Is Grilled Cheese Racist?
What the fuck is wrong with you? God damn psychopath.
Pretty sure the school knew about his allergy and still fed him it. If your kid has allergies, it's best to just prepare them lunches yourself because otherwise you're relying on some min wage cuck to do it right.
if you can't handle a grilled cheese fuck you need to die.
Niggers can't process lactose, what else is new
>born this broken that you die for eating a sandwich
If you have to go through life without eating grilled cheese sandwiches....then why even live?
>being lactose intolerant
he had it coming.
all we need to do is feed niggers cheese and watch them all die off
this is what happens when kids are left in public institutions. the lowest qualified workers (minorities) get these positions. They can't remember jack shit about their kids. They die from anaphylactic reactions
send your kids to well-to-do schools starting from an early age.
Grilled cheese is a symbol of white supremacy. Those melanin monkeys can't handle a dose of calcium
>dying from eating cheese
Even niggos are turning into soy bugmen.
This is a great thing. If you can die from fucking peanut dust or some other extremely rare allergy to common foods you shouldn't be mainstreamed into public school.
We live in a dysgenic society. People with insanely bad genes fuck like rabbits and our society encourages them to be healed by doctors and waste billions in medical resources for someone that shouldn't even be allowed to come to term. Same thing with fixing the hearts of babies with down syndrome, just a complete and utter fucking waste of time and resources.
He died of an allergy, not lactose intolerance.
Other kids die from fucking peanuts.
His mom was probably a black hippie granola eater.
Mom is a left wing vegan hippie, die of allergies because mom was eating bullshit while pregnant and probably cleaned around too much.
Black kids in the ghetto don't die of allergies.
I got $50 on cheese for niggers right now
what was he allergic to? lactose intolerance doesn't kill your ass.
>Italians aren't white
>what is mozzarella
Fuck off kike
>3-year old
Damn, we lost a genius. He could've been the next Neil Degrasse-Tyson.
Nigger degrasse tyson is a dumb nigger who's worshipped by kikes and shill nye
wow, we need to ban grilling, cheese, and bread from kids food now
This. I can't stress this enough.
My little brother has started to act like a little niglet because he's going to some shitty spic/nigger minority school. Thank fuck I've had varying, healthy experiences in my life and never felt the need to idolize nigger culture.
I've learned a lesson from the mistake my mother made when she moved to Florida. I'll only send my kids to well-funded, white majority schools.
He was being ironic, you're preaching to the choir.
Niggers have overpowered immune systems due to Africa being infested with diseases.
You must be new here
What the fuck are you talking about? Does that kid look like an Italian to you, dipshit?
Blame this on her parents. Reason this problem exists is because the mothers didn't eat a varied diet.
We shouldn't be feeding niglets grilled cheese. Traditional nigger food is other niggers.
I wanna put peanut butter every where and watch kids die
>not overcoming your allergies
Was formerly lactose intolerant and allergic to peanuts here. Now they are among my most eaten foods
A... Ah.. are all nogs critically allergic to grilled cheese Sandy's? I'm just asking for a friend.
no, but schools clearly are. We should ban schools from admitting (oppressing, for you brainlets) People of Color! It is nothing but a continuation of the slave state!
>Sup Forums wants to get rid of their beloved Japs while allowing poo-in-loos and certain Central Africans to survive
traditional nigger food is dirt water
Unfortunately no.
Nignogs love pizza (but really who doesn't?).
Milk allergies come from an allergic reaction to lactose (the sugar). If you introduce the enzyme lactase, which breaks down that sugar, you shouldn't get an allergic reaction. Your body can't break down lactose without lactase present.
Raw milk has lactase in it, but when you pasteurize it, the lactase is burned off.
Lactase is sold as a supplement in stores. I'm allergic to milk myself, so to get around that I either drink raw milk, or take a lactase capsule before consuming milk and I get no allergic reaction.
By weebs maybe.
This is the first one I've ever heard of.
...Except that Japs have been drinking milk since forever.
I understand the peanuts, allergies can be overcome.
lactose intolerance isn't an allergy; it's a genetic predisposition to not be able to properly digest lactose, a protein in milk. Allergies are an immune response as a result from natal exposure to proteins, whereas lactose intolerance is an actual genetic inability to produce the necessary enzymes to digest lactose.
so... I call bullshit, because science.
