of nothingness.

Find those thoughts that are spawned by genuine concerns, and address them. Those that are baseless, or exaggerated, you set aside. If it comes back again, you recognize it, call it what it is, and set it aside AGAIN. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. It becomes second nature.

More whitepills:

Having something to strive towards or keep you busy is really important. Fixing up your place, reading, learning a language, etc.