Why is a 3 year old at fucking school?
That map has to be fucking bullshit.
Argentina 80-100% although majority are of Italian descent? Italy and Iberian Peninsula so high at 40-60%? Israel so high?
Yeah I don't buy the accuracy of this map one bit.
Niggers are in school at 3 and still can't read
This. There is no other reasonable reply.
Their dairy is processed to remove the effects of lactose. East Asians are highly lactose intolerant.
There is literally nothing whiter than a grilled cheese sandwich.
is that a fucking IUD in that babies hand!?
Dairy products are foods of white supremacy.
Niggers can drop their kids off at Pre-K to babysit for them on the taxpayers dime.
Dirt cookies actually. They're a staple of third world nigger diets becuase they've killed everything resembling food around them.
Google cure lactose intolerant.
he's a fighter
Public schools have become an appendage of the welfare apparatus. We call it school, but it's really just a means to ensure nogs are fed
>He died of an allergy, not lactose intolerance.
You should really finish high school before posting in a +18 website, it's pretty obvious to anyone that can read that you shouldn't be here.
NO! Go back to Africa and help your kind. Leave us whites alone!
This is a mistake. Your kids will be brainwashed lidtards like mine because they never see nigger culture and only what the femicunt teachers tell them. Homeschool
A little youmg to be going back to school and getting his life back on track.
Now he'll never dindu nuffin :(
Lots of schools in poor communities provide state-funded meals to students so lazy/broke parents just dump their kids in school ASAP so they don't have to cook.
Go on Br'er Rabbit, cop a feel on that fine ass tar baby.
You can actually become temporarily lactose-intolerant by not consuming dairy for a while as you age. You can generally slowly re-introduce it to get things working again though.
Also, to some people in this topic, lactose intolerance won't kill you. It just gives you stomach pains, gas, and, at its worst, a short instance of diarrhea.
bullshit, milk allergies come from the casein protein not lactose
I'd homeschool them and let them have social outlets via clubs and sports my niggy.
You're either gonna get an entitled little niglet or a brainwashed sheep if you do public/private school
They should poison more of the niglets
>Black kids in the ghetto don't die of allergies.
You're right, they either die from abortions or live long enough to get shot by other niggers
>Land of overpowered immune systems is also the land of AIDS
This chart is lying, I have never met a lactose intolerant person in my whole life
And please tell me why I should give a shit about the death of a nigger? It would've just grown up to be a criminal anyways.
Or, you know...
...die in the ghetto
wtf i love grilled cheese now
Yes, yes it is.
Niglet looks like Tyrone Biggums
>That better have been lactose free cheese
I'm asian and lactose intolerant. You fucks should put my needs before the many. (come you do it for fags, trans, and women)
Isn't everything?
jigglets, going at it.
Have you considered that they just don't bring it up? Lactose intolerant people can consume small amounts of dairy and be pretty much fine, too.
wtf i just made grilled cheese and am eating it now. fuck niggers this shit is delicious
>Sup Forums has never heard of peanut oil before
Such beautiful and majestic culture.
Truly we have much to learn from them.
USA, UK, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, and Niger confirmed for last bastions of the white man
>day'quan's father goes to "pick up some smokes from the 7/11"
>doesn't come back
>day'quan's mother flies into a rage
>starts beating little day'quan
>day'quan goes to school, crying and bruised
>while the niglet sits alone at a table eating his grilled cheese sandwich, none of the liberal teachers question him about the bruises, repeating amongst themselves "it's not our position to judge cultures other than our own"
>day'quan comes home to the sight of his mother pensively stroking her welfare check before setting it on the counter
>day'quan goes to pour himself some grape juice
>spills it all over the check
>mother chimps out, beating day'quan much more severely this time
>after tossing him to the ground, she stomps on his neck with her nigger feet
>day'quan dies from asphyxiation only a minute later
>"i-i don't know what to tell yuh, offica! it musta been that grilled cheese day'quan ate! h-he had one of them peanut allergies! that racist school's gots to be sued for this!", the mother says while sweating bullets
Big if true.
Really oodles the noodle.
>Be little dog
>Be nothing but love and joy
>Get adopted by a NIGGER
I feel so bad for it.
is that in the us?
Somebody needs to do this to her for treating her dog that way. Except, make sure her neck snaps.
Just looking at their clothes I'd say yeah.